Sloane Ingram's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sloane Ingram's first Contract.

A shitty little hole-in-the-wall in Seattle. Took me a long time to find a place I felt safe enough to put roots down in, but I'm pretty sure they've stopped tracking me by now. Convinced I'm not a problem, maybe? Haven't seen one of their vans since Montana. Either way, guess I settled here because it's different enough to feel... comfortable.

The weather's nicer, that's for sure. The Nevada desert's a hellhole nowadays, so hot you forget there's any other way for the world to be. Didn't help that the facility's Stabilizers were so small; we were getting slammed by a new Splitstorm weekly.

So yeah. Seattle. Nice weather, place to call my own, things that actually belong to me -- it's a big improvement. A real home.

And what would a real home be without a nutjob conspiracy board tracking the movements of every bastard involved with that place I could find?