Aurelius AEthergraft's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Aurelius AEthergraft's first Contract.

Aurelius Aethergraft lives in the family estate of the storied Aethergraft Family in Salem Mass. As the heir apparent of the Aethergraft Family it would be unseemly for him to live elsewhere as a bachelor. The main branch of the AEthergraft Family has lived in the estate since at least the early eighteen hundreds and, over time, upgraded it to suit their needs. Improvements such as magical protective barriers, enchanted statues, and blood sealed doorways protect the family from those who would steal their secrets, and most importantly, their grimoire. The grounds are kept, and guarded, by a clan of hedgewitches, the leader of whom was granted a magic arm in exchange for their services.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Aurelius AEthergraft's first Contract.

Aurelius AEthergraft gets his money from a stipend his family pays to all young members of the household as long as they are being educated in the ways and traditions of the storied AEthergraft clan. Much of Aurelius' money and free time is spent searching for AEtherite to bolster the families dwindling supply. When an AEthergraft dies any AEtherite they've been grafted with leaves their body but if they suceed and fully ascend it becomes their permanant magical body. Because of this the chests of AEtherite the clan brought to the new world with them have emptied over the years, leaving them barely enough to grant each member an improvement on their entry into adulthood, as is tradition.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Aurelius AEthergraft's first Contract.

Aurelius AEthergraft's ambitions are twofold; secure a supply of AEtherite to ensure the continuation his family's storied legacy, and to fully embrace the AEthergraft way and ascend to become a being of pure AEther. Aurelius will use any means necessary to ensure the continuation of his families ways. His personal goals take a back seat to said continuation but beyond that he won't let anything or anyone stop him from ascending. In some ways ascending is, itself, somewhat similar to dying as you no longer have a flesh and blood body so in a way you could say he'd come very close to dying to achieve his goals. 


This game requires you to write too much. If anything the other members of a playgroup should need to read and approve a questionaire/journal to recieve rewards instead of an arbitrary word count requirement. This would ensure people didn't just write nothing and hit submit while also making sure the players know about eachother's characters.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Aurelius AEthergraft's first Contract.

The most defining event of Aurelius AEthergraft's life was the (literal) eye opening experience of seeing the world through his AEther upgraded eye. Seeing things as they truly were in such clarity he could have only dreamed of. He knew in that moment he wanted more, no he wanted it all. Every available augment, and then, ascension. He knew it would be a struggle, he had seen the state of his family's AEtherite stock and knew how hard it was to come by but in that moment he knew, he would stop at nothing to achieve the family's toughest goal.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Aurelius AEthergraft's first Contract.

Aurelius formed a sort of older sibling relationship with the hedge witch who kept the stables, an older man who went by Hagrid. Despite his bulk and gruff exterior Hagrid was always willing to listen when he needed to vent and gladly turned a blind eye when Aurelius would sneak out. "S'not right, keeping a young man cooped up all hours of the day and night like that." Aurelius once heard him mutter.


Kellen Tavadon was just another in a long line of tutors Aurelius' parents hired to teach him everything a young heir needed to know. Under his tutelage however Aurelius learned faster than under any other teacher. It was under his guidance that Aurelius learned enough about the human eye to do his first AEther grafting ritual.


Argentius AEthergraft is a cousin, a member of a cadet branch of the family. He's deeply jealous of the main family and their ability to limit access to the family ritual and wants the family grimoire to himself.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Hell Week

A A grew up wealthy and sheltered, with many expectations but access to the knowledge he'd need to meet them. His parents instilled a strong sense of duty in him, to the family, and to himself. Having been homeschooled A A never had any peers, not that many could claim that title even if they'd been in the same class. His parents are the Duke and Duchess Aethergraft, two of the most influential people in the north American Magical community. Many high wizards tried to lock A A into apprenticeships over the years to gain influence over the heir apparent to the Aethergraft fortune (both magical and monetary) but the most they were ever permitted was the rank of temporary tutor. Of the many hedge witches hired by his family to protect and maintain their estate he befreinded a large man named Hagrid who acted as a second father to him.