Logan Devon's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Logan Devon's first Contract.

Logan lives in a town a little way off from Cleveland, though it is a bit of a lie to say that he lives in the town he lives on the outskirts of the town in his bunker where he runs bizarre scientific experiments. the town is called Ellsworth and it is where Logan grew up originally. he is generally see as the weird man who lives in the woods but is otherwise well liked because he helps the town out a lot. he lives there because it is nice and quiet while still being close enough to a town to facilitate decent internet connections. it is a small town of about a hundred people and has a small grocery story and a number of hardware and repair shops that service the towns needs.   

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Logan Devon's first Contract.

Logan gets his tidy sum of money from his patents that he has produced in the field of bio science. none of them were notable but they are good enough that some interest groups are willing to pay a small amount of money to use them in their products. He mainly uses this money to facilitate his true ambition uploading people into a virtual reality simulation. his first step is to create a method of data storage that could store and compute the data that would be necessary for such a world to occur. He is currently experimenting with cybernetics that link directly with the mind.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Logan Devon's first Contract.

Logans ambition is to create a virtual reality where everyone is given the same starting point so as to try and facilitate a true meritocracy, the likes of which the world has never see. He wants to do this because he is tired of generational wealth and old money families being able to rise to the top because of "Hard Work" read they were given their first million or started with an valuable money making asset. he believes that the cost of a few lives might not be that great if his dream were to true. As well as that he would be willing to sacrifice his arms and legs for the sake of his goal, if it would immediately complete his goal he would even be willing to sacrifice his life but he would need absolute surety that it would complete his ambition

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Logan Devon's first Contract.

His most defining money was when he realized just how unfair the world is when he realized that hard work would not be enough to get someone out of poverty when he realized that pulling yourself up by your bootstraps was originally meant to be something impossible. it made him into a bitter man who wants nothing more than to give the system a much-needed reset so that every one starts from square one he is innately a little paranoid not enough to be considered as having the condition but enough that it isn't really skepticism anymore. That said he has one close confidant by the name of Huey


5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Logan Devon's first Contract.

The person that he is closest to is a man by the name of Huey Ryland he is his closest confidant and is the person who he converses most often with. he is a taller Caucasian looking man and is one of the only people that Logan looks forward to meeting as Ryland worked his way up the ladder and now owns the car repair shop in the town where they both live. the other two people that he could be considered close to are Rusty and Page who are two children that he watches and talks with over his complicated monitoring system that he has set up in the woods through the use of game and trail cams all hooked up to a display that he has set up to notify him of anything that is moving around in the area where he is currently staying. Rusty and Page's parents don't really like them playing in the woods but can't really stop thme as there isn't much danger.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Thomas Clown Affair

Logan was a studious young boy his family lived just secure enough to be above the poverty line enough that he never had to worry about where he was sleeping that night nor did he have to worry too much about what he was going to eat, it was not always healthy, but it filled him up all the same. he grew up being a strong proponent of the idea that hard work leads to rewards that if he makes the right decisions at the right time and with enough determination to get back up that he could be the next youngest billionaire. these dreams were quickly shattered a bit into college when he realized that money sticks to money and the best way to get rich is to start rich. due to his studious habits, he didn't fit in a ton, but he knew enough about how to keep his head down and get through the day.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Thomas Clown Affair

Logan has never been in love finding it much to tedious and time consuming to be in a lasting relationship and as such while not outright rejecting other thoughts towards him will do nothing to intentionally reciprocate their feelings. He does not put much stock in the pleasures of the flesh seeing him self as an architect of something much greater than himself and any time spent on his own frivolous desires is much better spent moving humanity towards a new golden age. One where there is a true meritocracy and those who want it and are willing to work for it are able to achieve their dreams and goals.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, To Russia With Love

logan is afraid of dying without being able to wipe the board clean. To die without being able to at least temporarily allow everyone the same starting point from which to move forward. he is afraid not of death built of dying without achieving his goal. While with time that goal might shift around a bit the fear still remains. What logan is truly afraid of is to reach the end of his life without having made an impact on the world. Whether that be a small impact of ensuring one person gets to start on a level playing field. His fear is in summary that he will eventually die a second death. the first is far less frightful than the second. “Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal.” ― Ernest Hemingway. he fears being completely forgotten that his legacy will not be enough to stand the test of time. He fears that no matter how much good he does in the world that he would eventually be forgotten, and his legacy eventually corrode into dust. Logan fears that when his time comes, he will inevitably wind up forgotten.  

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, To Russia With Love

Logan's most prized possession would have to be his lab coat. this is because of what it represents to him, it is the culmination of his life's work so far. it is something that he earned. that he toiled and labored for, and he has plans that make use of it in the future, perhaps he will turn it into a way to protect himself from being killed. He also values his lab because that is where he does most of his work towards his goal. That said his most important item is the coat which he plans to turn into a way to protect himself so that he may become less of a combatant and work more toward helping his group stay alive. What he values third in the order is the enhancements he has made not because of what they are but because of what they represent a massive step forward toward leveling the playing field for everyone.  

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, To Russia With Love

the biggest problem in logans life right now is his combined inability to end a threat before it does too much damage and a lack of available options when it comes to ensuring that his party makes a swift recovery when the threat inevitably fails to be taken down before it harms anyone. This is what has informed and guided the gifts that he receives with him receiving the ability to improve his allies as well as mend them of their temporary and more permanent injuries and scars. this should mean that he is able to heal his teammates after they are injured. Going forward in the future he wants the ability to heal an ally during the fight rather than just ensure that their wounds don't get any worse. this will enable him to operate in most conditions bar the extremely strange scenarios that inevitably popup after enough repetitions.        

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, To Russia With Love

Logan's mornings typically start with him waking up in the bunker that he has turned into a laboratory/clinic/living space. after that he normally spends a bit of time checking the news and reviewing the camera footage that was recorded over the night while he was asleep. After that he typically spends some time working on his experiments that he has running. None of them will result in anything major but might lead to some breakthroughs for him. the research typically revolves around the meshing of the machine with the human mind so that people can live their life mostly without the fear that they will suddenly collapse for no discernable reason. though some of them could be regarded as more sinister in nature like attempts to influence something's mind. Those types of experiments are done with the best of intentions. those being the ability to stop a fight before it even breaks out so that he doesn't have to fix someone up later. they are also meant as a sort of last resort to be used only if all else fails and all other options are expended.