Special Agent J. Gottlieb's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Special Agent J. Gottlieb's first Contract.

DATE: 03/28/2024



Federal Bureau of Investigation
Violent Crimes Division


The arrival of this Agent to Chiyoda, Tokyo Prefecture took less time than expected and I began work straight away. This Agent is currently working closely with operatives from the Public Security Intelligence Agency who have informed me that while ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ is still at large, there is solid evidence of his presence across Japan. I maintain that sending one of our own to investigate this matter was the correct decision, though it is the belief of this Agent that my partner would disagree.

I have still not received word about my partner from Socorro General Hospital, however the latest word as of 5:14 AM local time on 3/27/2024 was that while they remain in critical condition, their health has stabilized. I will advise the Director personally when developments arise.

I have booked a 'room' in a capsule hotel in nearby Minato to serve as my living quarters while I am here, which was approved by the financial department instantly. I am hoping these arrangements will provide privacy and anonymity.

It is suggested by this Agent that further investigation into this case (for reference, Case No.: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮) must continue at all costs. Evidence of the subject's influence and area of affect is growing, and a pattern will no doubt arise through thorough scrutiny.


Image pictured: The Agent's Living Quarters.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Special Agent J. Gottlieb's first Contract.

DATE: 12/23/2023




As a result of his poor performance in the field and out of concern for various breaches of contract and explicit disregard for his own safety, it is the decision of these Department Heads to lower the yearly rate of pay for Special Agent J. Gottlieb, from $▮▮▮▮▮ to $▮▮▮▮▮ until such a time as this Agent can show satisfactory improvement in the field.

In addition, Special Agent J. Gottlieb is to be put on mandatory leave effective immediately. 

Furthermore, monitoring of the agent in question will be mandatory once he is back in the field, until it is no longer required. A packet detailing the terms of this monitoring will be made available to the Agent in question.

The consequences detailed here have been agreed upon by all parties, both verbally and in writing, after several meetings and court proceedings detailing the recent incidents concerning ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮, and will be made active effective 01/01/2024.

Reviews and psychological evaluations will take place at the end of each quarter (specific scheduling to be decided at a later date,) and copies of the agreements will be made available upon request.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Special Agent J. Gottlieb's first Contract.

Found this typed-up paper at the place you had me go case. I guess you're right, and he's this washed-up FBI agent? Anyway, dude needs to get laid because this shit is depressing. I better get hazard pay because this guy is pa-ra-noid. Like, major. Guy hasn't been at his house for weeks, but the place was done up like Home Alone, Government Edition. Fucking wacko. Anyway, listen. This proof that I was there was the least interesting thing I got, but it's got a couple interesting tidbits if you need a chuckle. Get me that hazard pay, and I'll let you have first refusal at the weirder shit I found.

(The second page of the letter is clearly typed on stark-white copier paper, slightly wrinkled and marked with a single coffee stain. On the back of the piece of paper is a name, presumably the addressee.)

I know you understand why I can't tell you this in person or over the phone.

The Assistant Director showed up here, today. He, knowing our situation and current investigation, served me papers and said I was on mandatory leave effective immediately. Now that we're uncollared, we can use that to our advantage.

There is something sinister eating at the edges of my vision. I sit here, and that wretched thing sits with me and my misery.

I will continue rushing forward beating my head against this wall until I am black and blue. Until I become one with the turned earth. Until any memory of me (not that there ever will be one) will have been long gone.

Once I finish here, I will be booking a flight to where your contact pointed us. It may be a dead lead, but it's something.

I know you'll find this; come find me.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Special Agent J. Gottlieb's first Contract.

"I, J Gottlieb, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, domestic, and otherwise; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation, thought control, or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


A puckish man with light brown hair stabs his fork into a piece of broccoli and jabs it in the direction of his dining companion as he speaks. "Like, congratulations and everything, but you know this means it'll be hard to convince someone to have a lasting relationship with you, right? Like, no one will want to take the risk."

"It works for me; I'm not interested."

The young man pops the broccoli into his mouth, and upon hearing his colleague's response, laughs around it. He swallows, and continues: "Seriously?  But..." And he ducks his head slightly and lowers his voice, "Giles?"

"He was something to pass the time; to help me get through the academy. I'll give him the news tonight, but he'd be a fool if he hadn't seen it coming."

"Damn! You really are cold blooded, man."

"I'd never suggested we live together, I'd never met his parents. I've made sure to establish certain boundaries, and that we'd never be seen by any of my, or his, friends in public. He was more like a..."

An eyebrow raise, another bite of food. "Friend with benefits?"

"Sure, if you want to be so crude."

"I'm not the crude one here, my guy. I feel sorry for him."


"...So, that's how it is."

"I know you, J. That isn't how it is, that's how you've been very careful to make it out to be. I know you, and while you hide under your stoic mask, and your carefully crafted narrative, the real J shows love in real, tangible ways. He is gentle, and kind, and openminded. He is--"

"I said, that's how it is."


"Get out."

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Chaos Theory

You have reached the voice mailbox for (xxx) xxx-xxxx. At the tone, please record your message.

"Hey J, it's me. I hope you're taking advantage of this mandatory leave and not just moping alone in your apartment. Call me when you get a chance. I have some news you might like to hear. It's not about that, but it is about last week's case."

(The voice is that of Agent Gottlieb's work partner, Special Agent Alex Kato. They have left four similar voicemails. They have all gone unread.)


"J, you there? I know you're super busy with classified bullshit but would it kill ya to pick up the goddamned phone once in a while? Can't believe this bullshit... Listen, call me back or I'll fill up your voicemail. Don't underestimate me, alright? And hey, don't go killin' yourself over this fuckin job. It's just a job. Remember?"

(This voice belongs to one of Agent Gottlieb's oldest friends- Adrian Gonzales.)


"Mister Gottlieb? Yes, just checking back in, the item you asked for has been in for two weeks. Please stop by at your earliest convenience."

(This voice is the owner of the local international market, who also deals in items of a supernatural nature. Gottlieb works closely with them when the mood strikes him.)