O-Natsu's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before O-Natsu's first Contract.

O-Natsu currently rents an apartment in a less than desirable, but relatively physically 'safe' area of town. Like all the other children of her generation, she was given a rather nice property in her name when she reached the age of 10. But, relatives tricked her into having them 'take care of it for her' because she was 'young and inexperienced.' The theory that they have stated is that it would be far more 'financially responsible' for her to live in cheap apartments while 'preventing the assets from depreciating.' As a result, O-Natsu no longer has access to any of her properties. 


The front door sticks, especially when it is hot, cold, or wet. The appliances work most of the time, but are far out of date. The neighbors are annoying, and the graffiti is often misspelled. The carpets are ugly, and the walls have been given the 'landlord special' too many times to count. But, at least O-Natsu has never caused enough damage to ever worry about losing her security deposit. Plus, her family doesn't like to come around--probably because they think they are too good for it. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before O-Natsu's first Contract.

O-Natsu comes from a very wealthy and influential family. She is given a monthly living stipend until she can get up on her own two feet. She has noticed that the stipend has gotten smaller over the years, even though costs of living have increased. This is because relatives that claim to be 'helping' her have been funneling off the money to themselves while claiming that they are 'investing' the money for her and being more 'financially wise.' 


She tends to spend most of her money on necessities. She has spent the grand majority of her life trying to be 'a good girl' and make 'wise financial decisions' which essentially translate into her spending as little money as possible on herself. As a result, she eats cheap food, uses a lot of hand-me-downs, and dollar-store personal care products. One of her goals is to get what she is supposed to be getting and start actually caring for herself. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before O-Natsu's first Contract.

After being tricked, exploited, and otherwise taken advantage of by her parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, O-Natsu has reached a breaking point and is hellbent on burning it all down and placing herself at the top of the heap after exacting her revenge. She wants to take back what has been stolen and tricked from her, while she was encouraged to 'be a good girl' and passive, and just let it happen. No more. 


The cousins and siblings who looked down on her and got the adults to pressure her into giving up credit for her accomplishments so they could look good? They'll understand soon enough they fucked with the wrong person. The uncles and aunties who confused her and tricked her into giving them her assets so they could manage them? She'll take it all back and more. Those parents that encouraged her to let everyone around her bleed her dry? They're going to get their comeuppance, too. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before O-Natsu's first Contract.

After completing her degree, O-Natsu returned to her family home in order to figure out what she was going to do next. Much to her horror, she found out by listening and a little snooping that all of her cousins, her siblings, and the rest of her entire family have been bleeding her dry as an easy target while they all attempted to curry favor with the family head. And they all encouraged each other to do it. Even O-Natsu's parents. Just because she had been encouraged to 'get along with others' as a child and 'be the bigger person' or 'be generous.' 


No. It was all meant to make her easier pickings for the rest of the family. The long weekend after her return home was both the worst and best time of her life--because she learned the awful truth. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before O-Natsu's first Contract.

O-Rin  - One of O-Natsu's cousins, and one that is very close in age. She has pretended to be kind and friendly to O-Natsu in order to ride O-Natsu's coattails and steal credit for O-Natsu's accomplishments and talents for most of their lives. One of the first things O-Natsu overheard that changed her mind was O-rin throwing a tantrum about having to lower herself to hang around 'ugly trash' like O-Natsu after she returned from college. A White Lotus Bitch. 


Aunty Mai (Mai Oba-sama) - O-rin's mother. This is the person O-Rin learned how to affect friendliness from. She stole most of O-Natsu's property assets under the guise of 'helping' O-Natsu manage them until she was experienced enough to do that on her own. An older woman with several nasty daughters. She spends most of her time gossiping with her other high-society friends and 'being cultured.' 


