Jace Sucre's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jace Sucre's first Contract.

Jace lives in Kalamazoo Michigan, nice small town where he can work somewhat in peace, and in that town a relatively fine studio apartment has been rented out. He works a few blocks away at a small lab owned by a family friend and there he does his work. Back to his apartment; it's furnished enough, small couch and a few small cages for some experiments he wants to watch over more personally, there is also a tiny kitchen and a small bathroom with a shower. There's also a desk covered with notes and research, mainly about anti-venoms and his personal work about trying to altar the venom glands of right now spiders and tarantulas to secrete other kinds of liquids for lack of a better term. So far experiments have been not great.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jace Sucre's first Contract.

He gets his money from selling entomology boards but also get's a bit of funding from the family friends that lets him use the lab, he provides them with the antivenom but are turning a blind eye to the work he's doing with the venom glands, why should they care they're getting what they want from him anyways and they pay him enough to live a somewhat comfortable life. He uses the bodies of failed experiments and any of the spiders and tarantulas they have passed their expiry dates. Obviously entomology boards are an oddity so he has his own website where he sells them and a social media page to update when there's any in stock.