The Chaeffeur's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before The Chaeffeur's first Contract.

The city of Bristol in the United Kingdom, he lives there due to it being where he was born and not really having any other circumstances to allow him to live elsewhere. His home is a place he rarely frequents, his parents being mostly negligent of him.  A home filled with nothing more than the bare essentials, and more care given to his siblings than anything else. Being a middle child usually meant he was ignored until he was needed. Whether it be to transport them or help his siblings. Most if not all of his parent's attention was handed out to his eldest and youngest siblings.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before The Chaeffeur's first Contract.

From his job as a Grocery Clerk, working from 9-5 sometimes with overtime mostly due to him wanting not to return home. Long days filled with armies of uninterested people, people barely getting by, and angry stuck up individuals acting as if they are kings forcing their power over their domains. Having to hide his money whenever he saved it, he wanted to get a car to let go of his responsibilities and feel free for once in his life. He usually spends it on Cars, Car Upgrades, and food. Cars being his escape from his home life, and food being a way for him to get warm food meant for him and only him. The first and last of his possessions past the clothes he was handed down.