Leon Agriche's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Leon Agriche's first Contract.

Leon Agriche's life in Florence is truly dedicated to botany and helping others. His greenhouse, laboratory, and library indicate a deep interest and knowledge in plants, allowing him to study and adapt new species. Her herbalist shop not only serves as a source of income but also as a way to share her knowledge and help those in need of natural remedies and plant care. Leon is likely a respected figure in his community, known for his expertise in botany and his generosity in sharing that knowledge.                                                                                                                                                              

Leon's childhood in Florence was certainly unique, immersed in the world of plants and research. Growing up in a home where both parents were passionate about botany and research must have been inspiring and educational. His mother, as a renowned botanist, probably introduced him to the world of plants at an early age, teaching him about species, cultivation, and perhaps even advanced botany techniques. His father, as a researcher, probably shared with him the importance of scientific research and the pursuit of knowledge. This family atmosphere likely shaped Leon's passion for botany and research, preparing him to follow in his parents' footsteps and become an expert on the subject. The welcoming and educational environment in which he grew up may have been instrumental in his decision to open an herbalist shop and continue the work of plant research and adaptation into his adult life.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Leon Agriche's first Contract.

He would likely spend a significant portion of his income on his passion for botany. This would include the purchase of new plant species, equipment for your laboratory and greenhouse, books, and research materials. He can also invest in maintenance and improvements to his herbalist store, ensuring that it is well-equipped and attractive to customers.

It typically spends on their daily needs, such as food, housing, and personal care. He can set aside part of his income for travel, conferences or courses related to botany, always seeking to expand his knowledge and horizons in the field. It spends a significant portion of its income on purchasing new plant species and rare seeds. He may constantly seek out new varieties to add to his collection in the greenhouse, both out of scientific interest and personal curiosity.

Leon Agriche can balance his expenses in a way that ensures that his passions for botany and herbology are sustainable, while also taking care of his daily needs and continually seeking to expand his horizons in these fields.


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Leon Agriche's first Contract.

Leon Agriche's ambition is driven by a deep love for his mother and a determination to save her at any cost. He is desperately seeking a cure for her illness, and that search would take him to extremes unthinkable to most people. He would be willing to go to any lengths to achieve healing, even if it means sacrificing his own safety and morality. He could engage in dangerous and illegal activities, such as theft, blackmail, or even murder, if he believed it could bring him closer to finding a cure for his mother.

The idea of killing for his mother would probably be devastating to Leon, as he cherishes life, but his determination to save her may be so intense that he would be able to justify this extreme act in his mind. As for how close to death he would get, he might be willing to undergo dangerous experiments with no guarantee of success, or to brave life-or-death situations for information or resources that might aid in the search for a cure. His dedication is so strong that he could be willing to risk his own life to save his mother's.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Leon Agriche's first Contract.

The most defining event in Leon's life before activating his powers as a cloromancer was the diagnosis of his mother's terminal illness. This moment profoundly changed his life, as it motivated him to dive headfirst into his studies and to look for a way to save his mother.

Prior to this event, Leon was a dedicated herbalist, but less focused on seeking solutions to complex medical problems. He was more interested in cultivating and studying plants for their beauty and general medicinal properties. However, his mother's diagnosis changed his perspective, prompting him to deepen his knowledge and develop skills as a cloromancer to try and find a cure.

This experience also strengthened the bond between Leon and his mother, making him more determined and resilient in his search for healing. He became more willing to take risks and take on challenges that might once have seemed insurmountable, all in the name of saving the person he loved most. This journey shaped his personality and transformed him into a more courageous individual who is determined and focused on achieving his goals.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Leon Agriche's first Contract.

Ophelia Agriche is Leon's mother and a renowned botanist. She is a constant source of inspiration for Leon, both in his quest for a cure for his illness and in his passion for botany. Sophia always encouraged Leon's love of plants from a young age and is the reason he became a dedicated herbalist and cloromancer.  His terminal illness was the catalyst for Leon's journey in search of a cure, and his strength and wisdom continue to guide him through his most difficult times.


Dante Agriche is Leon's father, a kind and wise gentleman who was also a passionate researcher. He taught Leon the values of perseverance, honesty, and a dedication to knowledge. Despite no longer being alive, Dante's memories and teachings continue to profoundly influence Leon's life. And he is fondly remembered by the entire herbalist community of Florence.


Ethan Sanchez is a childhood friend of Leon's, they met in the town of Vernazza. During one of his family's trips to the towns of Cinque Terre. He was always a lively boy who talked constantly about his mother. He lost some time later, but hopes they can meet in the future.