Angus Irwin's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Thomas Clown Affair

A small two-room studio apartment resides on the 4th floor of a unassuming brick structure. The interior of the apartment is covered in cool blue wallpaper that is frayed at the seem between the wall and the ceiling. various stains from previous tenants stain the walls above the off-white countertops in the right most corner. a dingy fridge and stovetop cap the ends of the counter along side a freestanding deep basin sink. a dining table with a singular orange lightbulb hanging above sits at the opposite side of the room as the door and kitchenette. To the right of this depressing room is a doorway covered by a curtain usually ties off to the side. inside this room it is noticeably more clean, the wall paper is well maintained and the floor is covered by a red and yellow rug. There are shelves lined with books, memorabilia, and an object of note is a marble bust of Karl Marx. the bed is well made and slightly raised off the ground. underneath the bed lies a small metal lockbox containing crumpled dollars, "barrowed" possessions, and a photo of a mysterious woman with the writing "On barrowed time." covering the back. Why would anyone live in such a disgusting place? one reason: its cheap.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Thomas Clown Affair

While boldly disagreeing with the IDEA of capitalism, he's a realist. He knows that without some kind of income the revolution can never get off of its feet. This has lead him getting a small job at a local library, mainly for the free access to literature. His main source income comes in the form of cons, slightly illegal? maybe. morally dubious? definitely. But that is the risk these "victims" took when they subscribed to a belief in the capitalist system. he makes roughly $2400 excluding that which is taken out from rent, by the time a contract rolls around which is just enough to keep him afloat.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Thomas Clown Affair

My ambition is simple. I want to save the world. I want to save the men and women who work their hands to the bone for their children. I fight for the workers who slave away at their desks for cents on the dollar while their bosses writhe in their filthy money like pigs in the mud. I will spill blood in the name of the revolution, not those who don't yet agree, they are simply uneducated. I will spill the blood of the fat cats who dig their greedy claws into the pockets of the working man. It is the natural order of life, the big greedy centralized companies will fall to the will of many, and I will lead them all in righteous war.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Sugar & Spice

I used to believe in the system, like everyone does. I was taught in school that capitalism works, people are happy and this is the way the world should be run. That was until I met a kind soul who showed me the truth behind the veil. What I saw was a dead god, the corpse of our beloved government eaten away into a husk for the rich to puppeteer. Corporations OWNING politicians, lobbyists BUYING the rights to enslave a generation of workers, education ran by the hand that feeds. All of it made me sick. From that day onwards I vowed to destroy the peoples faith in this corrupt system. I understood the system, so I understood how to bend it to my will and that's why I began running cons. Scamming the life blood from these soulless beings and using the funds to fuel the revolution.