Eithan Caltrider's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Eithan Caltrider's first Contract.

Eithan lives right outside of Savannah, Georgia. Savannah, being a port city allows Eithan ample professional opportunities without the need to live in a larger city. They do not feel any specific fondness for the area and if a better opportunity appears they will likely take it so long as their need for an independent base of operations can be maintained. Savannah has always been connected to the supernatural and it's vibrant history has always been a point of interest to Eithan. A lot of people vacation in the lowcountry so it's been easy for Eithan to create professional contacts. Eithan owns some land outside of Savannah where they've built a container home. As their income and time allows it they expand it. They even have a secret underground container for emergencies.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Eithan Caltrider's first Contract.

Eithan, started off mostly doing event planning and personal assistant gigs before becoming a professional coordinator. He is great at learning new things and communicating them to others. Combined with penchant for organization and logistics he contracts with others as a coordinator and consultant. If you need to figure out how to make something work or get a high level summary- he's your man. He refuses to work for any one company or person as to maintain his freedom and independence. His time is very valuable and he doesn't trust others to manage it fully. He uses his money to improve his estate and jumps from one hobby to another to keep himself challenged. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Eithan Caltrider's first Contract.

Many people look at the challenges around them and make it their life's work to overcome. Eithan couldn't commit to just one challenge and they know their mortal life isn't enough to make the changes they want to see in the world so he made it his mission to live forever and obtain the power necessary to make a meaningful impact on the world. A utopia is but a dream for some.. a nightmare for others.. a possibility for someone as determined as Eithan. He likes fixing things and thinks fixing the world to conform to his ever evolving ideals is worth sacrificing a normal life. He's willing to give all of himself to the cause. He isn't trying to be God, but he'll become one if that's what it takes to get the job done.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Eithan Caltrider's first Contract.

Eithan grew up without ever going without. He wasn't wealthy or spoiled, but he was certainly middleclass. Living a somewhat sheltered childhood, being introduced to people and circumstances he didn't understand was really common in his teenage years. He has always had a fix it mentality and would go out of his way to try and make a positive difference. His simple mindedness often got him in trouble. One such incident happened when he was just sixteen years old. He had befriended a shy and quiet girl who he loved to make laugh with his corny jokes and awkward disposition. Over time, he'd notice this girl would wear baggy clothing and flinch when someone would touch them. When Eithan started to notice the bruises- he confronted her about it. She refused to talk about it, going so far as to threaten him with ending their friendship. Eithan, of course, could not let it go and started to follow her home. He did so unbeknownst to her for a month before witnessing something. His friend, upon getting home was confronted by an older man yelling and pulling her into her house. He said awful things to her and said she was late and that she wasn't allowed to keep him waiting. Eithan, rushed forward and confronted the man. Eithan's friend screamed at him to go before the man rushed him and shoved him to the ground. Eithan, easily defeated, went home and told his parents the situation. His parents supported him and together they went to the police. Seeking justice, they instead found more wrong when they were informed the man they wished to place charges against was a congressman. As they pushed- it became evident that the system did not care. This event lead to a whirlwind of bad events that include his parents losing their jobs, classes being reassigned, and eventually his friend moved to another school. At the end of his senior year, he received news that his friend was found dead in another state, covered in cuts and bruises. No connection was ever made to her stepfather the congressman. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Eithan Caltrider's first Contract.

Paul Caltrider:

Father of Eithan. Former construction worker- now retired, Paul lives in Montana with his wife Ellen. He has a small ranch that keeps him active. 


Ellen Caltrider:

Mother of Eithan. Former teacher- now retired, Ellen lives in Montana with her husband Paul. She helps Paul around the house and tutors local children for bingo money. 


Kassandra Delson:

Friend of Eithan. Full Time Librarian, part time 100 different side gigs. Kass met Eithan after working for him in his first event planning business. They quickly became friends and she occasionally helps with other odd jobs. She is someone that Eithan often confides in and trusts. Eithan socializes with a lot of people, but she is his only "true" friend. Their other mutual acquaintances often joke about some type of romantic involvement between the two, but they deny it every time. There may be a spark of some sort, but both have goals that leave little time for anything more..

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Comfortable

Eithan's childhood was pretty uneventful until the trauma and death of his friend in High School. His parents were loving and they were comfortably middle class so that he never went without his basic needs. He was a very intelligent child and always ahead of his peers with his book smarts and work ethic. This also meant he was generally behind socially and it was hard for him to make friends. Eithan's parents always pushed him to do his best and gave him the resources to succeed. Eithan's mother was a teacher and could always answer his questions and give him extra challenges. Eithan's father, a , was always up for a debate and loved to discuss challenging ideas and play the devils advocate. This fostered a love of learning and discovery for Eithan. His vast interests and eventual hobbies allowed him to find peers to socialize with. He was never close to them, but it prevent him from being alone.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Comfortable

Eithan's first crush disappeared and was eventually found dead. This trauma made it difficult for him to grow attached to people. He definitely has strong feelings for Kass, but he refuses to let himself "fall" for her fully. Maybe he's delusional and he already has.. only time will tell. For now- they enjoy a friends with benefits type relationship and refused to take it more seriously. Eithan holds a small hope that eventually he'll open himself fully to someone, but his plans to change the world come first. He has a long journey ahead of him and cannot risk falling off of the path he has chosen.