Gideon Vipponah's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Gideon Vipponah's first Contract.

The nearest town to Gideon's log cabin is Leadville, which also has the highest elevation of any incorporated town in North America. He lives there because that way he is very in touch with nature and the forests and mountains of North America. It is also a very centralized location for cryptid spotting in the United States. Plus, it allows for scenic vistas for his television specials and social media posts. He absolutely loves it there, it's quiet and secluded. When he's not working on his television work, social media posts, or wildlife conservationism, he loves that he can enjoy the relaxing, almost meditative environment. There is no other place for him.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Gideon Vipponah's first Contract.

He's a well-known, big name in wildlife conservationist circles. A literal celebrity, if he wanted to he could live comfortably solely off of donations, but he also does TV shows, celebrity appearances, social media blitzes, and more. He'd be quite wealthy if he didn't donate over half of his income towards conservationists, Native American reservations, and environmental efforts. After that, he does have a family and of course business expenses. Between all of this there is barely any time for him to spend money on his own, which just means he has a personal shopper. But he does also give all his crew staff bonuses out of pocket each year.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Gideon Vipponah's first Contract.

Gideon Vipponah is at heart an advocate and activist, for cryptids, animals, wildlife, and indigenous people. He wants to see a strong return to conservationism, environmentalism, and the protection of the rights of downtrodden people, stripped of their land and invaded throughout time. That said, Gideon is a peaceful person and only wants to see these done without bloodshed, but there may come a day when his peaceful demeanor reaches its limits. For all of his peace, Gideoan is not a true pacifist. Like anyone else he fears death, but that does not mean he will not risk it if a great stride towards one of his goals is at stake. In a sense, he has few limits but he is truly unwilling to kill for his beliefs.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Gideon Vipponah's first Contract.

Gideon Vipponah has numerous half and even full-blooded Cheyenne relatives, he is roughly one-third Cheyenne himself. So when he went to the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana as a teenager both inspired and harrowed him. Gideon had long passed as a white man as a kid without trying or knowing that's what he was doing. He lived a charmed, privileged life, yet his people, his family, and his blood lived secluded, and comparative subsistence lifestyles. That was the beginning of both his embracing and advocating for the Native Americans, which led directly to doing the same for all of nature.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Gideon Vipponah's first Contract.

Gideon Vipponah's wife, Sarah, shares his passion for environmental conservation, often joining him on expeditions to teach their children firsthand about the importance of protecting wildlife and natural habitats. With a background in education, Sarah is adept at translating complex ecological concepts into engaging lessons for their children, fostering their curiosity and love for the natural world.

Their son, Jacob, is a budding nature enthusiast with a knack for observing wildlife and capturing moments with his camera. At his age, he's already shown an interest in learning about different species and habitats, eagerly absorbing information from his parents' experiences and educational materials. His passion for photography serves as a creative outlet and a means of expressing his deep connection to nature.

Gideon and Sarah's daughter, Maya, is a spirited young girl with a natural affinity for storytelling and artistic expression. Inspired by her Cheyenne heritage, she delights in crafting imaginative tales that incorporate elements of nature and indigenous culture. Through her artwork and storytelling, Maya shares her family's values of environmental stewardship and respect for indigenous wisdom, inspiring others to appreciate and protect the natural world. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Djinn Delivery

Gideon Vipponah's childhood was quite the charmed life really, living in a white suburban home, where his Native American relatives were mentioned occasionally and visited rarely. He hardly knew the quiet strife of his Native family's people. His parents were both at least half-white and lived mostly unknown in their suburban neighborhood. He attended white suburban schools in well-to-do school districts, he fit in quite well. But when he was a teenager the change in his views, his attitude, everything, shifted. That's when he went down the path to become who he is today. He started to question the treatment of the Native People, both throughout history and in the modern day. He got upset, not belligerent, but focused, and even angry. He rebelled to the point even his parents begged him to stop, to let the way of the world just lie, but that time had long past in his eyes. From then on it was time to enact change.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Djinn Delivery

The woman who would become his wife; Sarah. They met in a college scholarship interviewing process. They were both trying to get a Cheyenne Native American college scholarship. Maybe it was luck that they both were passed up on the scholarship, because had there been jealousy and animosity between them they might not have kept in touch and found out they share a passion for environmental conservation, and started joining each other on expeditions. They may never have found out firsthand that they both believe in the importance of protecting wildlife and natural habitats. Sarah went on to study in another university, but she developed a background in education, Sarah is adept at translating complex ecological concepts into engaging lessons and fostering their curiosity and love for the natural world. Now they are united in teaching their children directly (she homeschools them) and the world (through his television specials and shows) their values and spreading them for all to share.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe

Sting rays! I'm kidding...

Gideon Vipponah fears that all his success, the TV shows, the rights advocacy, and charity functions, all his work will amount to nothing. That there will never even be progress towards better treatment of his people or sapient cryptids. The fame, the money, it's all just a vehicle to achieve some mark on the world, and if it amounts to nothing what is the point?

After that, Gideon still has the fears of a family man and a wildlife preservationist. He wants to keep his wife, kids, and innocent animals safe, secure and well-treated. Gideon isn't so haunted of a man that he sees detailed nightmares about such things, he can hardly imagine that anyone would do such a thing on a substantial level. He's not so naive as to publicize his contact information or do anything obvious to allow such things to happen. He still knows that fame comes with a need to prevent stalking and the like, but it's not something that keeps him up at night.

On the other hand, things that happen in the contracts are a different matter. The individual occurrences of the contracts may change him fundamentally. He saw that first on his second outing, what more could await?

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe

Gideon's most prized possessions are symbols of aspects of his life. Specifically, there's his wedding ring which is gold with an antler inlay, a symbol of the composite of the European and Cheyenne cultures that come together in him. The next is an actual Cheyenne hunting dagger from the pre-colonial era found on an archeological dig in his ancestral home. This is kept mounted on his wall at home and is a symbol of his ancient heritage. Also along the wall in his office are several awards, both for television and charitable achievements, none are the most prestigious that he could attain, but they all have meaning and serve as touchstones along his future path. Finally, in his home, there are also family photos, pieces of kid's art, and other familial paraphernalia every parent has. No dedicated family person is without them, and Gideon is no exception. That is all.