Trinity's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Trinity's first Contract.

I live in historic Salem, Massachusetts at a convent called The Prior of St. Germaine. The building itself is made of harshly cut, grey stone bricks giving it an archaic feel and rooms that are cool even in the summer. As for my quarters, they are spartan but suitable. I don't stay here for the 5-star amenities. My cell serves a purpose in my greater mission, nothing more.

I came to live here by circumstance. After I finished divinity school and exorcist training I was sent to Salem because of it's status as capitol of the supernatural world in the northeast and with it's elevated status come all of the shadows and demons. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Trinity's first Contract.

I do not own physical possessions and any money I receive is through the grace of the Church. Upon admission to the clergy is a nun is required to make 3 eternal vows. Firstly, poverty or the willing abstaining from ownership of possessions. The priory that I live at is named for a saint that was a staunch believer in the vow of poverty. Secondly, the vow of chastity or abstaining from sexual intercourse. I don't find this one particularly difficult as I am asexual. Thirdly, the vow of obedience. I am sworn to obey my superiors in order to protect our holy mission or so they say. I feel like the last part is about controlling us. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Trinity's first Contract.

My goal is to avenge the souls of my parents. When I was a child, my mother was possessed by a demon that murdered my father before consuming her body in flames. I was taken in by a church orphanage and encouraged to become a member of the clergy by the faculty. At school I met a lecturer who was presenting on the subject  demonology and malefic magical afflictions. He was intrigued enough by my persistent questioning to do some digging and discover my past. After some examination of my character he decided to take me on as an exorcism student. 

I would go to any length to discover the identity and true name of the demon that killed my parents so that I can destroy it. I have taken vows and dedicated my life to this single minded purpose. I would gladly die or be annihilated forever in order to achieve this.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Trinity's first Contract.

The death of my parents changed the trajectory of my life forever. As a child I was petulant and argumentative. A model only child of a well to do family I was given everything by my parents. Witnessing their horrific murders traumatized be in such a way that I rarely feel safe of act with my guard down. 

The dreams are the worst, haunted forever each night by a grotesque abomination wearing my mother's face. Sometimes I think he is taunting me, using his unholy magic to torment me when I am most venerable. Little does he believe that it makes me all the more hungry to end him forever.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Trinity's first Contract.

Father Liam McDonough: Liam is amongst the foremost experts in the world on demonology. He became interested in me when I attended lectures and helped to secure me my current precinct, or area where I hunt demons. 

Reverand Mother Flora Shipton is the abbess of the priory where I live. She is a kindly old woman with good book-keeping skills. The sisters of our flock are her main priority is she is fiercely dedicated to her position. I think she finds me a bit odd and unapproachable. It might also be that I occupy a position usually given to a priest and the power dynamic between us is muddled.

Tim Chamberlain is my best friend from the orphanage days. We were both standoffish kids that had rough backgrounds. As we grew up we always remained in touch and still meet regularly for lunch and call each other to vent our emotions. 


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Smell no Evil

My childhood was cruel and traumatic. From what I remember of my mother and father they were good parents, kind and doting. When I was with them I went to a normal local primary school. 

When my parents died I was taken in by the church as an orphan. I was provided with meager group accomodations and silent cafeteria meals . Everyone in there had a sad story to tell and most group activities were somber affairs. I was given a uniform and sent to Catholic school. It was much like public school except for the mass services that were compulsory and the simple uniform in shades of blue. 

I never fit in with the kids at school but that was ok because the kids at the orphanage had each other's backs. You can call in trauma bonding perhaps but our shared displacement made even the most disagreeable pairs defend each other when the chips were down.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Smell no Evil

I have never been in love in a romantic sense. I am simply not built that way. I think that was part of the reason I joined the clergy. It was a way to by pass the whole dating and sex and love and marriage thing. This way I can focus on my research and my nightly work. It's better too in that there are fewer things a sadistic demon can take from me or use to get to me. I hunger instead after the ecstatic compassion of the saints, a subtle love expressed by a  duty to protect, devotion, and sacrifice.