Tobi's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Tobi's first Contract.

In the sun-drenched region of Imus, Cavite, where the heat seems to permeate every corner of life, there lies a tale of resilience and endurance. It is here, amidst the scorching heat and arid landscapes, that your D&D character was born and raised, shaping them into the formidable individual they are today.

Imus, Cavite, is a bustling city located in the Philippines, known for its rich history and vibrant culture. Situated in the province of Cavite, just south of Metro Manila, Imus stands as a testament to the Filipino spirit, thriving despite the challenges presented by its climate.

The land of Imus is characterized by its intense heat, with temperatures often soaring to unbearable levels, especially during the summer months. The scorching sun beats down mercilessly upon the parched earth, leaving little respite for its inhabitants. Yet, despite these harsh conditions, life in Imus persists.

Your character, born into this unforgiving environment, learned from an early age the value of resilience and adaptability. They grew up navigating the sweltering streets, their skin bronzed by the constant exposure to the sun's rays. From dawn till dusk, they toiled under the scorching heat, whether it was helping their family tend to crops, working in the bustling markets, or honing their skills in combat.

But Imus is not just a land of heat; it is also a land of contrasts and contradictions. Amidst the relentless sun, there is a beauty to be found in the landscape. Fields of golden rice sway gently in the breeze, their stalks bending under the weight of their harvest. Palm trees provide shade in the otherwise barren plains, their fronds rustling softly in the wind. And in the distance, the towering peaks of the mountains stand as silent sentinels, their cool embrace a distant dream for those trapped in the heat below.

Yet, despite its natural beauty, Imus is not without its challenges. The scorching heat brings with it its own set of dangers, from dehydration and heatstroke to wildfires that can ravage the land in an instant. Your character has faced these perils head-on, learning to navigate the dangers of their environment with skill and determination.

But it is not just the physical environment that has shaped your character; it is also the rich tapestry of culture and tradition that defines life in Imus. From an early age, they were steeped in the traditions of their ancestors, learning the ancient dances and songs that have been passed down through generations. They participated in the colorful festivals that punctuate the calendar, celebrating everything from harvests to religious holidays with gusto and fervor.

In Imus, community is everything. Despite the harshness of their surroundings, the people of Imus have forged strong bonds of camaraderie and kinship, coming together to support one another in times of need. Your character grew up surrounded by this sense of community, learning the importance of loyalty and solidarity in the face of adversity.

As they grew older, your character felt the call to adventure beckoning them beyond the borders of Imus. Armed with the skills and resilience forged in the crucible of their homeland, they set out into the wider world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

So, from the land of the scorching heat, your character emerges: a testament to the strength of body and spirit that comes from enduring the harshest of environments. Imbued with the lessons learned from their upbringing in Imus, they are ready to face whatever adventures await them on their journey.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Tobi's first Contract.

Currently, I earn my income primarily through my work as a freelance writer. I take on a variety of writing projects, including articles, blog posts, and creative content, for clients across different industries. This allows me to have a flexible schedule and work remotely, which suits my lifestyle and preferences.

In addition to freelance writing, I also earn money through affiliate marketing and sponsored content on my blog and social media channels. By partnering with brands and promoting their products or services to my audience, I generate additional income streams.

As for expenses, a significant portion of my income goes towards essential living expenses such as rent, utilities, groceries, and transportation. I prioritize saving a portion of my income for emergencies and future goals, such as travel or investing in further education.

I also allocate funds for professional development, including courses, workshops, and conferences, to continuously improve my skills and stay updated in my field. Investing in my education and growth as a writer is crucial for maintaining and advancing my career.

Beyond necessities and professional development, I enjoy allocating some of my income towards leisure activities and experiences that enrich my life. This may include dining out with friends, attending concerts or events, traveling, or pursuing hobbies such as photography or hiking.

I also believe in giving back to causes and organizations that are important to me. I regularly donate to charities and support initiatives that align with my values, such as environmental conservation, social justice, and education.

Overall, my approach to money is to balance financial responsibility with enjoying life and pursuing meaningful experiences. I aim to manage my finances wisely, save for the future, and make intentional choices about how I earn and spend my money to create a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Tobi's first Contract.

