Arvan's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Arvan's first Contract.

Arvan lives I Berlin. Originally from the UK, he moved to Germany to conduct his Msc under the famous mathematician Dr.Maddox.

Upon completion of his thesis, Dr.Maddox invited him to work with her at the university of Berlin.

It is there that Arvan met a group of German anarchist squatters who , despite his distaste for punk music, disorganised communal spaces and partying, inspired him to combine his scientific acumen with activism.

He currently resides in a small university dorm room , thankfully thanks to some paperwork fudging from Dr Maddox, without a roommate.

He also has a small DIY lab at the upper most story of an old mansion that his anarchist friends currently squat at.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Arvan's first Contract.

He has a research assistant salary from the University of Berlin, he also -for a small fee- maintains various websites and app mainly used by activists and punk to self organise. Occasionally, he also uses his knowledge of occult history and science to entertain the inquiries of clients through the dark web.

He doesn't really buy much. He is content as long as he has a good computer, some electronics tinkering equipment, nice hardcover books - preferably first editions -, some good quality fountain pains and chalk as well as some nice heavy paper to write and draw on. Oh and mangoes, he loves mangoes. Like seriously , he eats like 2 per day ...

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Arvan's first Contract.

Arvan has been disillusioned with how capitalist society treats people and communities. He has not been much for social life since childhood but he also strongly believes that humanity - through science - can and should move beyond the stage of exploitation. He believes that humans should be free from the shackles of work and debt in order to pursue their own curiosities and scientific advancement.

He's always been kind of left - leaning but coming to Berlin to pursue his PhD open a lot of doors for him. One of them, led him to the old Weierstrass manor that is currently being squatted by a local anarcho - communist collective. There he found true friendship and community for the first time. There, he became completely radicalized. He is not set on destroying the chains that shackle human creativity and scientific advancement. He wants to show produce work so groundbreaking as to shift the very foundations of society and create the necessary conditions for the end of capitalism.

He is willing to risk everything and, under the right circumstances, even kill to achieve his goals. Although he is a man of principle and moral character, he sees his mission as number one priority.