Liv's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Liv's first Contract.

I live near South Hadley in Mass with a bunch of my friends in a group home. It's small crowded and very green. All vegetarians and vegan. Non vegan cause Ted has some chickens he keeps in the back.  We had some poser fucking carnist try and join a few years ago. Kept it on the download for first few meetings. Then I grilled him on it. Self-proclaimed communist thought animal welfare was a distraction to keep the proletariat down. Said important thing was uniting to over throw the shackles of the ruling class. 

I broke that fucking asshole's fucking nose, and he bleed all over the carpet.

The house backed me the fuck up. That's when I knew I would stay. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Liv's first Contract.

My grandpa setup a trust fund a while back for all his grandchildren. Enough for me to live off and fund my activism. Not enough to FUCKING MATTER. That old fuck had hundreds of millions and locks it all up in a trust fund that gives me a trickle at the time. Think what I could do with that kind of money.

Just one more fucked up thing in my family. 

I guess I buy trips to different places to protest, or fuck shit up. Buy some stuff for the house. Get food, donate some of it to some animal charities, that kind of thing.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Liv's first Contract.

The world fucking tortures and kills billions of animals each year. I want to stop that. And stop all the other fucked up shit too. 

People are shit, ruining the world for everyone else. The institutions of the world are shit. I want to burn it down. 

I'll do what it takes. Billions of animals are dying after a life of torture every year. They can't fight for themselves, so I have to fight for them when I can.

Death is being faced every day by most of the planet, and people just can't face up to it. I'm not like them. I'll stare death in the fucking face and not fucking blink. I'd kill if it would actually fucking do anything. But the systems are too strong, and people are too apathetic.

If I could get real power though... I'd go all the way to the brink and beyond.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Liv's first Contract.

Probably when my fucking parents kicked me out.

It was a bit before my grandpa died, when it was clear he was on the way out. Everyone was working to show their "best self". Family was disintegrating, fighting over inheritance. Toxic shit. They started pushing me more and more to ask like grandpa's precious little princess.

I couldn't stand it.

Right before a big family reunion, I got a friend of mine to shave part of my head, and to draw on a temporary tattoo.

My parent's freaked the fuck out. So did the rest of my family, except my grandpa who just laughed and laughed.

They locked me out of the house that night. "If you don't appreciate this family, maybe you should know what it's like to be without it". Lived on the streets for a month or so before my grandpa croaked. Found a good 4 stray dogs that I was feeding before the end. Found them all good homes.

When Grandpa croaked, I got my trust, got my emancipation, and went on my merry fucking way, hopefully to never fucking see them again.

Most human's fucking suck.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Liv's first Contract.

Ted - the first person I met that wasn’t a complete fuckwad. Found him a bit after I got my trust. He had ideal, and ideas for what kind of life and world he wanted to live in, and the people he wanted to be around. He had the vision and I made it happen. Together we made our little community. He is a short mixed race dude with dark brown skin, dark black hair and bad eyes sight. He has a thing for me I’m pretty sure. And yeah we hook up occasionally.


Vivian - Vivian is just pure. When we met she was escaping an abusive relationship with some fucker. This was her third attempt at leaving, and we sheltered her in the house for a few days. Finally that FUCKER came to find her and I hit him with mace then then a now bloody baseball bat. Fucker. Vivian’s been with us since. She is tall cute, and always looking for ways to help out. She has a major crush on me and Ted. And yeah we hook up occasionally.


Ralph- My best friend. Kind loving and loyal to a fault. I found him during my time on the streets, and he’s been with me ever since. He has dark hair, with a spot or white on his nose. Some kind of mutt mix. I love him.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

I mean. Could have been worse, but could have been a hell of a lot better.


My parents weren’t poor. They were very not poor. Private school not poor. But they were assholes. Caring about me when I disappoint them, but otherwise not having the time of day. I had a great nanny for a while. Sophia. My mom fired her cause she was jealous that I liked her so much.


Fuck I miss that woman. Never got a last name, think she had some trouble with ICE, and haven’t been able to find her. Fuck my parents.


Went to a Christian boarding school till I got kicked out for making out with a girl in the bathroom. Never vibed with the atmosphere there anyway. Public school was a bit better, but still got to learn that being an PoS isn’t strictly the domain of the rich. Made friends online , and in the places oodballs hang out, but wasn’t really close with anyone till after gramps died. Managed to graduate before I was kicked out of the house, but didn’t go or college.

Made some friends while living on the street, and eventually met Ted, and got my inheritance from Gramps, and the rest is history.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 1, It’s What’s Inside That Counts
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8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 2, Maikendo
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9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Maikendo

I got a sweet vegan leather jacket. I love it. It feels cool as hell, and it wasn't made by cutting the skin off anything! It's cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and makes me look hot as hell. I suppose with my vocation that a very appropriate turn of phrase.

I also got my chains! They are the future of my ability to fuck some shit up. I can tell it's going to be good. Soon I'll be able to rain down hell fire on fuckers.

Mostly I don't really get attached to things. My family was all about possessions, and they were miserable shits.

Ralph isn't a possession, he's my friend. He's special because he is my oldest friend, and anyone with a pet should know what I mean. An animal can't be a possession, and if you think they are a possession, they you are an awful shit.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe

The biggest problem I’m facing is the indifference of the world to the massive amount of suffering it is causing to non humans. I have to figure out how to overcome that, and much more to reach my objective.


other obstacles:

1. The Governments of the world which allow it

2. large corporations which perpetuate this large scale atrocity.
3. regular people who enjoy consuming flesh cheaply, and will push back against any restriction. Fuckers.


i don’t know how I’m going to change this. Burning shit might help in the short term. Taking over governments maybe? 

I need more power and more people working with me on this. 

Might be that it’s time to carve a space for myself in that book club I just did a favor for. I’m sure I can convince some of them to join me. And with my newest ability, I finally have some ability to get people to act reasonably.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe

I sleep in till I feel like it’s time to get up. Ralph gets me up for a run most days, and we travel around the neighborhood. We run maybe 4 miles before Ralph gets tired and we head home. Then I feed the chickens and take a shower. Vivian usually makes breakfast, a mix of pancakes, impossible sausage, and eggs if the chickens have been laying. If we’re too busy we have some granola and fruit. 

After that everyone else gets ready to head up to work, and I go about doing house maintenance. 

I’m spending much more time away than I was before the contracts, but before I would spend time working on various campaigns, tracking various pieces of legislation, etc.

Now I spend most of my actual days traveling or trainings or working on building up some access to magical power. A fellow contractor has a cult that I’ve managed to gain access to, and I handle some of their problems. Hopefully that will eventually become something I can leverage to my objectives.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

hmmmm. I've gone on a few dates where I wanted to look my best. Also a few meetings with lawyers. Oh, and the funeral for my gramps! Lots of special places to go.

When I'm going on dates, it depends on my date. If we are going out to a fancy dinner, I have this killer black dress that hugs my frame. If we are going dancing, I have a flowing top, and a skirt the twirls a lot. Makes doing twirls very fun. If the date is more attracted to masculine energy, I have a killer tux I put on for some occasions. Really makes Ted go wild actually.

Anyway. Meeting with lawyers is always buisness neat. I have 3 outfits that my family picked out for me.

Funeral's a black. I went with a black dress when I went to a funeral for a friend of mine I met while homeless. I went with the tux for my gramp's funeral because I knew it would piss my family off.

Takes me like 30 minutes to an hour to fully prep with makeup and stuff if I'm going all out.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 4, Wait for it.....Aliens (oh snap)
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