My ambition is multifaceted and deeply rooted in both personal and professional growth. At its core, I strive for excellence in my chosen field, seeking to become a highly respected and influential writer. I am driven by the desire to make a meaningful impact through my words, whether it's by inspiring others, sparking important conversations, or shedding light on pressing issues.

In my professional life, I am constantly striving to reach new heights of success and recognition. I aim to become a published author, writing novels or non-fiction books that resonate with readers and leave a lasting impression. I envision my work being celebrated and critically acclaimed, earning accolades and awards for its depth, insight, and creativity.

Beyond individual achievement, I also aspire to use my platform as a writer to effect positive change in the world. Whether through advocating for social justice, raising awareness about environmental issues, or promoting empathy and understanding among people from different backgrounds, I see writing as a powerful tool for creating a better world.

To achieve my ambitions, I am willing to put in the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice necessary to succeed. I am constantly honing my craft, pushing myself to improve, and seizing opportunities for growth and advancement. I am not afraid to take risks or step out of my comfort zone in pursuit of my goals.

However, when it comes to the question of whether I would kill for my ambition, the answer is unequivocally no. My ambition is driven by a desire to create, inspire, and uplift, not by any willingness to harm others. I firmly believe in ethical principles and would never compromise my integrity or values for the sake of achieving success.

That being said, I am willing to face challenges and even put myself in dangerous situations to pursue my ambitions. I understand that the path to success is rarely easy or straightforward, and there may be times when I have to confront obstacles, adversity, or even risk to my own safety.

However, I draw a clear line when it comes to endangering my life or the lives of others. While I am committed to achieving my goals, I recognize the importance of prioritizing personal well-being and the well-being of those around me. I would never jeopardize human life or engage in violence to further my ambitions.

Ultimately, my ambition is about striving for excellence, making a positive impact, and living a life of purpose and fulfillment. While I am willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve my goals, I will always do so with integrity, compassion, and respect for others.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Tobi's first Contract.

The most defining event of my life before signing "The Contract" was the loss of my parents in a tragic accident when I was a teenager. It was a moment that shattered my world and forced me to confront the harsh realities of life at a young age.

Losing my parents was a profound and devastating experience that changed me in profound ways. It stripped away the innocence of my youth and thrust me into adulthood before I was ready. Suddenly, I found myself grappling with overwhelming grief, responsibility, and uncertainty about the future.

In the immediate aftermath of their deaths, I struggled to cope with the enormity of my loss. I felt adrift, as if the ground had been pulled out from beneath me. But in the midst of my grief, I also discovered a strength within myself that I never knew existed.

I had to learn how to navigate the practicalities of life on my own, from managing household responsibilities to making important decisions about my future. I became more independent and self-reliant out of necessity, taking on roles and responsibilities that were far beyond my years.

But perhaps the most significant change was the way in which I began to view the world and my place in it. The loss of my parents forced me to confront the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. It made me acutely aware of the fleeting nature of time and the need to make the most of the opportunities that come my way.

In the years that followed, I became more determined and resilient, refusing to let tragedy define me or hold me back. I threw myself into my studies and extracurricular activities, channeling my grief into productive pursuits and striving for excellence in everything I did.

The loss of my parents also deepened my empathy and compassion for others who were struggling. I became more attuned to the pain and suffering of those around me, and I made it my mission to offer support and encouragement wherever I could.

Overall, the loss of my parents was a defining moment that shaped the trajectory of my life in profound and unexpected ways. It taught me resilience, independence, and the importance of seizing the moments we are given. And while the pain of their absence will always be with me, I am grateful for the strength and resilience it has instilled in me.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Tobi's first Contract.

**1. Sarah - My Best Friend**

Sarah has been my closest friend since childhood. We met in elementary school and instantly clicked, bonding over shared interests and a similar sense of humor. She's the kind of person who always knows how to make me laugh, even on my darkest days. Sarah is fiercely loyal and supportive, and she's always there for me no matter what. Whether it's celebrating my victories or lending a listening ear during tough times, I can always count on her. She's like a sister to me, and I cherish our friendship more than anything.

