Nikolái Nikita Overol's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Nikolái lives in Buenos Aires. Since he was a younglin working for the beer destilery down on the industrial district, south of the city, he got interested in literature about relations of power. He got curious as of what the basis of the unjust capitalist-proletarian relationship was, so he got informed about it reading from various authors and their respective theoric traditions. He didn´t get the just of communism. Too idealist, eurocentric and non-aplicable for the ideals and models it proposed. A third position, between (or out of) the capitalism-communism continium had to be plausible. That´s when he learned about it, a revolutionary alternative not only for free workers, but for a prosperous country: Justicialism. He got imbuded with contents from the input of John William Cooke, famous peronist revolutionary and father of the tradition, to follow its premises and achieve the justice he so long looked for. That´s how he got into the syndicalist model and heriarchy, being on the front of the battle between workers and model of production.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Nikolái gets his money from the syndicate, as a high rank on its structural heriarchy. Money for the syndicate, as is, comes from each and every contributor affiliated to it from it´s working state and dependance. Each contribution itself goes to the "box", as they call them, to be redistributed to its members, particulary to the leaders sphere, and to fund syndicate-related activities. As for Nikolái, he lives a pretty austere, borderile miserly, lifestyle, where the only commodities reside on alcohol and cigarettes. He doesn´t believe on the capitalist accumulation of wealth lifestyle, so that´s how he carries himself; as a true man of the people and comrade of the working class, if not part of it.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Nikolái strives for greateness, or in other words, for the revolution. Not a classical revolution, but a true workers revolution, carried by the mass itslef, with the occurent leader to set light on the path to follow but not as intrusive as the bolchevicks did. The third position he remits to seems, to him, as the most valuable way to achieve it. He dreams of the scenario "Comunidad Organizada" by Juan Domingo Perón postulates, and is willing to do anything in his power to leave a path to follow towards it, to discover the "secret formula", per se. As he himself claims, he would die for the cause. Not to suffer a meaningless death though, but a true hero´s one, which can serve to the masses as a fuel for loyalty and desire towards the cause, "kinda like Jesus Christ, dying for humanity´s sins as he did", he claims.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Many would argue Nikolái´s most defining moment as a man was the closing of the refinery he spent his entire lifetime devoted to. The refinery and it´s beer was the fuel taht kept him alive, as his other love did, the syndicate. His fight carried itself in both those spheres, work and politics. And the beer, oh the beer. To him it was god´s nectar, and then it was gone. Since then, he´s been trying each and every label of beer with hope that one of them would be simillar, or give him a tiny bit of satisfaction, as his own brewed beer did in the past. Nowadays, it´s taste and sensation only lives in his memory. Will he find his new malty love elsewhere, or live forever regretful that he couldn´t crack the formula to his favourite beverage? Furthermore, is the beer that which he misses, or is it the memories we lived with it as a companion? Only time will tell if he´ll ever feel that full ever again.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

He lived his greatest idols through academic text and politics, as such:

Juan Domingo Perón. He was an Argentine lieutenant general and politician who served as the 35th President of Argentina from 1946 to his overthrow in 1955, and again as the 45th President from October 1973 to his death in July 1974. He had previously served in several government positions, including Minister of Labour and Vice President under presidents Pedro Pablo Ramírez and Edelmiro Farrell. Perón is the only Argentine president elected three times and holds the highest percentage of votes (61.86%) in clean elections with universal suffrage. Peron's ideas, policies and movement are known as Peronism, which continues to be one of the most influential forces in Argentine politics.

John William Cooke. Was a lawyer, argentine politician and masses leader, leader of the peronism left wing movement.​ He kept a strong and close relationship with general Perón, so much the ex-president designed Cooke as the attorney to the Justicialist Movement, and as his truthful symbolic heir in times of peronist proscription carried by the so-called "Revolución Libertadora" dictatoriship.

Hugo "Peronito" Moyano. An Argentine labour leader who was secretary general of the CGT, the country's largest trade union, from 2004 to 2012. A schism developed within the CGT during 2012, and Moyano was elected to head the CGT's dissident faction. He was also the president of Club Atlético Independiente, one of the biggest football clubs in the country, and treasurer of the Argentine Football Association. He is the founder and leader of the Party of Culture, Education and Labour (CET). Nikolái sees him as the true embodiement of the labourer´s crusade.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Nikolái has been working from a very young age. As a kid coming from a very poor, proletarian family, he did not attend any formal educaiton run by the country´s institutions on that matter. At age 12 he started working for the beer refinery, and has developed his professional life on it ever since, ranking up the heriarchy of the company and pressing the dirigence at the same time with the help of the union, where he has been envolved in activism ever since. With the few pesos he made at the refinery, he could help his family with every-day matters, such as the day´s dinner and some essential resources, such as medication. His father, from hungarian descendance, always worked for two, even sometimes three jobs at a time, so his family could carry on and not be endanered by hunger as much. His mother, originary from Buenos Aires and former cabaret dancer, helped Nikolái´s father as she could with accounting and at-home duties, as her everlong declining health state prevented her from much more labour. Nevertheless, Nikolái himself got to live a pretty stable upbringing, with some difficulties along the way coming from his poor socioeconomic state. His parents, the streets, and the books he got from public libraries made of Nikolái a pretty cultured and self-sufficient man, who always fighted for what he believed in and didn´t turn his head over injustice.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Nikolái´s love belongs to the cause, as he claims. Besides many casual encounters, he never got to set to a partner. Coming from his fear of loss, his lack of commitment to personal relationships, or his restless lifestyle devoted to politics and labour, love never constituted a priority to his incumbance. His love is towards the people, the vulnerate state of the wicked and to the "Patria". He does not seem bothered by his lack of affection whatsoever, as sometimes constitutes a distraction and a energy-consuming duty which´s efforts could go to building a better, prosperous workers country.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Train Royale

People could argue Nikolai lacks a defined fear. He has seen enough rot in his lifetime to become desensitized by the horrors of the common day life. If he had to choose, he would replace fear by disappointment, and it towards some of the people living in the same world -or country- as him. He can´t grasp his mind around the fact of the capitalist state of mind which puts people closer to a childlish self-centered way of living, revolving around value and the accumulation of it. Nothing else matters in the grand scheme of things for the world as it is. And that is what makes him more uncomfortable. If that tendency continues, he´s afraid that someday we will all be under the regime of a schyzophrenic anarcho-capitalist advised by his dead dog. God help us all if that happens.

