K's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before K's first Contract.

K lives in alternate universe Metropolis as it feels to K like the beating heart of culture A melting pot of all that is good and bad in this world, a place where they can find like minded souls as well as the targets for their righteous retribution. K was born in the Midlands to a small family on a small farm. They escaped this life to the city when they were 16, where they fell in with an anarcho-commune, which they have bummed around with since. They've gotten used to this lifestyle and definitely consider themselves a native of the city at this point despite the circumstances of their birth and somewhat recent immigration to the city itself.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before K's first Contract.

Money? What's that? Just kidding, but only sort of. K lives in an anarcho-commune that squats in an abandoned flat with electricity and water pilfered from nearby, with particularly erratic electricity used mostly to charge everyone's phones. Gigs bring in some money, but are not reliable. TikTok brings in the likes, but not the dough since K absolutely refuses to take sponsorships or otherwise sell out their principals. Outright theft makes up a non zero amount of their income as well. They've become reasonably skilled with the old 5 finger discount over time, though they try to keep thefts limited to large corporations. When they happen to get their hands on any significant chunks of change they toss it into a pot at the commune for general use. This tends to go to medical or other substantial expenses of the commune members as a whole, with what's left over forming the "food fund" for communal meals that happen most nights. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before K's first Contract.

Their ambition is to make the world not suck. To them that means several things, starting with an end to the dominant positions large corporations have. They hate major politicians of all stripes, though especially those on the right. They do not feel like anyone on the "left" in power is nearly far enough to the left. They are broadly an anarchist, though they are less manifesto based than just generally believe that everyone should have enough to sustain themselves and broadly thrive without any hoarding vastly more than they need.

To achieve their ends they are willing to go quite far. They're not quick to kill, but believe certain groups of people, like fascists, do not deserve to live. An innocent life is not a fair price to pay to achieve their goals, but broader societal inconvenience is fair game. Putting their own life on the line to reach these goals is only fair game and they are quick to do so when needed. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before K's first Contract.

K was in a relationship with Jhonny Blake. The specific kind of relationship where a teenager new to the city and the broader world falls hard for the slightly older and more worldly individual that promises them all the things that they felt life owed them that they were denied in their small town home. They fell hard and they fell fast and for the next 8 months nothing mattered beyond the time they spent with Jhonny. They joined their commune because Jhonny became a member. Turns out Jhonny was a trust fund baby. Their gap year ended and overnight they dumped K, left the commune, and left to return to college. K was left shattered and betrayed. They retreated into their beliefs and doubled down on the lifestyle, but are wary of others getting close and brace for further betrayals. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before K's first Contract.

Kate Vills - Bassist in K's band. Member of the commune. Lives life at 11 at all times. K's best friend and occasional lover. A bit too much of a whirlwind to rely upon for any consistency, but generally a blast to be around when they're feeling good and a lot to handle when they're not.


Mike Petroni - Perennial slacker, stoner, general lag about. Also, the kindest and (in K's mind) wisest person in the world. They are another member of the commune. Closest thing to a father figure in K's life (despite them only being 22). K values their advise and actively seeks it out when they're feeling low or lost.


Allan Rickdal - Drummer in K's band. Not a member of the commune, though the younger brother of commune member Jenny Rickdal. Absolute beast on the drums. Joined the band mostly as an outlet for their frustration with life in general and their parents in specific. 17 years old. Still figuring life out.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, What a weirdo

K's childhood was not nearly so troubled as they would have you believe, but it was not exactly perfect either. K's parents were largely absent for much of K's development. They divorced while K was still young and K bounced around between them for most of their youth. K's mother was a middle manager at a textile manufacturer and spent most evenings either drinking with her coworkers or drowning herself in the bottle at home. K's dad was a writer of middling success who frequented coffee shops or simply shut themselves away in their room to write. Despite being a fairly absent figure K still is to some extent inspired by the creativity present in their dad's work. 

K did attend school and there went through many phases from popular girl to witchy wierdo during their school days, ultimately settling on puck as an overall vibe. While their crew changed over time, they were generally quite popular within their tribe and still moderately popular without it on the back of their natural charisma.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, What a weirdo

K was in a relationship with Jhonny Blake. The specific kind of relationship where a teenager new to the city and the broader world falls hard for the slightly older and more worldly individual that promises them all the things that they felt life owed them that they were denied in their small town home. They fell hard and they fell fast and for the next 8 months nothing mattered beyond the time they spent with Jhonny. They joined their commune because Jhonny became a member. Turns out Jhonny was a trust fund baby. Their gap year ended and overnight they dumped K, left the commune, and left to return to college. K was left shattered and betrayed. They retreated into their beliefs and doubled down on the lifestyle, but are wary of others getting close and brace for further betrayals. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Smell no Evil

K's biggest fear is failure. They have absolute confidence in themselves so the thought of coming up short is terrifying. Being somewhat of a jack of all trades is a bit of a double edged sword here. They have a knack for most things that they try, but at the same time that lulls them into a sense that they can try and succeed at anything and the healthy sense of limitations in one's own abilities is dulled to the point where it hardly exists.