**2. Professor Michael Johnson - My Mentor**

Professor Johnson is a respected academic and mentor who has had a significant impact on my life. I first met him in college when I enrolled in his literature class, and his passion for teaching and depth of knowledge immediately inspired me. Over the years, he has not only guided me academically but also provided invaluable advice and support as I navigated my career path. Professor Johnson has challenged me to think critically, expand my horizons, and push myself beyond my comfort zone. His guidance has been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today, and I am grateful for his mentorship.

**3. Aunt Maria - My Guardian**

Aunt Maria took me in after the tragic loss of my parents and has been a steady presence in my life ever since. She is a warm and nurturing woman who has always put my needs above her own. Despite facing her own struggles, she has always made sure that I felt loved and supported. Aunt Maria has been like a second mother to me, providing comfort, stability, and guidance when I needed it most. Her unwavering belief in me has given me the strength to overcome adversity and pursue my dreams. I am forever grateful for her love and generosity.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

My childhood was a mix of joy, love, and tragedy. I was born into a loving family in a small town, where my parents worked hard to provide for me and my siblings. My parents, Mark and Emily, were kind-hearted and generous individuals who always put their family first. Mark was a skilled craftsman who worked as a carpenter, while Emily was a teacher who was passionate about education and learning.

Growing up, I had a happy and relatively carefree childhood. My parents instilled in me a love of reading, art, and nature, and they encouraged me to pursue my interests and passions. They were supportive and nurturing, always there to offer guidance and encouragement as I navigated the ups and downs of growing up.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck when I was a teenager. My parents were involved in a fatal car accident, leaving me and my siblings orphaned and reeling from the sudden loss. It was a devastating blow that shook our family to its core and changed the course of my life forever.

After the accident, I went to live with my aunt Maria, who became my legal guardian and a source of stability and support during a tumultuous time. While adjusting to life without my parents was incredibly difficult, Aunt Maria provided a loving and nurturing environment that helped me cope with my grief and navigate the challenges of adolescence.

Despite the trauma of losing my parents, I was determined to honor their memory by continuing my education. I attended school regularly, finding solace and purpose in my studies. However, fitting in was a challenge, especially in the aftermath of my parents' death. I struggled with feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as the overwhelming weight of grief.

While I had friends and acquaintances at school, I often felt like an outsider, grappling with emotions and experiences that many of my peers couldn't understand. I found it difficult to relate to others my age, and I often withdrew into myself, seeking solace in books, art, and solitary activities.

Despite these challenges, school provided a sense of structure and routine that helped me cope with my loss and move forward with my life. Over time, I found my footing and began to rebuild my sense of self and identity, drawing strength from the memories of my parents and the love of my family and friends.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Yes, I have been in love, and it was with a woman named Rebecca. We met in college during a literature class, where we bonded over our shared love of books and writing. Rebecca was intelligent, passionate, and incredibly kind-hearted, and I found myself drawn to her from the moment we met.

Our relationship blossomed quickly, and before long, we were inseparable. We spent countless hours discussing our favorite novels, exploring new cafes and bookstores, and supporting each other's dreams and aspirations. Rebecca was not only my partner but also my best friend, and I cherished every moment we spent together.

However, despite the depth of our connection, our relationship faced its share of challenges. We were both navigating the transition from adolescence to adulthood, grappling with our own insecurities, fears, and uncertainties about the future. As much as we loved each other, we also struggled with communication and understanding, leading to occasional misunderstandings and disagreements.

Ultimately, our relationship reached a breaking point when we realized that we wanted different things out of life. Rebecca was eager to pursue a career that would take her abroad, while I was more rooted in my desire for stability and close ties to home. We both knew that our paths were diverging, and as much as it pained us, we made the difficult decision to part ways.

The end of our relationship was heart-wrenching, and it took time for both of us to heal and move on. Despite the pain of our breakup, I will always cherish the memories of our time together and the love we shared. Rebecca taught me so much about myself and what it means to love and be loved, and for that, I will always be grateful.

As for why it didn't work out in the end, I believe it was a combination of timing, circumstances, and the realization that we were both on different paths in life. While it was a painful experience, it ultimately helped me grow and learn more about myself, my desires, and what I want in a partner.