Izaac Laven's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Invaders

I Retired to this small town I now live in. It is a simple slow place with beautiful views and warm weather. Due to the poor economy of this country I can live a more lavish life here then I could in a better off country. I have a 4 bedroom house with a view of the sea. it is a short walk to a store and this town has plenty of good places to eat. Really it is the ideal place to retire. I do miss the winter some time, but lets be honest that is a load of crap I'll take warm skys and the sea over St, Petersburg any day.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Invaders

You don't spend a lot of money when you are at war and so I ended up saving a large amount in my youth. Throw in the fact I'm now a disabled veteran and life becomes fairly cheep. I have most of my money in a government retirement fund that gains good interest and what I make with that I spend quite openly. I have a small speed boat and a nice house. I eat out rather often as I am bad at cooking. I also have a small collection of old guns that I collect as a hobby, but they will probably have to see use soon.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Invaders

From the sounds of the contract that started this whole thing ambition is what attracts these harpengers to potential contractors. My ambition is simple but hard to accomplish. I wish to become a man who welds money and power without a second thought. Strong and rich enough that no being could possibly control me. I do not wish for complete domination I thing ruling this planet would be a bother and from historical views simply not achievable. A king of men that's all. With a command good or evil to be achieved through my words. Is that so much to ask. Hahahahaha that was a joke I'm not asking weak men ask strong ones demand. I will take this power through any means possible. With blood tears and sweat I will have my throne.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Invaders

This is off the record correct, good. 


Have you ever been pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed untill the only options is to brake. My old commander was the kind of man who pushed people like that pushed the whole troop and for a lot of them into their deaths. Well I disided that wouldn't happen any more so I simply pushed a knife into him. First his arms cutting tendens with the strike then his legs so he couldn't run anymore. From there I went nice and slow cuting and then fixing over and over. The best part was I never touch his voice he ruined that himself. The other men never felt pity for his cry's that tells you the kind of man he was. After days of toying with him. I had him dropped in a mine field. Killed in the line of duty. The lucky bastard.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Invaders

There are few people I truly trust and trust is not something that can be formed with simple words or actions. 


The few people I have grown trust would have to be my squad mates. We went through that hell together. A hell most of us didn't make it out of. Honestly none of us should have made it out. As my right hand man Sargent Nerveny said  after it was all over "we are but dead men who have yet to notice" there is truth in those words. None of us fit in a world without conflict we had seen and done to much to servive as normal men anymore. 


I've met with the Sargent, privets Iven and Mikel for drinks about three months ago. It was a wonderful time we remembered together and drank for our fallen, but I could feel the lack of perpese in them all. They had the hunger for more that a normal life could no longer provide. I believe I have a plan forming on how to create a new life for all of us. I just need to set the last of the foundation in place first.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Invaders

My father was a strong man. He was a soldier in the great war and served noblily. He shaped me to be strong like him driving me to perfection. That is before mother was gone. I never knew what happened but she was simply gone. From there he turned to drink. He hated my eyes told me they were my mothers. I was to never look him in the eye from then on. On my 17th birthday he told me he had a surprise for me when I got home. It was a recruitment officer. I did know until after but he sold me into service. I was placed in a airborne drop troop and my boot camp was the battlefield.

I excelled in school not for my knowledge but because of my hard work. My companions in school were vastly different from me so uncensored about there growth. I studied them and learned what the right words to say at any given time. I was far better at this then with any textbooks I read. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Invaders

Hahahahahahahahaha wait you aren't joking give me a second to retain my breath ....


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha


Ok I'm done. 


I've never been in love. Love makes men stupid. Love makes women devalue themselves. I don't understand it. I can make use of it but I don't understand it. Does that make sense. If not it's just like love to me hahahahaha. 


Why would I waste my time coxing a woman to be my lover what benefit does it offer me. None that I can see. On the other hand it gives all those who would seek to hurt me an outlet for their attacks other than myself. Crazy the whole thing is crazy I don't know why people do it to themselves.



