Aiden Payne's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Aiden Payne's first Contract.

The town i live....that is a good question.

Recently i began traveling around the world, so i don't have a place that i can call home. As i traveled, i decided to not have a permanent home...just a temporary house where i can rest with ease for the night.

But if i trully have to call a place home, it would be my actual home.


[Mumbling can be heard in the distance]

What do you mean im not getting paid? the moment, i live in Nowhere USA.

[What do you mean by Nowhere]

What do i mean by Nowhere?

It's Nowhere in Oklahoma USA.

The joke is supposed....never mind, you spoiled the joke.


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Aiden Payne's first Contract.

My money?

Mostly jobs or being Lucky?

[Voices and a stun baton can be heard]


Is that good?

 But as actual ussually delivery or Uber.

Since Uber is so easy to handle, since it's worldwide.

On what i use the money tho?

Food, Clothes, equipment and such.

[Voices and pen writing can be heard]

No, i didn't buy a gun...nor do i plan.

I hate these recordings, and YOUR INTEROGATION!

[You can hear the baton hit sound a few times, before it stops]

Ugh...dirty bastards...why do i have to do this again?

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Aiden Payne's first Contract.

My ambitions?

Good question, i would want to know too....ha ha ha ha...

[Listen here you....the sounds of baton can be heard once again along with swear words]

Ugh...fine, an ambition?

Find meaning of life, i presume?

It's a question and ambition that most people ask in their counciousness.

How far tho?

Pretty far honestly i would go for it, even meaning to kill for my own ambition.

It may seem comedic that me without any real ambition would kill just for some stupid meaning of life.

[You hear voices and the writing noises]

What is your ambition tho?

Surrely is not to ask a scum like me or others half baked question...or is it?

Ha ha ha

[The subject is once again hit with batons]

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Aiden Payne's first Contract.

Probably the most defining event was probably when the reality crushed upon me. As everything i dreamed and hoped just crumbled due to my inability to handle things.

[Noise of pen writing is heard...]

My life as it was it crumbled as i realised that i was a failure of a person.

My studies were useless, my abilities were useless, as i tried to do something....i realised i am unable to do even menial things.

The paranoia and other things made me unable to deal with situations in my life.

My best choice was to wander, as i had saved up some money.

[laughs can be heard]

Oh screw you di....

[Sound of batton can be heard]