Asha's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Asha's first Contract.

Asha lives in the small town of Silverton, Oregon. She rents out a tiny one room studio apartment above a local bakery and is friends with the owner. They have built a friendship over the past couple of years of her living there and Asha is quite comfortable in her small home. She gets free food from her baker friend and enjoys the overall location. Silverton is a smaller town of only about 10,500 people, which Asha enjoys quite a bit. Cities and more populated areas were never really her style. Highly populated areas are much too polluted, smog filled, and noisy for her taste. Plus, Silverton is right by Willamette Valley, so she can go hiking whenever she likes! 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Asha's first Contract.

Asha earns money via her job as a park ranger at Silver Falls State Park, which is about 30 minutes away from her home in Silverton. Her job consists primarily of keeping the park clean of natural and man-made debris and educating park goers about the importance of conservation. The majority of Asha's paycheck goes to her rent, living expenses, and savings account. The extra cash she has left on her often goes to fun nights out with friends and charity donations. Her favorite charities to donate to are The Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and local no-kill animal shelters.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Asha's first Contract.

Asha wants nothing more than to free all wildlife from the oppressive rule of humanity. She believes that humans were wrong to abuse their position at the top of the food chain and believes that humanity as a whole needs to be knocked down a few pegs. While Asha is a mostly peaceful person, with the right push she would commit heinous crimes in the name of animal liberation. God forgive you if you harm an animal intentionally in front of her, because she won't. There is no doubt that Asha would drop everything she has and destroy her life as long as it meant all animals could go free and live without the fear of being hunted or harmed by humans.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Asha's first Contract.

Asha suffers from Lycanthropy. She was bitten by a werewolf when she was 16 while visiting family in Wallowa, Oregon, causing her to contract the Viral Lycanthropy disease. She was bitten again later that year when working with wolves that were going through rehabilitation at a wildlife rescue she volunteered at. This solidified her journey into becoming a full on werewolf, dramatically altering her life forever. It was only after her first transformation, which had happened while she was in her family home, that she knew she had contracted Viral Lycanthropy. Terrifying her parents and siblings, Asha was forced to run away and start life elsewhere. She was drawn to Oregon partly because it had been where everything started, so she grabbed only what she could carry and hitchhiked halfway across the country to start a new life.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Asha's first Contract.

Grant Heidrich: The owner of the bakery that Asha lives above. Grant, having had a rough childhood and start to life, looks older than he really is and is already going gray despite only being 27. Friends would describe him as a very creative and caring person who is also eternally tired. Asha and Grant have become very close friends ever since she moved there when she was 18. He is the only person to know about her lycanthropy and is one of two people Asha trusts with her life.

Isabel Martinez: A manager at the wildlife rehabilitation center Asha volunteered at. Despite the incident, Asha still keeps in touch with Isabel in a professional, working manner. They often share news with one another about conservation efforts and new environmentally friendly projects that are starting up. Sometimes, Asha wonders if she should blame Isabel for the whole situation - she wasn't properly trained to work with the wolves at the center yet - but can't seem to find it in her.

Ivette Coburn: A friend and romantic interest of Asha. They both met at a club when Asha went on a mini-vacation to Salem, Oregon. Ivette is a bartender at Lunacy, a night club in downtown Salem. What originally started off as a customer-bartender relationship quickly became a vibrant friendship. Now, they both try to meet every weekend, either by Asha visiting Ivette while she works or by Ivette coming to see Asha in her home town of Silverton.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Asha's childhood was simple, but good. She's lived in the lower middle class for the majority of her life. While she couldn't always do everything she wanted due to money constraints, she was never left needing anything. She got along fairly well with her younger brother, Elijah, and her younger sister, Harper. Obviously, there were the typical sibling quarrels, but when it came down to it the siblings would always have each other's backs.

Her parents, Mariam and Andre Dayana, were often not available as they were usually busy with their jobs. Mariam loves crafts and is very adventurous. She works as a graphic designer for a small, local business in Edmond, Oklahoma (where Asha grew up). Asha's father, Andre, also has a sense of adventure, but with more of a logical viewpoint. He works as an arborist for the city of Edmond.

All of their children, were sent to Ida Freeman Elementary, Heartland Middle School, and Edmond Memorial High School. Asha always had a small group of friends, though it seemed that she often lost and made new friends every few years. She was bullied at times for both her weight and her strange, bright white hair, though she learned rather quickly how to either ignore or clap back at the bullies. The Dayana kids stuck together throughout the majority of their lives. This dynamic was only broken apart after Asha ran away from home. Elijah and Harper know their parents know more than they let on, but could never get any information out of them about Asha's whereabouts or why she had left so suddenly...

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

Asha honestly didn't think she could feel love. While everyone else was pining over celebrities and kids at school, Asha was exploring the world around her (and probably playing in the dirt). She had heard the terms "aromantic" and "asexual" and figured that that must be what she is. Why else would she not being falling head over heels for someone? Then she met Ivette. 

Asha and Ivette met at Lunacy, the night club that Ivette works at. Originally, Asha had just gone for a night out, not planning on meeting new people or really making any connections. Ivette's bartender charm got through to her though and Asha's feelings have developed into something of a crush in the year they've known each other. Their friendship is currently going strong, and Asha hopes it won't end anytime soon. Now if only she could get her courage up to ask Ivette out.