Simon - The boy of the same age that was assigned to be O-Natsu's playmate. He is from an impoverished branch family. O-Natsu was tricked into asking him to help out one of her cousins for the last year--basically giving up her last ally. One of O-Natsu's first goals is to wrest Simon back onto her side. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Smell no Evil

Hah. What a fucking question. I'm beginning to see that there is just some sort of system here. There are winners and losers, and my parents were chosen (or turned out) to be losers. My parents came from a very wealthy family. I guess you could say they are 'chaebol.' The family business is a multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerate. And everyone else has a slice of the pie but them. And then they passed that bag of shit to me. We're just a family of thieves. And I happened to get everything stolen from me. 


I'm owed a lot. 


I've always been the but of the joke, always the bread girl. Always the errand girl. Always the one who gives out of 'generosity' and 'being a good girl.' I wonder if it even matters what I've done. I think people always smelled it on me, that I was a loser born from the loser line in a family of rich thieves. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Smell no Evil

I'm not really sure what 'love' even is. There were plenty of people I admired. Plenty I had crushes on. And every time, I stepped aside like an obedient little dog if someone asked me to. Because I was never allowed to even show myself. I had to be scenery for someone else. I wonder if I even believe in love, outside of a very appealing fantasy. I don't even know how I could go about even...making an impression anymore. I wonder who I could even trust to walk me through it. Certainly no one I'm related to. Maybe that's something I can work on as well. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Bobasaurus

Hah. Greatest fears? I feel like I've already gone through that. I worked my entire life thinking that if I just pleased my family and was a 'good girl' for my entire life. My entire goddamn life. And I was just a joke. Someone that was convenient for them to bleed dry and squeeze. And I let them. I let them do everything they wanted to me, and I thought that I had a place. 


I guess my worst fear would be doing all that again. Just falling into the same goddamn trap for the rest of my life and being a loser who couldn't defend herself. So yeah, that's it. Being utterly powerless and getting betrayed again. Because then it would also be that I was stupid enough to do it again. That I didn't see anything. Because then I would be stupid in combination with everything else. And I guess that would mean that I really was a born loser from a loser line that never had a chance at being anyone, anything, or anything to anyone. 


Maybe we got a little dark there. I'm not even sure if I fear ending up alone, because being with other people seems to be so much worse. 

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Bobasaurus

HAH. That's a good one. I used to have a lot. Properties. Stocks. Investments. Art. But, I ended up giving it all away or getting guilted out of all of it. So I don't have any of it anymore. I would say at this point my most prized possession is this shitty apartment. Because at least that's mine. And that might be the extent to what really is mine. And that is what makes it special, that it's the only thing that IS mine. 


That's how far we've gone. That's how far we've sunk over here. I don't even have friends. Ironically, I got tricked out of those, too. Or they decided that it was not worth being friends with someone like me. I guess there is that bank account. That's mine, too. Gamgee-Baggins. How funny is that? The biggest competitor to my family's bank is the one that would end up protecting what's mine better. 

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Bobasaurus

It's clear that the scumbags in my family are willing to stoop a lot lower than I previously thought. I had imagined most of them to be cowards who were following the role of a few brave snakes. But, it seems like they're willing to go a lot further than the usual to get rid of me. I think it's time that I changed tactics. I had a bit of a fit and let it all slip that I'm not as dumb as I look during the murder investigation. I think that will keep the grand majority of them off my case for a few weeks. They will likely have to reassess any of their plans that involve me. It's also possible that some of the infighting will be directed towards Otoki's branch of the family as well, since they'll sense some weakness there. Really, is this a family or a viper's nest? 

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Bobasaurus

Having just graduated, I seem to exist in a very odd period of time where there are almost no responsibilities on my plate. So what do you do? Well, if you're 17 years old, it means you roll out of bed around noon. Well, if Lou hasn't wrecked my shit, broken something, or otherwise yelled at me to get up. Although I prefer to shower at night, I have started taking a shower in the morning as well. You have to have your morning wet dissociation, right? I haven't been buying a lot of groceries, since I'm used to the campus food situation. So I usually go with Lou, or alone, to the local convenience store to grab breakfast, and then maybe something for lunch. There is usually a moment of horror or paranoia where I have a panic attack of some kind. 

These days, I suppose that I should be actually be working on a plan of some sort to address my...problems.