Luminous Aurora's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

Archival Questionnaire, Log 1 - Location of home, User: Luminous Aurora, Real Name: Orion Cosmatos


File Accessed.

Data imported, Log resumed.


Interviewer: "Hello there Luminous, I am a interviewer from Neo-Genis, we might ask some personal information if that is fine, of course these surveys give slight benefit in game! You may refer to me as 'The Interviewer' or 'Mr.Interviewer', So first question first, What town or city do you live in?"


Luminous: "Oh! nice to meet you, I'm Orion, more rather known as Luminous in the world of Neo-Genis! Where I live? well... I live in Texas currently, specifically Austin. I've lived here for many-a-years now, been here since it was just a rural land, not whatever this big bustling city is haha..."


Interviewer: "Why do you live there instead of anywhere else?"


Luminous: "I live here because its where I have been for most of my life. Since I could remember, its been basically Austin! I would move, but probably not anytime soon, My main job is here, my best friend grave is also here and I drop on by to say hi to him pretty often.


A click can be heard, as the tape stops, before resuming.


Interviewer: "Describe your home for me"


Luminous, "My home is pretty simple, a 2 story house, Upstairs is a gaming room that I've left the Neo-Genis gear at, along with it has a PC, a bed for whenever I need to sleep but still stay next to my computer, and 2 closets. Downstairs, I rent out 2 rooms to others, while the master bedroom is mine. It has a fan, some LED lights to brighten it, and just a large dresser, otherwise, pretty bland room. I do have some figurines laying around in the room, but these days, I don't really pay much attention to them"


Another click can be heard and the tape ends there.