****Note Izaac is asexual. Though he doesn't know what that is as he is an older Russian man and the idea has never been introduced to him.


8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Tales To Be Told

My fears are simple I fear the unknown. I have grown numb to the horrors of humanity. But monsters of the arcane or Occult. I have now way to prepare for encounters with them or the disasters they bring about. Men can be worked with or if needed killed. But other beings do care not for the human way of solving conflicts. All be it a lot the the Humans I now interact with seem to not fallow these rules anymore. Even I Have gained some level inhuman confrontation. I can kill a man just by blowing some smoke at them or mentally and physically brake them. I could do all of that with normal means before but it has become almost trivial. I bereave that if I keep completing these contracts I too shall become one of the monsters I don't understand. If that point comes will I still fear the unknown like I do now. I think that I am right to have this fear. Fear keeps me on my watch. It helps keep me alive. Pushing forward one step at a time.


Hahahahahaha I do suppose Being a inhuman monster without anything to fear would be wonderful.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Maikendo

I was given a lighter from my troop mates. It is a simple thing well made but not flashy. I've had to refill it time and time again but still its the only one I use. I've also had the sparkier relapsed. I know it shows how bad my habits are, but hey I'm not dead yet and I never thought I would get to see my 30s anyway. I always thought my men hated me. I hated my commander and I assumed the men who fallowed me hated me the same, they proved that they trusted me. They did not talk badly about me to peers and even stood up for me when I was placed on trial. If not for them I could be dead in some prison somewhere in Siberia. They gave me this lighter at my discharge. I was told as long as I still used its light they were still my men till our dying days.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Maikendo

It was boredom. I've been stuck siting around "enjoying my retirement" and rotting to death. I want action. I want risk. Something that will get my body moving and blood pumping. I should have died 40 years ago in that hell whole of a war. No I did die then I have been living as a dead man wasting away waiting for the grave to take me. But not anymore I may still not be useful as a solder anymore, but that maters not. I have the power to go on past that. Truth be told I don't have a real goal on what to do with this company I will be forming that's why I'm making a murc group I don't need some lofty goal all I need to do is fallow the money. No nationality or lofty ideals to hold me down and limit my options. Power and money enough to make a man mad. That is my ideal now.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

My ships cabin is rather nice. It's nothing extraordinary, it is also midship so now sea board views. Once I get up I go to the top deck for a quick smoke, After that I go to the mess for a small breakfast normally an orange or banana. After that I go to the training grounds for a run.  After the run I take another smoke break. And hit the shower. After a shower I check reports, training ranks, running costs, combat reports from any active zones. I only look at the ones Marked most important. I will get to the rest of the paperwork periodically through the day usually for only an hour or two, then move on to another task for a time. I really need an secretary to cut through the unimportant stuff for me. Other than that I will also go and talk with the men. I find it good to have them know me personally, build respect directly while I still can. I know once I grow the group large enough I won't be able to know each man personally.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

I have my old dress uniform, I have made a good number of changes to it though. Hahahahaha it would never get through an inspection anymore. It looks much better now though. After all I'm not a simple soldier I am a business man and a commander rolled into one. For an important appointment being well informed is far more important then any dressing up. Knowing who is the most important at any advent, and finding out there motive. Social events are a rich man's battlefield. I need to know who is in attendance. What level of power each mans words carry so I know how to sway to my side and who to step upon to climb up the latter of success. It also doesn't hurt to help to have personal information in case anyone wrongs you at the event who knows if you are ahead on the game you pay the value to cut their brake lines. 

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger



Damn I'm an old coot how have I not died yet. Hahahahahahahaha hahahahaha

I will drink to another year of growth, another year of prosperity and another year tricking death. I shall buy myself a good cigar and good drinks to go with it. Hey if I make it to my next one the whole company can have some drinks on me. 


