Markus Houndeville's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Markus Houndeville's first Contract.

"Oh, I live in The Dalles, Oregon. Yeah, I moved here for... job opportunities. I work for a tech company, Goo-"

[Note: Markus Houndeville (pronounced 'Unde-ville'), Employee I.D. #1284-E-621, has not been registered in our company's payroll for the last 6 months, despite the fact that he is still present in our employee database.]

"Why did I choose to pursue this opportunity? Uh, well... Lack of upwards progression in my previous employment. I... desired more financial stability than they would offer, and a... more challenging and engaging work environment-"

[Mr. Houndeville's previous salary placed him well below the poverty bracket, per the 2022 tax bracket. As to his definition of engagement in the work environment, his I.D. has logged utilizing the workplace gym and shower facilities nightly. Of crucial note, his I.D. is rarely logged leaving the building. We believe him to be using our facilities as a makeshift living space. We attempted previously to contact him outside of work at his listed residence, but it has since been condemned as of April of 2023.) Rarely logged leaving the building, rather, meeting room number 137-B is logged for periods upwards of 8 hours a day for his own team's discussion and think-tank. Most of this 'team' has, since its inception, been divided across vastly different positions in our company infrastructure. Notably, most of them reside in separate facilities entirely. Only one individual from his 'team', William Norton, Employee I.D. #1284-C-422, still operates in this facility, though still in a separate department.]

"My quality of life is great. The work is fulfilling,-"

[Investigation of Mr. Houndeville's so called, 'work', there has been no activity logged in his company drive in the past 8 1/2 months. This is of great note when considering the previously noted fact that he hasn't been on payroll for a mere 6, indicating that not only has he not been under our employ while taking advantage of our facilities for most of a year, he still received pay for 2 of those months he was not working.]

"-my home-"

[Again, indicating our facilities.]


"-has opened up a lot with some effort towards an open floor plan.-"
[Note that our standard meeting rooms would be a vast improvement to a studio apartment's floor space if the meeting table were moved against a wall. I could not personally confirm this due to meeting room's team exclusivity during booked times, which are nigh-perpetually booked by Mr.Houndeville's so-called 'team.']


"-I think the natural light it lets in is doing wonders for my emotional well-being.-"

[Pasty Meeting room number 137-B's western wall is composed mainly of floor to ceiling windows, facing the forest on that side of this company building.]


"-I even have my own home gym!"

[This motherfucker.]


[This was the end of our preliminary 'interview'. I had to leave soon after to avoid breaking this smug bastard's glasses over his nose. Further investigation through remote system access to Mr. Houndeville's personal computer, I have found that he has done almost nothing but produce illicit digital art, both on commission and for personal reasons and/or use. THE FUCKING PARASITE HAS BEEN DOING NOTHING FOR THE PAST ALMOST YEAR BUT JERK OFF IN OUR MEETING ROOMS, GYM SHOWERS AND GOD KNOWS WHERE ELSE THE TROGLODYTE'S DONE IT, AND DRAW FURRY ████████████████████████████████████████ FOR MORE THAN MY SALARY, ████████████



Internal Auditor, Employee I.D. #1284-C-61, has been terminated for insubordination, unprofessionalism, unacceptable workplace conduct, and breach of consumer privacy. If you need to recover any files or records from his company drive, contact H.R. at 1-800-███-████ during workplace hours, or at ████████@█████.com.






Dude, Markus, I cleared the record of this investigation from the company servers, but you gotta cover your tracks better man. I won't be able to do this again if someone else finds out and start lookin'. The only reason you got away with it this time is divine intervention (yours truly), and the fact that this guy's manager happened to walk by while he was loosing his mind over your shit and some of your, uh, art portfolio was still center screen on his desktop. Also, you should probably stop using company services to store your personal data. I'll show you some alternatives later. Cheers,

- Will

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Markus Houndeville's first Contract.


Commission Prices



Typically from the shoulders-up.

Flat - 60 usd

Shaded - 70 usd



Typically from the hips-up.

Flat - 90 usd

Shaded - 100 usd



Flat - 110 usd

Shaded- 140 usd


Fullbody (Feral)

Flat - 90 usd

Shaded - 100 usd


Reference Sheets

More shots or addons can be discussed, and the price would be adjusted accordingly.

A reference including a front, back, and headshot is 230 usd



Comes with accented shading.


Scribble Page

Colored sketches.

One fullbody, one halfbody, two busts and three scribble-chibis at 150 usd



Communication and estimates are required for background pricing and NSFW or extreme content (18+), DM for info.

Complexity fees may be added based on character design/outfits and reference material provided.

Turnaround time is generally about 48 hours unless stated otherwise.


Support me and fund my new art tablet and 'reference material' @ my ██-██, ███████, ██████████████. Linktree in bio.


[Full Terms of Service]