Jemis Bukow's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jemis Bukow's first Contract.

My home is no town or city but my RV. I don't want to get into details, but I have some ISSUES with houses, or rather one in particular. I don't own an apartment either as I don't want to have to deal with typical rent, because it is boring. My RV has a common black paint job as I don't want it to stand out amongst RV kind. The vehicle's interior design is a bit outdated as I have owned this baby for over 5 years, but it is still safe and I don't care to change it. The RV is typically sparse with most valuable objects in cabinets, cupboards, or other storage areas when I don't need them; RVs are not known for being spacious. There are some extra hidden spaces, but those are my secret to spill. That is all I am willing to say; I like my privacy please and thank you mysterious question which now resides in my head.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jemis Bukow's first Contract.

I obtain my money in various ways, chief among them being part-time mechanic work.  I have spent a LOT of time fixing my Rv's minor and major mechanical issues, so it is easy to take that experience and apply it to other vehicles.  Beyond that, as I travel from one locale to another, I take numerous minor part time jobs to pay for it.  For my expenses most of it is spent on basic necessities and my precious RV baby.  Yes I anthropomorphize my RV sometimes, not important.  Whatever money is left over I save or spend on entertainment, usually the longer said entertainment lasts the better.  I never went to college so NO STUDENT DEBT WOHOO. I have nothing against those who seek or teach higher education, just those who exploit it.  Now is that the last question I have to answer, persistent voice which I have discovered is NOT in my head?

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jemis Bukow's first Contract.

My Ambition is a complicated affair, as I am looking for an answer just as much as I seek my wish.  My lifestyle itself shows the question I pose.  I want to find the balance between Man, the Technology they create, and the Natural world around us all, but I uncertain as to how . I am simply looking for the ideal compromise. One where Technology can thrive without hurting Nature, Nature can thrive while giving room to development and Man can find a semblance of peace in the balance. Hopefully I find the answer before I reach the end of my road, whenever it comes to claim me. Also do NOT think my search means I lack the will to endure and struggle for power. The power I gain is just the tool for my dream not the dream itself. Now what is the next question Voice?

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Jemis Bukow's first Contract.

The death of my mother plain and simple. The event where I became detached from my former home, and my FORMER family. There was no climatic build up or warning signs; it just occurred suddenly. Mom fell down the stairs wrong and passed before she hit the bottom. My father still claims that a monster pushed her down those stairs but I have no reason to believe THAT DRUNK FOOL. A dark part of me even thinks my dad was the one who pushed her. It was after her death Dad and I drifted apart, and why I started travelling after finishing high school. Far as I am concerned, a single life is fleeting including my own, hence why I don't have pets despite liking animals.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Jemis Bukow's first Contract.

The person in this world I am closest to? I would have to say Damian Rowe, my friend from high school. We strangely got along despite Damian's family being one of the wealthiest in town. We just clicked with no discernable link between us. Damian was the one who bought me the RV, as a going away present. We do still talk by phone often. He now runs a successful small business from our old place of origin despite his parents wanting him to inherit theirs.

Someone who I WAS close to was my father. I had looked up to him through most of my childhood. I saw my dad as stoic, near invulnerable. It was after Mom's death I discovered the contrary. My father had been drinking for years and placed said purchases on my mom's account. He also occasionally hit her. I no longer care for him, end of story.

Someone I met during my travels is Bob. He is this strange guy who looks and acts homeless, but I am not sure. He claims to follow a "path of destiny" and I could play an important part of it. I don't know anything else about him but I have seen him several times in multiple locations so he moves around. Might be a supernatural creature or just a crazy drifter like me.