Dylan "Duckeh" Doe's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dylan "Duckeh" Doe's first Contract.

Duckeh lives in a small town in Nevada. It's not so small that everyone knows each other but not a large city either. He lives in an orphanage with many others due to his parents' death. He lives there because he has yet to be adopted and doesn't find reason to leave. He has thought about leaving before but he knows it wouldn't work out, it's too dangerous and he wouldn't have the resources to survive for long. He would probably be taken back to the orphanage by the police if he was caught anyways. The orphanage is an old cathedral that was refurbished to be an orphanage. It's broken down in many places and not well taken care of. The electricity doesn't work many times and it's always pitch black at night in the bedrooms. There is one large bedroom for all the kids there and it contains many small old beds. The beds have thin mattresses and blankets, uncomfortable to sleep in. Many of the floorboards creak, making it hard for any of the kids to try to sneak around. All the rooms have walls different from the main walls due to the construction of adding rooms to the cathedral. The rooms are small and uncomfortable in a way. There is no kitchen, all the food bought is canned. The living room is also used as a dining room and has many stains on the ground. The tables have lots of drawings carved into them and chips taken off. There is one chair that is comfortable and is very worn down. It's a normal armchair however the rest of the sitting places in the room are just uncomfortable wooden chairs. There is a single bathroom in the entire orphanage but ironically it is the cleanest room in the whole place. It is cleaned regularly and smells pleasant due to candles. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dylan "Duckeh" Doe's first Contract.

Duckeh gets his money from odd jobs he can get from anyone in the town. Something like dog-sitting, babysitting, dog-walking, mowing the long, cleaning a house/room, tutoring, etc. He gets minimal money due to accepting the lowest he can get. He does these odd jobs commonly, wanting to get out of the orphanage while having good reason. He'll even do stuff that is unreasonable, trying to figure out if he likes it or not. His money is sometimes taken away from him by the others in the orphanage, most of the time asked for, sometimes stolen. He gives the money to the people taking care of the orphans a lot and usually uses it to buy some food. Sometimes he'll pay something just for pleasure; a new shirt he liked, new shoes, a sweet treat, or even fast food.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Dylan "Duckeh" Doe's first Contract.

Duckeh isn't driven by anything except for the search for himself. He only truly felt like a person when he was with his parents but he can't tell if that's because he was just a young child who didn't understand purpose or if he truly did feel like a real person. Duckeh feels as if nothing matters and that everything he's doing is useless. He feels numb to everyone and wants to stop that. He can fake a personality of being kind but it's almost always taken by someone else. He can never tell who he is and what he wants. He takes wants from other people and uses others ideas. He's not very creative, thinks in straight facts. He's always interested by people who have a passion for something or lots of creativity. He usually copies their personality for a bit until he gets bored of it. He doesn't care for anyone, feeling as though their lives don't matter. The only truth he knows is that he likes ducks. He believes that if he were a duck, he would be happy in life. He wouldn't feel a need to care for people, talk to people, fake his personality, and have a job. He could just simply be a duck, something useless and pathetic that truly doesn't have much value. That's what he would enjoy in life. Duckeh would go pretty far to achieve this as he feels that his life has no value currently.