Phylum Moridoc's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Phylum Moridoc's first Contract.

I live on a private estate near Manhattan, though I maintain an apartment in Boston and Los Angeles as well (plus the Munich penthouse, but we don't really talk about that). It's really not very interesting as to why I live here - it's a very large house and I inherited it when my dear parents experienced that tragic plane crash, so why not make use of it? The estate is actually a small compound - sort of a village on its own, all things considered. The staff all live on-site - they generally keep out of my hair and that suits me just fine. There's a wall that encircles the compound - the servants' apartments are near the front wall in three separate buildings, each of which is divided into studio apartments with shared recreational spaces. The other building of significant size on the campus is the castle - where I live. A tall and imposing gothic structure my grandfather had constructed as a vanity project, festooned with steeples, gargoyles, and a horrible old clock tower.

I fucking love the place. It even has a dungeon!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Phylum Moridoc's first Contract.

My income is primarily from the form of interest statements, dividends, and the business ventures I inherited from my parents. I don't really know the details on where it comes from - I have accountants for that. I'm what the magazines would call a socialite if they cared to get close - fortunately for me, my potential for public scandal was used up in about six months when I was 12, and they haven't bothered me since. I use my money to do whatever the fuck I want - meet hot people, go on wild trips, try out strange new drugs, that sort of thing. Sometimes I'll buy a sports car and trash it, or ruin fancy hotel rooms.

A lot of my money goes to cleaners, though. I have particular hobbies that could get me in trouble if the spoilsports in the police department found out about them - fortunately for me, there are loads of people who are very good at clearing out dirty laundry to help me hide mine.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Phylum Moridoc's first Contract.

The whole world is a huge fucking fraud.

Everyone acts like they know things: scientists, politicians, philosophers. The only one of the bunch who ever had a good idea was Socrates, and his only good idea was to recognize that he didn't know shit. Everyone is so sure of themselves, trundling along their silly little lives doing all the horrible things humans like to do as though they have any kind of control until bam - plane crashes and they're dead.

I'd do anything to change that.

People need to be made to understand that they don't have control, that there is no such thing as control and there is no such thing as actually knowing anything. The only part of the world anyone ever experiences is all qualia - individual experiences perceived by flawed sensory organs and filtered through unique lumps of temporary fat fueled by electrochemical processes. Everyone only thinks that they know anything because when Bob sees what he calls red Jane sees what she calls red, even if those things are totally fucking different.

I would do anything to change that.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Phylum Moridoc's first Contract.

When I was 10 years old, my parents' plane went missing on a business trip to Germany. Everyone assumes it crashed, but technically, it just disappeared over the atlantic - here one moment, gone the next, like the Bermuda fucking triangle. For my whole life before then, it was always "later" - we'll go to the ball game later, we'll play piano later, we'll see a movie later. Like any good kid, I believed my parents when they said that right up until the point I realized "later" was never going to happen. I was angry about it for a long time, but in hindsight that's the event that made me understand how the world really works - the illusion of certainty, of control.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Phylum Moridoc's first Contract.

Clarice, my driver. She's a middle aged woman who I think used to be a pilot in the airforce, before some scandal with flying high took her out of the sky. She's surly, but I like that about her. She listens to my problems and doesn't lie to my face when I ask her advice on them, and she doesn't ask questions when I'm out too late - just gets me home and helps me clean up. She'll never hesitate to let me know if she thinks I'm being a jackass, and I truly truly appreciate that about her. She's basically my right hand.


Sebastian Ludvig von Dietrich, my butler. I think he might actually be a zombie - tall, gaunt, thin lipped and he was old when my dad was young. Absolutely terrifying man of very few words, but he doesn't need many words to keep the staff in line. He's decidedly gray. Great head for finances, though.


Danny Buzz, my tattoo artist. He's a total sellout, but he's damn good with a needle, takes cash, and doesn't think he knows better than his clients, unlike most of the assholes I tried before I met him. He's a bit out of the way though - I have to go to Boston to get new ink.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Who Done It?

My childhood was a beautiful lie.

It was, of course, splendid - very standard, very "to spec", like dad used to always say. I was raised primarily by a team of nannies, and educated in private schools and by private tutors. I did ok with my peers (the smarmy little fucks), though I'm not sure if it was because I was just as charming a kid as I am an adult (I doubt it, I was a fucking pristine little shit) or because of all the enormous amounts of money my parents had, so all of their parents said they had to play nice. It ended extremely early - 10 years old, and the constant old Sebastian came to tell me that I no longer had parents, and that the ball game my father had been putting off for the past 10 months or the sewing lessons my mother always promised would happen 'after my next birthday' would, in fact, never arrive.

I think I fit in better, after that, if I'm being honest.

That's when I started learning how to play the game.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Who Done It?

I'm very fortunate to have learned from a very young age that love is for suckers.

Everyone dies alone - love doesn't change that, and I'm not even sure if it's real, not in the way they tell you in the movies and the books and the bad musicals (the ones where characters survive). It's an illusion at best and a malicious lie at worst; still, I do hope that for people who find it (or at least some of them). I've got a friend - Blanche. Absolutely wild person - very genuine. We met trying to kill each other using the same strategy to find victims: dating profiles with obvious red flags. They're the first kindred spirit I've ever really encountered: someone else who understands just how... broken everything is. I would love to... indulge with them, but unfortunately they have a girlfriend who seems like she would skin me starting in some very unpleasant places if I tried anything.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Who Done It?

Fears? Kind of an absurd question.

"Fear" implies a degree of certainty in safety: to be "afraid" one has to believe himself to be in a position of comfort. Otherwise, there's no such thing really as "fear", just... awareness. Awarenesses, I have in an unfortunate abundance: I'm aware that I don't like being alone, fully alone, in a way I can't find other people to connect with, to remind me I'm real. I'm aware that I don't like being seen too deeply - that prying eyes make me uncomfortable. I'm aware that the idea of growing stagnant - never changing - is something that could kill someone like me.

More than anything, I'm aware that I don't want to die.

I have a lot of experience with death - given it to quite a few, all well deserving pricks who gambled the life they were given away like a fucking tax return. My parents died - randomly, unexpectedly, for no real reason. I can't be like them - I can't be pointless. I have to have a reason. I have to have the sort of permanence that you get from breaking things, and even better I have to be the kind of thing that you can't quite ever get rid of, like that one song in the back of the world's brain.

I can't die.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Who Done It?

Things are so... trivial.

I mean, I've got arbitrary amounts of money. If I want things I can just buy them, and it doesn't really matter what they are. You know the weapons I got for this job belonged to the daimyo Oda Nobunaga? Priceless historical relics. I keep them in a case now, alongside my collection of totally legal poison. I don't even remember what kind of car Clarice drives - I know I bought it for her, and I know I buy her a new one essentially whenever she requests it, which is about once a year. They might matter more if I wasn't gifted with the enormously unfair advantage of obscene wealth; as is, I can replace just about anything I own, and it wouldn't even be hard.

The only time a thing has value to me - real value - is when I need it right now. The most valuable thing I've ever held was the phone I called Sebastian on when I was bleeding out and cornered by mercenaries. 

Got a new one once I got back to the states.