I've had far to many birthdays already so taking a short break for enjoyment on them ain't so bad, but as I said only a short one. After my drink and smoke it's back at it again. 

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

I do not look back in my past actions and regret, I look back and learn. Each mistake and each bad thing that happened to me was simply a hard lesson learned. Some lost me company, others left me broken. But nothing has yet to kill me and some day I will find a way to come back from that and learn from that too. 


I was throwing into a land of death before I even ever became a man. From that I have returned an man that can strive for things normal men flee from. I have seen it the power that be have seen it. 


My path a pain and failure led me to be the man I am today and I can only strive to create such and environment for those who follow me so they can fail live on and become powerful. Driving themselves and me to the top of this burning world.

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

My power is a mix of my own skill and a blessing from above. I have given my regards to Hecate and my own strengths have shaped themselves into spells and magic. 


My eyes enhanced by spells of smoke and see the lines of peoples minds reading there flaws and aspirations. My words force others to listen for fear of the consequences. I find the braking down of a targets body children play and using the peaces as tools for my own gain. 


By my own hand I could not have the power I do now. For that I try and use this strength to form other power of my own not that of harbingers and spells, but if men and steal for if my support ends and the hand that lifted me plans to drop me. I do not plan to fall. But instead rise and force my place among those who looked down at me before.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Passing the Hours

God's exist. Wether they are the same things we hear stories about is another matter entirely. Hell they may not even be people or beings as we see them. Simply ideas given power by our thoughts. After all words are powerful. Get enough people to believe something and it becomes true. Look at the Court a few words is all it takes to change a man from innocent to dead regardless of wether they did anything. I do invoke a god to make my spells Hecate the Greek goddess of magic and crossroads. I send prayers and magic fallows. I definitely wouldn't call me faithful it the gifts stop coming then I would have believe no longer. Faith without works is dead lol. And if mine works so does others. It is not a matter of believing and more of a matter of seeing after vampires and bird people why not gods.

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Passing the Hours

When ones day job is war and fire rat extermination. Contracts and my daily life don't feel so different. I'm far more likely to run into weird things on contracts, but super soldiers and monster also appear on a battlefield. At times contractors feel like mini games with how weird they can be, others are gruesome I had a woman with a presher detector set to a bomb underneath her one of my allies tried to move her and boom no more woman. I think that is the difference of the harpeners they must value different skills and each tests us in different ways.  For almost all I have seen that kindness and mercy be rewarded, and time and time again underhanded and ruthless methods prove extremely effective. The cruel use this to become stronger and I am one of them. My methods and I am not the worst person I have seen on these jobs, I should be able to make a pretty penny clean up after my fellow contractor.

18. Give a brief description of the other Contractors you see often. What do you like or dislike about them?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Passing the Hours

The contractors I have encountered are just people. At first it was completely normal people, some went by weird names that were definitely not there real ones. Now I'm seeing people with some powers but they are still normal people. They have day jobs far less dangerous then mine. They my go on grand adventure and pursuits but they are normal ish. Take Mike he was a macanic and he still is one, but now he fixes things and weals magic through his creations. I've also seen master swordsman with a craft far beyond human. I love being surrounded by people with ambition. Contractors are all striving for something this makes them people who are both powerful and usable. All is need to do is find out what drives them and place a peace of that in front of them and boom they will leap forward doing as I please.

19. Describe the perfect room.

Link Answered after Contract 8, Adapting to Darwin

A nice chair, like a really nice chair. next to it a end table. Newspaper, coffee, and a cat in my lap. A good amount on natural light from bulletproof windows. Warm lighting and a fireplace burning away. The view of the mountains, with a posted guard on the terrace. The pelt of some magic animal as a rug. A silver bell that can call servants to fulfill my every need. Of course the walls are decorated with art and gold trim. I will make sure it is not too much though I don't want to look gaudy after all. See just a simple room. Of course this room will be part of an extensive presidential sweet and compound fulled with men and woman competing in a political environment built around serving me but that is a minor point.