Texas is...Texas.
It's hot, largely a red state, and as they say, everything's bigger here. (people included.)
Dallas is where my parents are. It's just a city, nothing special.
My house's average. Decent size, lots of rooms. Nice furniture...
You know, the works.
My room's where the magic happens. I keep my weapons there, i hang up my robes, i watch anime and keep a manga collection. No intruders allowed.
I also keep a sizeable collection of games both digital and physical-- Devil May Cry is a personal favorite. Not two though, two sucks.
Me and my school friends link up over discord and hop on NG to do some reaping and some PVP, in fact, The Agency's all local. It's just me and my friends.
Nothing special, not too much to say, it's an average spot.
However, the dojo, where we do all our game stuff?
Unending supply of melee weapons, training floorgrounds, and, thanks to yours truly; A link to the crimson flame guildhouse.
My coworkers aren't very happy i've breached Agency grounds in terms of relationships, but i'm Caeros, and i do what i sure as hell want.
We, of course, keep all our offices there as well. My clients don't get to see much of The Agency's grounds, being an off-the-books hitman and agent of death requires some sworn secrecy. It helps, also, that i can't say a word anyways.
Ohhhh. Money.
Well, i get my game funds through my job. People pay me to take other guys out. Just the small fish, i'm pretty low level but i assure you i am well, well trained.
As for my actual money? I...Don't have any. No job, but i survive off of birthday gifts and random good deeds from friends.
You've gotta keep in mind here, i'm 17. I just do combat tournaments and hit jobs, sometimes i help my fellow newbies grind stuff out. It's rough workings, but it's workings nonetheless.
I don't spend it on much, i just buy as the mood strikes me. I've got all i want, save ammo and gear. It's nice checking my balance and seeing the zeroes, though.
I'll absolutely drop cash on my coworkers and guildmates though, no question. Even if it ain't much.
Well, being a hero's got it's ups and downs.
I wanna be the guy.
When i go down in some kick-ass blaze of glory, i want people to go 'damn, Caeros!?' That's all i want.
A drink at the afterlife would be nice too, haha.
I'll do whatever it takes, except evil. I'm contractually bound to not be evil twice over.
The Agency and Crimson Flame have pretty similar goals, come to think.
I'll be that guy, just you watch. It's only time.
You know, save that? Being the guy, that is. I guess i just want to have fun, get away from all the fighting once i'm strong enough. Maybe i'll retire and only rain sweet scythebound death on the bad guys only when i need to. I don't mean to sound like an egotist, i know i'm weak and all, but it only really feels like all i do here is fight. My expectations are pretty set on that, too- When i fight, i win.
I want to do something that isn't fighting, and if i gotta fight to get there, that's kind of an oxymoron, but i'll do it, man.
That's really all there is to be said.
It was anime. And video games.
No, actually, uh... My brother, you know, before he moved out and went to college, he was a HUGE nerd, and when i was a kid he got me into his nerdy ass hobbies.
And now i'm like my brother. Unfortunately, of course.
We used to watch trashy anime all the time together and then we'd hit eachother with sticks in the yard, shouting stupid move names. You know, kid stuff.
Then he moved out after we both grew old and sad, and then i got older and sadder.
I just kinda drifted for a couple years, existing in a void trying to get into all his old hobbies. Didn't really feel the same, you know?
Then NeoGENIS came around, and suddenly all that old shit became new shit, and i was like 'oh shit, for real?' I'm gonna be real here, i was hooked.
Made an old OC into a game character, and then before i was even level 2 i started fighting. Straight into the PVP lobbies, getting thwacked by all the high-levelled sweats. It inspired be to go back to those times where we'd hit eachother with sticks and yell and re-enact fights from Bleach. As cliche as it is, it really inspired me.
I didn't win very often, but i was getting better.
My brother, Jason. He put me onto all this. Didn't get me into NeoGENIS himself, of course. He's been at college for a year or two now.
The dude's cool. I mean, what else do i say? He's my brother, we grew up together. I'd say that's important.
Next is Sora. Guy i met ingame.
We hardly talk, but he's a badass. He can't ever hear this, especially since he's kind of my boss, but i look up to him big time. He's like...Me. But bigger. Big me. Big man, the big boss.
I don't see him much, but when i do, it's usually something important.
And lastly, my school friend, Thomas.
Co-founder of The Agency, fellow reaper, also the leader. Despite me being the one who had the idea in the first place, he has legal rights and authority over the un-official guild. Out of game he's a total nerd. The numbers kind, i mean. Not the geek kind. He helps me with my homework and we play pathfinder with our school's Gaming club. A lot of the time half the class is talking about NeoGENIS-- Hell, we even got our teacher to sign on. The other half's busy discussing other things.
