Jack Lupin's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jack Lupin's first Contract.

Lupin lives in New York City, a simple one room apartment/ loft space. The main part has a U shaped couch, old movie posters along the exposed brick walls, a barely alive plant by the large window side of the apartment, the kitchen is a small corn of the room. The small fridge is sparse with edible food, just remnants of yellowing lettuce and bad milk. The city is perfect for his work as a stunt man, and at night he uses the sprawling city as his canvas for thievery, the amassed group of people cover his tracks and gives him a Concentrated area for high end targets to score unique or special art works.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jack Lupin's first Contract.

Jack Lupin is a licensed and insured stunt man, he mainly takes on the monster guy in those over produced campy horror movies because they just make so many a year it pays his rent well, he’s worked on things such as the hero’s body double for syndicated prime time tv show “Crime doesn’t pay” but during his free time he reserves for his burglary business, staking out potential marks, stopping by art galleries, he doesn’t sell his stolen items often. He gains sentimental value from all the hard work and preparation that it took to get it plus the art it’s self first pull on his heart to start the process.