Day's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Day's first Contract.

Day live in Los Angeles, or more specifically, she near los angeles near the beach (Venice). Day likes the beach, she likes to walk the beach in the mornings for exercise, she likes to walk the ocean front walk and buy trinkets, or just admire the art. Day likes people, always has, and no place is better for people watching. Day takes frequent vacations, and can often be found cruising around the various ports of the world. 

Day runs a rare book store, although she mostly works by invitation and referral nowadays. Day is decently well known in the rare book world, specializing in tomes of magic and witchcraft, rare occult books with (purportedly) the true names of demons in them and the like, Venice is a good location for her, she gets to wander around during the day, its close to a large airport so her clients can fly in (or she can fly to them), and she enjoys the nightlife, even if she doesnt party as hard these days. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Day's first Contract.

Day was a well known collector and seller of rare books, and an expert on book restoration. Day found many valuable tomes collecting dust, being sold in yard sales, etc, restored and sold them (or simply re-sold them) for large quantities of money. Nowadays Day occasionally sells the rare book, or buys one, and is often called in to authenticate or restore this or that rare volume, often for fairly significant sums of money. 

Day spends her money wandering the world, always looking for rare books to add to her collection, occasionally traveling to a clients location. Day spends a sometimes significant sum of money on rare occult books, either for her personal collection, or to sell, or both. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Day's first Contract.

Day has always dreamed of learning magic, although it has never happened to her. She knows any number of methods for gathering mana, she can do the rituals, but they have never worked for her. She keeps trying, and one day she believes she will learn. 

Day has no issues with killing, and isnt really afraid of death, she is 65, and has done most of what she wanted to accomplish with her life, if she dies in search of her last ambition, then she would be ok with that, better to reach for the stars and die trying than to simply wait around for death. Similarly, day has seen death before, she has been called in as an occult expert for crime scenes multiple times, death no longer holds any horror for her. 

Day is willing to kill to achieve her last ambition, and is willing to risk her life for it, she hears the call of the grave, now all thats left is to see if she can learn some magic before she goes. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Day's first Contract.

The most defining event of Days life was when she decided that power at the price of cruelty wasn't worth it. Day was called in an an occult expert for a mass killing ritual performed in a small town on the coast of California. Walking into the chapel, with a pentagram painted with the blood of children, with bodies strewn around, throat slit, eyes glassy. 

Day identified the ritual, one that offers the power of death to gain the power of the reaper, the ritual was unlikely to succeed, given the costs and potential power it offered, but somebody had tried it anyways. And the day she walked into the chapel, was the day that day decided that wanton cruelty was never a worthy path to power. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Day's first Contract.

The person Day is closest to is her daughter, Rose. Rose is a 25 year old accountant, working a fairly normal life. Rose and day have coffee together at least once a month, often once a week. Days daughter is currently unmarried, but day is still hoping to meet grandchildren before she dies. Rose is fairly pretty, and fairly intelligent, and is doing well in her career, she has little interest in the occult, although she finds rare books of interest. 

Charles is Days late departed husband of 25 years. Charles died of a weakening of his heart valves, a known genetic issue, but one that the doctors where unable to fix fully. Charles was a respected landscape architect, he could have made it big, but he decided that a less important life with his wife was better. Charles is three years dead, and day still misses him, although the pain is less. 

Cinder (Not her actual name, but her chosen one) is Days assistant in her rare book store. Cinder deals (currently) in the less expensive books, and runs the store for the day to day. Cinder is slowly learning to pick out the more valuable books, and is learning to restore them as well. Day suspects that Cinder is a witch, or mage of some kind, but has never had any proof, and it may just be her mind running away with her. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Maikendo

Day was always somewhat bookish and nerdy growing up, and always on the bright side, almost a prodigy in some subjects, but day had little time for the more mundane portions of her schooling, and never made it to prodigy status. She had no father growing up, he died to a workplace accident when she was too young to remember (age 4), she was raised by her single mother. They had sufficient money from life insurance and ADD insurance to live comfortably (along with her mothers salary as a part time then full time scheduler for a trucking company). 

Day attended school, and attended college, her degree is in literature, but focused on rare books, and included classes on how to identify them, and how to restore them. She fit in well enough in college and school, and learned to be the leader of her colleges rare books club when she took it over. Her middle and high school years where somewhat less friend-making, as she was often more interested in her books than in her fellow classmates, but she had a few friends that she shared some interests with. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Maikendo

Day has a daughter, Rose, who is now a 25 year old accountant. Rose was married to Charles, who died to a heart attack from weakened heart valves (genetic). Rose does not have her fathers heart condition. Day had had a few boyfriends before Charles. Day met Charles at a bookstore, where he was interested in books on historical plants, and she was interested in books on plants and their uses in wichery and occultism. They dated for approximately 2 years before Charles proposed, Day supported Charles as he started his own Landscape Architecture firm, and he eventually supported her when she opened her own bookstore (once rose was away at college). The two where married for 25 years, most of them good. Day and Charles had a relatively quite life, with Charles deciding to stick to local projects (where he was considered talented, and refused projects that would take him away from home for long periods of time), accepting the slightly lower pay of smaller jobs, but both enjoying the better work life balance, and seeing his projects in and around his home town. Day loved the quite days with Charles, sitting with him as he worked on projects, and she read books, sharing a cup of tea in the afternoon, going for a stroll around this or that new garden he had a hand in creating. 

Charles knew of Days interest in magic, and although he never shared it to the same extent, he encouraged it, willingly giving up the basement for her to attempt various rituals. As Day become a sometimes contact for the police to investigate ritual magics, Charles still supported her, and even assisted her in drawing up rituals that she saw to aid in her investigations. 

