"btacdbra"'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before "btacdbra"'s first Contract.
>Encrypted file. Enter password 1 of 3:
>Password 1 of 3 accepted. Enter password 2 of 3:
>Password 2 of 3 accepted. Enter password 3 of 3:
>Password 3 of 3 accepted.
>loading... [\] 100%
>"wherelive.txt" loaded.
Chances are, if I pulled up this file and showed it to you, I probably trust you enough for you to know where I live
and not to leak and/or sell said info to someone who wants me dead! :3 Congrats lol.
I live in Alberta, Canada, probably one of the first places anyone thinks of when they think of Canadian provinces.

I don't have much to say about it, tbh. :P
It's not like I don't want to say anything, this is supposed to be a truthful
It's just that I don't spend too much time at home. :/
I'm more often just in some hotel somewhere, under some fake name, wondering whose ankle I bite next!
While I do rent out an apartment in Alberta, it's sorta small, and I guess it's more of a safehouse than anything? X3
Just a guaranteed place to stay if something doesn't work out, whatever that something is!
Either that, or I'm figuring out where to go next.
I rent the apartment out to friends of mine regardless to dissuade anyone from looking too hard >_>". It makes the place pay itself off, too!

TL;DR: I live in Alberta, Canada, technically.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before "btacdbra"'s first Contract.
>Encrypted file. Enter password:
>Password accepted.
>loading... [/] 100%
>"income.txt" loaded.
Money! I have money. A liiittle more than most. :3
A good chunk of my income comes from stealing from the big guys who deserve it.
Amazon, Tesla, Hasbro, you name it, probably hit by me in some way! >;3c Mainly those stupid execs.
I'm like robin hood or smthn! x3 If robin hood was a gay fox. Like the Disney one! Is that why my fursona is a fox actually??
And like the guy himself, I give back, at least as much as I can without feeling like I'm compromising what I do. Usually Anonymously too!
Oh yeah! I also rent out that apartment of mine, even while I'm renting it.

TL;DR I have money!