In a bigger sense they fear failing at their ultimate objective in changing the world for the better. They have the feeling that they can succeed even in this lofty goal, but here there's at least some awareness of the absolute enormity of their task and knowledge of the strength of the forces against them. Since coming into powers this goal feels both more attainable and yet still harder to achieve. Gaining some powers themselves really drives home just how vast and powerful those who will oppose them will be.

Their other main fear is betrayal. Feeling betrayed and abandoned by their former partner has left K particularly on edge with regards to this, though they are trying to open up and trust their new companions.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Smell no Evil

Most prized possession is their guitar. It's next to their only possession so it could win more or less by default, but the guitar truly is special to K. Besides their pocket knife and amp it's the only possession that K really bothers to hang on to. Their guitar is what lets them rock out and really express themselves to the world. It's a crimson red Squier Bullet. Covered in stickers with a custom moded neck. The guitar was one the K scrimped and saved up for and is the only thing large purchase that K has made for themselves. Bought when they were 15 it was the guitar that they first learned to play on. 

Their only other main possession is their pocket knife with way too many options on it. This was boosted from a store after the owner went on a racist and transphobic tirade within earshot of K, so they stole the most expensive thing they had easy access to and thought they could get away with.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Smell no Evil

K's biggest problems in their life right now is probably the limitations presented by their current living situation and the lack of ability to affect the grander world that they currently have. Their living situation and standards presents some considerable restrictions on things like how they get around and what they can do and interact with. Without much money there is a strata of individual they come into contact with less. Their mobility in the city is also limited to where they can reach with public transportation. Their living conditions are also not the most healthy. Privacy too can be somewhat lacking and there's not really a place to retreat to if they want some time and space to themselves without others around.

K also has big dreams for where her music can take her and what effect she can ha e on the world that aren't able to be realized yet with her current reach/powers.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Smell no Evil

A typical morning involves waking up on the single matress K has in the tiny room they keep to themselves on the second floor of the squat where they stay. Bleary, they check their phone to see what time it is and if they need to be anywhere. Often "morning" is rather relative here depending on if they had a gig or just were otherwise out late the night before. They get up, throw some clothes on and head down to the kitchen to grab some coffee. Sometimes there's fruit, often there's off brand cereal in the communal pantry. Most days K then does some light exercises and strength training. After that, or directly affer food if they're in a hurry, K grabs a quick shower, brushes their teeth, fixes their hair spikes and, after a bit of time on their phone, Kis ready to head out into the world.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Bobasaurus

There are two sorts of "look your best" for K. The first is their punk best, the second is their fancy best. Despite appearances, K has no aversion to getting dolled to the nines. Slim fit red dress or a tux both suit K fine. Makeup pulled back to tasteful levels, but still sculpting the face. Minimal jewelry, but a few rings and possibly a silver necklace. K has the poise and charisma to blend in well with the hoightiest of toightys.

Their other look though, for something like a big show, is maximalist punk. Tight ripped jeans. Big spiky belt. Long shirt with another band like Crass or X-Ray Spex or perhaps a (maybe handwritten) political message. Painted nails in loud colors. Spiked collar, vibrant lipstick and eye shadow with dramatic eyeliner. This whole look takes a fair while to complete with honestly more work required to do than the fancy one.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Bobasaurus

K is not huge on birthdays. They prefer to celebrate things that are actively occurring, whether that's a big show, a political victory, or someone just having a good day. They aren't completely against a bit of show and cake, and it's an excuse to hang with friends, so that's cool. They could be convinced to hit the town for some karaoke and drinks if the establishment isn't so up on carding. Mostly they're at that age where getting older still has some interesting privileges to look forwards to, but being at the height of youth feels like its fast slipping away at the same time.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Gator Stomp

K's greatest regret so far is that they were kind of shy and reserved at the start of high school. They didn't really find their voice and their outgoing nature until junior year so the first two years were spent with few friends and not a lot going on in their life. It was only once they got past this initial awkward phase that they really felt like they came into their own and in K's mind those first couple years were wasted where they could have been living life much more actively. In their junior year K was part of a band for the first time and that had a lot to do with them gaining confidence, but to K's line of logic not having the confidence to be in a band earlier kept them from time that they could have been practicing and learning their craft, both singing and guitar even better.

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Gator Stomp

K's gifts are their inherent presence and charisma amped up to 11 and made manifest in the world. K naturally has that once in a generation level of charisma and the Gifts enable them to take advantage of that and push beyond what is humanly possible.  As they manifest the gifts are as an extension of K themselves. The other main type of gift they use is artifacts. K is happy to make use of artifacts as, being in a band, equipment as an extension of self and way of interacting with the world feels totally natural. Their first artifact, the ring of disguise, was a helpful small trinket with ties to stories of myth and legend. From there soon though K will pick up an axe and work to shape it into a dual literal axe and figurative one with their guitar, maybe even looking to combine it with innate functionality to complete it.