Clair Harbaugh's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Clair Harbaugh's first Contract.

Clair's been around many places in the country due to personal affairs and money issues, but currently, she lives within the confines of Reno, Nevada. She's stuck with this place as her long-standing home not only because it's a bit closer to her (former) job, but because it's a whole fuck ton nicer than living in the cesspool known as Las Vegas. It's provided some pretty cool benefits such as being a hot spot for programmer work and of course, being home to a fuck ton of great foods and meals due to being a hot tourist spot.

It also practically gives her a free excuse to work from home nowadays.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Clair Harbaugh's first Contract.

Clair used to get her money from a solid programmer job that she had gotten in the area, all thanks to a job fair that had her exchange business cards with a high-up suit from a business company, however, due to a recent downsizing, that job ended up drying up its worth and leaving her with a manageable wallet. Nowadays though, she gets her paydays from mostly working freelance jobs here and there that detail either working on Website CSS, Database Server Optimization, and in some cases, even programming for the odd indie game.

With this money, she mostly spends it on keeping things up like paying off the apartment bills, paying off the bills needed to keep her site up, etc. Though if she has a decent surplus of it, she'll spend most of that shit on things like computer parts/equipment, obscure media CDs/Tapes, and of course extravagant meals.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Clair Harbaugh's first Contract.
A golden age of gluttony and indulgence... An ideal that seems rather insane or silly from the Normal Joe's standpoint, but to Clair is practically the essence of why she does what she does now. What started as a simple joke of the mind that would quickly be passed by during another day's work of coding would eventually become more prominent as time pushed on and the brutality of the outside world would constantly show its face among matters.

"Why do people waste so much time fighting over small, petty matters and chump change, when they could spend more time indulging their hunger?" Would ring a singular voice among all the other noises upon the hilltop. "When will they properly understand the true answer to all their problems lies within a few bites of the fruit that hangs so close to them?"

It's from there the proper motive would plant itself within Clair's mind, now becoming not just her driving force for change, but her thesis for the truer meaning behind life... Hedonism. Now she strives to spread this answer as far as her lengths can reach, fully tending to cascading the world within its warm confines until everyone properly understands it...

Even if it means having to lose a bit more than just time to ensure that the means for true tranquility is via pleasing the mind and indulging the desires of the stomach.


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Clair Harbaugh's first Contract.

Before the contracts came and set the warpath for what was to be, Clair's life mostly was just what you'd expect from someone in her position. About average and as normal as things could get. Clair would mostly spend her days waking up, going to work, grabbing dinner on the way home, then heading to bed and repeating the whole cycle again.

It wasn't until the contracts that then she realized that she could finally break this cycle of boredom and not only just that, but also spread the further word of her revelation...