Evil Akira Falk's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Evil Akira Falk's first Contract.

I live in Stockholm, Sweden. My mother lived here her whole life and I was raised here. My parents met here as well, so really everything important in my life has happened here. Everything besides some overseas schooling in Britain and the US.

I really just live here because this is what I’m used to, this is the city I understand and I’m so used to the normality of Stockholm that it’d be jarring to try to live somewhere else on my own accord.

My home is a somewhat small apartment. It has one bath and one bedroom with a small balcony and living room. I spend most of my downtime in the bedroom/office space I have simply because it’s the most comfortable and I like being productive. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Evil Akira Falk's first Contract.

I work as a first responder, I’m one of the ones who gets out and gets people in the ambulance. It’s tough work, people can be maimed in so many ways it’s sickening, but the job is worth it because I get to help people.

I make a pretty average amount of money from my profession, and I spend most of it on things like groceries and such. However, I do have a knack for writing and knitting. I learned to knit from my mother, she still makes scarfs and I still wear them. My father used to tell me stories of all the mythology and others things he knew, stories of creatures and beings of myth, brave stories of heroes and villains.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Evil Akira Falk's first Contract.

I wish to rid the world of pain in the only way I know how, fixing injuries. I don’t necessarily seek an end to violence, but to the pain it causes. I seek this goal because my father was stabbed to death in front of me and I couldn’t save him. I already put myself in harms way to help others, I’ve already signed that mental contract of assured death. It’s my life for yours, that’s what I choose. I will kill for it, it is a necessary sacrifice to prevent further sacrifices from needing to be made. I may hold compassion as one of my ideals, but I have learned to swallow my empathy on favor of better performance on the task.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Evil Akira Falk's first Contract.

The most defining event of my life was my father's death while I was 6. We were walking home one night, I forget why, when a man in a hoodie came and started speaking to my dad. They argued for a moment before the man pulled out a knife. He stabbed my father repeatedly, stole something out of my dad's coat, and ran. I didn't know how to use to phone, but someone called 112 for me. The man who called tried his best to help save my father but he bled to death before the ambulance could arrive. Since then, I've been more jaded to injuries, and I've dedicated myself to helping fix injuries.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Evil Akira Falk's first Contract.

The three closest people in my life are my mother, my cat, and the ambulance driver. My mother is Swedish, she's a kind old woman whose gotten over my father's death by now. She constantly knits scarfs and other such things, I often end up with at least one of her scarfs, she donates the rest to charity. My cat, Charcoal, is a black cat. He's annoying at best, but he's my annoying cat, so I let him stick around. Really my only friend is my work partner for the ambulance, the driver. She actually doesn't have any experience in medical practices, but she chose to be a driver so she could help people in need. I'll talk to her quite often on the phone while neither of us are working. The person in the ambulance with me often varies, some of the people I get matched with are people who definitely used Chat GPT to get their license, but most are genuine professionals who I am just fine working with.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Hospital

My childhood was good at first, my parents were always incredibly kind. My mom knitted and stayed at home mostly, but my dad was an author, he was in the middle of publishing a book on supernatural creatures when he died. Specifically one regarding som encounter with a magical fox woman of sorts, a kitsune. I went to a normal public school, it wasn’t anything fancy, but it was nice. I always faded into the background, but during any free time I almost always found my way to the nurse’s office. Most of the time, I didn’t even have anything that actually warranted going to the nurse’s office, I just wanted to ask what all the different medications did. In elementary they didn’t tolerate it with me, that’s because we didn’t actually have free time and it was me sneaking away during recess to go to the nurse’s office. But in Highschool the nurse was much more receptive, she taught me about most of the things when I asked, Mrs. Greenery.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Hospital

I’ve tried, but each time it was forced. Relationships for the sake of being in a relationship. They never made it farther than a week or two, I almost always value my work more than the relationship and it falls apart in days of it starting. Granted, this isn’t to say I push everyone away, I just don’t focus on them the way I do being a first responder. I don’t really form attachments quickly either, if I did, I’d be completely mentally wrecked from all the things I’ve seen. Better to distance and assist them rather than bond and crumble alongside them.