Luna Lorecraft's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Milk Run

Alright let see where I live that should be too difficult. For the town Montreal the reason my family live there and being students cost a lot of money, to add up mom and dad insisted a lot on me staying with them and my sister. Now for how it look dear journal well I can’t says it look like any normal home, and it look more like manor if you ask me and one of the big one. So if we start from the outside it can be described as a mansion in the Tudor style, and looking normal. Then on the back we have the court yard with is giant weeping Saul, super beautiful, and the balcony of course. If we get inside by the entry we are greeted by the stairs in the front, on the left a corridor with a bunch of door,  and the studies, and on the right we have an access to the garage and the main saloon, with the cuisine and dinner rooms. If we go up we have the laundry room, my rooms, sis room, mom and dad room. Inside mom and dad they have their own walking closet, same for my room and sis room, and of course each each bedroom  as it own bathroom. So for my room I have lot of library in my room to store my book, and the thing I need for school. Yeah we are rich but mom and dad insist on me and sis making our own money, so other then the room it all me who bought it and same for the phone. If we go in the basement, well it not that big we have mini cinemas for me and sis to play video game, but their is a lot of room that are closed and locked seem dad, mom and sis getting in one of them. Never got really the permission to get insides, and when they got out they were bloodied but not with their blood and not in the same clothes they got. I did try to lock pick the door, but without success and even ask dad if I could see what behind said no and to never ask a question about it again. As for the decoration lot of my mythical objects book, weird paint of tarot card and symbols. But that all for the place dear journal hope you like it.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Milk Run

Oh money how do I get it. Oh that simple dear journal when your an archivist and your work with a lot of contract plus a good salary, sure not the same one as graduated archivist. Some of it come from investment too, some good placements let get a good amount of money, and it really stable too. Now for what I spend on it mostly day to day expenses like 5g, the phone, and other basic necessities like that. I do also buy a lot of books about anything and nothing. I do spent a good amount on it on my cute kitty Void. Oh and also stuffies I love stuffies, I do spent a bit too much on it though and on the material I use to create some of my own custom stuffies.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Milk Run

Ah now we enter the dark place my dear journal. For my ambition I do want to destroy that uglies place that is the underworld with all of it mafia and criminal. Now destroying it is my main objective that is right but it possible I may not be capable of doing and if that the case, I will become the Queen of the underworld.  If I need to burn it with fire. Kill a couple of guys, I will do it. But from the archiving contract I have seen and what inside it most of us are not inocent not even my own family. That one of the main reason I am attacking the underworld first to end it if possible and know what the deal with my family being in it. I am not saying I am excited about doing that but it my responsibility since I have the power to change thing. Be it I will bring death, famine, discord and curse to those that dare to challenge in my crusade.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Milk Run

The most defining event? Easy for me, you remember my dear journal where I said I was trans. Well that the most defining event of my life if you know about all the medical procedures that goes behind it, the shrink, but enough about the medical stuff. So yeah being trans is an experience like for exemple let you have your normal body and now a bunch of unwanted change happen to your body like your voice become one that is not yours, your body changing in someone that you aren’t. Not seeing really who you are in the miroir, but the ugly monster that is in your place. Yeah and that for the physical stuff, and now imagine a lot people starting to impose thing like played with these toy, or not you can’t plays with these people, and or getting jealous of people being called with certain pet name or the pronoun use not feeling right. All of that is gender dysphoria and let me tell you once you get the transition done oh my god does it feel better, you can cry again, process emotions, not being ravaged by doubt about who you are. You just are free to be yourself without the pain of the monster and the shadow feeling like you finally conquered it and entering a bright new world with just few hiccups.