Charles will refuse to go to any afterlife that does not have Charles

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Entombed

Day fears turning to evil, or at least to callousness in search of power. Day has owned a decently well known collection of Occult novels throughout most of her life, and when the police see a crime scene they dont understand, they often turn to Day for assistance. Day has walked into rooms filled with the butchered remains of families, she has seen the horrors of ritual cannibalism. Day has seen the depths that some people will sink to for power. 

Day has seen what happens when people pursue power at any cost, and wanted no part of that. But Day is aware that all power comes at a cost. She has already paid that cost for her telekinesis, and it was a very hard thing to sacrifice two of her fingers. Day fears what other choices she might make for power. Day is willing to rob an empty tomb, Day is willing to start a cult dedicated to sharing knowledge. Day hopes to never get to the point of forcing the price of her power onto others. 

Day is aware of herself, and her capacity for violence, she has decided to make the choice to sacrifice only herself, but fears that such a choice is hard to keep

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Entombed

Day has a couple of possessions that might be considered her most special. 

Day has started writing a grimoire, that has runes and rituals she has found to be magical contained within. Over time she hopes to make the Grimoire itself a magical item, but for now it is special for what it contains, knowledge. The Grimoire is a small leather bound book, about 8x6 inches, hand bound and hand stitched. The surface is unadorned simple leather. 

Days next prized possession is her wedding ring, comprised of three simple materials woven together with a simple plait, it was made by hand by her husband, and that Day prizes more than large rocks or fancy materials. The most expensive part of the ring is the small amount of titanium used in its production. Day rarely takes the ring off, except to clean it, as it reminds her of her lost husband. 

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Djinn Delivery

Starting the Cult of Knowledge promises to be very useful, and we may get some very good resources from it, but right now its a lot of work to setup. Keeping that going while not being exposed is the biggest problem day faces. Over time Day hopes to turn this liability into an asset. 

Day currently has a small library, and a small number of followers, she needs to get more followers to fill out the ranks, and to get more useful information. Day also needs to grow her library, so she can have more to trade knowledge wise, leading the cult of knowledge with such a pitiful library is going to be a source of additional problems for her if she cant get that sorted.

Finally, Day also needs to get more contacts for both herself and her cult, she needs more people to help her get knowledge, or to sell information to.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Djinn Delivery

Day likes to start her morning with a walk along Venice Beach. If she has nothing important that needs to be handled early, she will usually be found taking an hour or so to walk Venice Beach, she likes to brows the art, she likes to see the people, and to be seen. Somewhere along her walk she will pass one of the bakeries she likes, and she will stop in for some coffee or tea, depending on how she is feeling. At some point she will pick up a newspaper to see whats been going on in the world, and she will read that on the way back, or when she has returned. 

After her walk, Day will take some time to answer emails about books she is looking for, or one that somebody else wants to purchase. Finally, she will take some time to work on fixing some books, or digitize books she already has for her reference. 

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, The Milk Run

Day has a series of dresses she has worn for this kind of occasion, she has lived a long life and rubbed elbows with some very wealthy people. Day knows how to do her makeup, her hair etc and do them quickly. Day can be conservatively but well dressed any day of the week. 

Day has reached the point of "Fuck it" however. That bright purple dress with tassles all over it and a big fur coat? Why not. A dress with peacock feathers sticking up off the back? Kick some ass. Day has corsets and accessories and all kinds of crazy stuff for when she feels like being wild. 

If she is dressing conservatively, she can go from PJ to ready in an hour, if she is dressing in one of her more ridiculous outfits it can take rather longer. Day will take several hours sometimes when she feels like being fabulous.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, The Milk Run

Day does not usually go for lavish birthdays anymore. 

For her next birthday, Day is planning something simple. 

Her daughter (Rose), whatever partner Rose may have, Cinder (and any partner Cinder may have), other friends and family. Day will plan something fairly simple, but fun. Some hiking, perhaps a few hours on dogfight simulators, or racing cars. Day enjoys simulated competition, and is decent at those kinds of games. 

Day will then organize a nice dinner party, perhaps at a Sushi place with a couple bottles of Sake. A couple hours of simulated combat, followed by a good dinner with the people Day cares about. 

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Tales To Be Told

I regret that I took until well into my 60s to seriously begin studying magic. There is so much I can do now that I could not dream of before, everything from mage hand to magical healing. My time with these abilities will be cut short, unless I learn how to heal aging. 

There is some caveats, I very much loved Charles, and I do not know that I could have devoted the time to Charles and my burgeoning business as a rare book seller if I was also studying magic. It is true that the magic I know would have been useful in setting up my business. 

I wish I could have started studying magic sooner, and I believe I could have found a way to balance the time with my husband and my daughter, not being able to teach my daughter true magic is another reason to be regretful. 

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Tales To Be Told

I gets my powers from rituals, glyphs, runes and sacrifices. 

I gained mage hand through a ritual that included sacrificing parts of my hands, that was a hard one, if I did not have help from the harbinger I do not know I could have wielded the knife. Learning to make a stash was less difficult, making my wedding ring into a focus was a good idea, although the ritual should allow me to move past that crutch as I gain familiarity. 

Learning to heal minds, to heal bodies took study, learning to describe traumas in runes, to make glyphs of healing and mending is hard, and I often have to consult my grimoire. Learning to write those runes in the inverse, to complete the glyph is even more challenging, but I persevere, and no power can be gained without sacrifice. The power I wield is inherent in the world, the rituals, the runes, the glyphs all have power, it is up to me to be skilled enough to give it direction.