The most catastrophic scenario in Nikolai´s head is the discontinuation of the cause. So many men and women had spent their entire lifetime projects towards it, some had even died "a capa y espada" defending it. That cannot happen. People must be liberated from the restraints of the common life, which allienates so many for the reward of very few. The word must be spread, the way of the revolutionary must be taught, and the people must be made aware of the pathetic way of living they are all succumbed to.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Train Royale

Nikolai´s most prized posssession by far is his corved saber. Well, not his, but the general´s corved saber. And it does not come from the general some may think Nikolai reivindicates, but from the first one of them all: General San Martín. The saber itself is a living piece of history, wielded by the saint himself to liberate not only his people, but his neighbours past the southern mountain range. It´s duty served then to inspire other good men of the revolution, such as Simon Bolivar, to continue the quest for liberation up north, near the equator, to fully change the route of the region. No more submission carried by the conquerors, but the sheer will of the people from the americas. That´s what the blade represents, and how it inspires not only Nikolai, but anyone who it´s yielded against, towards the goal of glory. How he got the saber is unknown, but legend tells that the blade itslef chooses its wielder, based on the will of said fighter to carry change against the oppresion of the eppoc the wielder is imbuded in.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Murder Mistery with a twist

Primarily, some would say Nikolai´s biggest problem right now is capitalism as is. Current form of capitalism is the root of all evil in the world, since it consists on a capital acumulation model which allienates majorities for the benefit of some few born priviledged. The lie which sustains this whole model, as stupid and non-verifiable as it is, is meritocracy. This corrupted machine sucks in every human, privates them from their source and creativity, only to keep the gears spinning. A well-organized revolution could tear it apart, but each day it passes it seems less posible. Globalization has put a collar on the whole world and does not seem to be close to letting go. As evil as this "machine" is, it is surely well oiled. For now, we cannot go against capitalism; but we can change its ways. General Perón has proposed, yesteryear, when he was alive, a model denominated "national-oriented capitalism". Yes, it is still capitalism, but its interests consist on the well-being of the people. Prosperity, job positions, surplus, and so on, can all derive from this model, as seen, if well integrated. Better yet: once put through the (national) test, it could be transposed to the whole world. That´s the first step for change.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Murder Mistery with a twist

Wake up at 4 a.m.. Get up. Stretch. Open the curtains, then the window. Let in any stray cats that may come through. Pet them. Feed them. Let them go; they´re free spirits.
Go to the bathroom. Brush teeth. Bathe (optional). Get to the kitchen. Start boiling water. Pick a book from the library. Start reading. Once water boils, turn the heat off. Prepare the mate. Make the mate. Put both the mate and the water recipient on the table, near the reading zone. Read and drink mate. Achieve inner peace. Open the window to let the morning breeze in. Beautiful.
Finish mate at the same time as the book. Clean the mate. Store the book. Store mate items. Get changed for work. Leave home at 6a.m.. Go to work at the destilery. Recieve visists from both the union and the syndicate all day long. Work and politics. Politics and work. Could use some writing, for the future revolution. Hell yeah, that´s it.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Murder Mistery with a twist

Nikolai really doesn´t care about those bourgoise events where someone has to dress appropiately to said situation. He´d much rather be at a manifestation event with his comrades, or at a huge asado organised by the union to celebrate life itself. Or at the community center, discussing both books and neighborhood problems to be solved such as roads, lightning, etc. 

Nevertheless, if he really had to prepare for an important event as such, he´d go dressed with his signature trenchcoat; perhap´s he´d even switch his barfed shirt for a mor appropiate one, such as a Boca Jr´s jersey.

He really liked the masquerade he asisted to the other day though. Not so much the part of dressing up, but the sensuality of the masks and the hot chicks wearing them, as well as the evident effect alcohol and food (and perhaps other substances he carries in his bag) which made the whole thing much more interesting.

By the way, whenever a social reunion as such occurs, he´d much rather get high or drunk, and while in said state he starts to philosophate and theorize on social interaction.

A sociopath can imitate emotions, where a psychopath really doesn't have that capacity. They can't fool people into thinking anything and they're usually lacking major empathy for anybody besides themselves.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Murder Mistery with a twist

Get drunk, get high, fuck a bunch, throw rocks at a government building... no much different as Niko´s birthdays as a child. He really loved the apple pies people brought to the occasion, as at the time they were cheap to make and, not to take lightly, his favourite dessert. What would a perfect gift be for such occasion? Probably books, cigars, a whole barrel of beer to share at a party, as well as some hookers here and there when kids leave the function.

As seen, there is no set plan as such. He will probably come to the union HQ, be greeted by his mates and, with no time to waste, keep working on the revolution. Sooner or later, with more contracts on his back and the powers their complition provides, he will become the superhuman he wants to be, such as Perón was in his time, to make the revolution effective, massive, and lasting over all.