Also a member of the A/V Club. They tell tales of an ex-student who payday'd a bunch of equipment, i think it was in my freshman year.
Wonder where he is now. I mean, hell. I saw the portrait in-game. Didn't see much else. Hope he's okay.
Well, i covered this a little bit before.
My parents are average, they try their best to understand my brother's (and now my) hobbies and interests, but they're just a little too behind the times for it.
Dad's an accountant, mom's a newscaster. Very average jobs, probably gonna go the same way myself once i decide to get my shit in gear.
I do go to school, it's pretty normal. A lot of my classmates talk about Neo-GENIS, myself included. I participate in clubs with my stupid nerdy friends, we hang out on the weekends and we do the work, Sometimes we study ingame at the offices during downtime actually. It helps cause when you're frustrated at numbers that don't exist you can just mop your guildmates in a duel or go on a walk in some deadly ass forest.
Being popular, or, talk of the town as it were, at this age, sucks.
It sucks so bad, dude. I'm at school and some kid will go 'are you Caeros?' and i have to act like it's not emotionally crippling to be recognized as the no-life pvper infront of the jock kids. I have a damn fan club, man! A fan club of reapers and shit.
I can hardly believe it, you know. People are like, 'show me a scythe trick, dude!' and i have to be all 'with what scythe? we have a math test to study for.' and it's a little bit of a let down.
You could say i fit in too well. Being The Guy pays the bills when it comes to fame, but i'm in the public eye out of game too. It's not even my fellow Reapers either, just me. You wouldn't believe the looks i get at the offices just 'cause i'm cooler than most players by default.
Le Sign.
Anyways, it's okay at times and kick-ass at others. I've noticed a significant increase in my ability to actually throw hands, too. Maybe i'll ask to sign up for boxing lessons or something? Ah, i don't know, man. Tale's only just beginning anyways.
That. Now that's a deep-cut burning question, jesus.
Oh, the blood. The blood is everywhere. I think i'm dying. Oh, no.
I think i'll die before i answer your question oh nooo...
Okay, fuck, fine. You've got me here, so i might as well.
There's one girl, yeah. Emily. I like her.
She's sweet, talks to me. She's also a girl, so apparently i AM likeable after all.
Yeah. So...I mean, i can't say much else. She doesn't play NG either, kinda 'eeks her out' according to her words. I understand that. Wearing a headset that hijacks your brain does sound kind of dystopian and horrifying. I've seen SAO (as bad as SAO is) and i know what she means.
Makes it hard to connect, especially since all my dudebro buddies just want to hop on when we've got time. I'll get her one day, man, i swear.
No, no, seriously.
I hate spiders. I hate spiders so much.
Like the Batman, i became what i fear. I'd say i'm Spiderman now, but i'd have the disney-sony-godonlyknowswhatelse corpos on my tail before i could blink, and it's hard to emote with that mask on.
I guess, though, i also fear not being a hero, in terms of my employment as a reaper of the Crimson Flame. Not being able to step up, to be cool. I'm 17 and here i am concerned over a digital world.
God, i need to get a hobby.
I guess, though, considering the old ghost story of Jade Stevens, i guess it'd be pretty scary to get swallowed by the headset. That thing they call CLYW is a literal ghost-- I mean, i've seen it. Stream clips, stalking the lobby, stories from other players. I hear that they saw it ripping apart the game during that big scare where a bunch of players passed out or got stuck.
That's fucking horrifying. Some real sci-fi shit. I wouldn't know the half of it, but what they call 'CLYW' is a digital ghost haunting a video game, and i think it used to be a student at the same school i went to. Don't you know how fucked up that is?
I'm also, i guess...Kinda scared of time. Getting old, dying. Any teenager ought to be scared of that. I'm also scared of being popular- In realspace that is, not ingame. Being Caeros rocks. Being KNOWN as Caeros, though? Awful, horrible, bad. Leave me alone, Josh from Math Class, i know i'm a nerd, but you really don't have to rub it in.
I've been stalking the forms, and i keep hearing about this 'bleedthrough' thing. That's what the people call it. Will everything bleed through? Will i BECOME Caeros? It's a pretty reasonable fear, i'd say. It kind of explains where my fighting acumen comes from. With the tweaks they made to the melee skill, i'm kinda curious to see how my martial arts hold up. Because i guess it'd be pretty terrifying to suddenly become a human weapon outside of the game world.
...Oh god, what if i grow spider legs!? No, no, no, no. Ew, fuck, perish the thought. No. Not happening. I can probably get them amputated.
...What was the question about again?