Dr. Tessa Labrys's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dr. Tessa Labrys's first Contract.

I live in my lab at the top of an electrical tower that I, myself, designed, so you know its structural integrity is foolproof, overlooking the site of Menlo Garden Park in Edison Township New Jersey. From here I will tear down everything that closed-minded capitalist cretin ever created like the tiny, insignificant, addle-minded insect that he truly was! He could never hope to stand up to the true geniuses of his age, just like none can stand up to my true genius! Those phallus-obsessed Oedipal morons with the supposed "scientific community" can pat themselves on the backs as they "peer review" each other in a circular, masturbatory, self-congratulating awards...

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dr. Tessa Labrys's first Contract.

Those imbecilic baboons have run me into exile within the so-called "scientific community" and forced me to rely on a sophisticated network of illicit enterprises characterized by hierarchical structures, compartmentalized operations, and clandestine coordination to fund my innovative research into the true scientific pioneering experimentation of our time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a satisfactorily surreptitious yet currently accredited audit actuary? Actually, not especially arduous, but still, I shouldn't have to! Once I have revealed my sagacity they will tremble at my feet, their corporate overlords will cower, clutching their purse-strings as I make...

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Dr. Tessa Labrys's first Contract.

...their precious stranglehold on the world's, nay the universe's, energy slip from their grasp as I make an affordable means of transmitting free electricity to the tiny, pathetic masses unworthy of my powerful assistance. Never say I am not benevolent! Truly this is a goal worth raising armies, slaughtering any who get in my way! (Especially anyone with a C-suite job title!) Nations could fall, and the revolutions of the past may as well have no meaning compared to the true revolution of energy being free for absolutely anyone. This will be a true evolution, a progression of the entire species that mere biological adaptation could never hope to compare to! Me? Die? You must be kidding. I will usher in...

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Dr. Tessa Labrys's first Contract.

Why picking up my very first, grade-school science text book of course! What on Earth else could it be?! Your under-evolved cranial matter couldn't hope to understand how illuminating that was! These silly pseudo-supernatural beings are all either bunk or just the sort of scientific anomalies the "scientific community" turns its eyes away from in order to go "la-la-la We can't see you!" When they should be examining and experimenting on them in order to advance true scientific progress! It is an outrage that these imbeciles do not investigate and either expose the bunk or use these "illuminations" to advance...

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Dr. Tessa Labrys's first Contract.

I suppose there's... someone.

Maybe... Ah yes!

What is the name of that homeless vagrant the world has forgotten that I pass by on any occasion I am forced to leave and come back to the electrical tower to gather basic necessities? Would that fellow count? He is in my life I suppose... Carnifex! Yes, such a delightful name! "The Meat Maker!" I think he lives in a black van... I may hire him to be my errand boy, ride share apps do not deliver all the things I need and he has a suitable vehicle and needs employment... It is perfect!

There is my AI office assistant as well, they are sapient so I believe they qualify for your interrogation. You could even say my Intelligent System for Advanced Automation and Computing system is my closest companion. Isaac is quite helpful.

Maybe I should get a lab assistant too...