Quant's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Quant's first Contract.

Well, I landed on Luisiana but could have ben anywhere else, after I... left my previous site, there wasn't a lot of options avaiable. I live in a house,. What? Who's house is it? hahaha wel i think his name is Jeff and he has a cute dog, a couple children and a really, really... lovely wife. That I can gess from the photo book in the cellar. Oh and also he runs some corp I think and he only comes around here on Xmas. So he has the luxury of having me as his guest. He doesn't mind me crushing in his giant bed. Or using his shower, or the bank account he left open in his laptop... Jeff is a really great guy. so considerate

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Quant's first Contract.

Well about that... This house is full of stuff, weird paintings, old catchpeny and things like that. And Im a great friend who doesn't mind cleaning and selling all this garbage. I'll send him part of the benefit if he asks me to.

Oh and I also "clean" other houses they always love when I finish. One even called the TV to tell them how clean I left her house. She forgot to give me credit in the interview but i gess she actually didnt like that I ate a sandwich I found laying around. And A bottle of scotch too. That was on me.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Quant's first Contract.

I didnt have it easy yknow, you know the typical stuff? orphan, forced to rob and shoplift for surviving. Well, non of that. F**k I wish I was orphaned sooner, my father was a dumb fat man that worked for a rich family as chaufeur, and my mom was in the cooking.. He was an obedient servant and I hated him. And my mom, poor soul, she was mute, and too obliging for my taste. But the drinking... my father and the tranquilizers got her mad. 

they lived in the worst cabin, in the worst part of the terrains, having to walk thru the fucking wild every day to satisfy the desires of some damned petrol bastard. An i had to clean his "this-cost-more-than-you-kid" shoes and i had to watch treat as garbage to every person in their staff.

I HATE them every one of those self-centered bastards with no soul nor heart, and I'll make sure they pay, every second of suffering they've caused with their pettiness.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crois deora

This is going to be though. When I was a mere boy I had to do terrible things. My mother went totaly crazy and my father died from exhaustion and illness caused by his job serving that cruel family. I wasn't going to serve those bastards and they wanted me to do both the job of my father and my mother's.

Los odio. I hate them. back then and still now. So I gave some justice from myself. I made them catch the same illness my father caught and I cleaned every room. Methodicaly and slowly pocketing every valuable object while they were in bed, sufering the same destiny my family had.

When I thought I caused enough damage I threw all that richness in to the river and watched it go. I couldn't keep it, but I had to eat. So I started to break into abandoned houses, and live in occupied biuldings until I learned enough tricks to start my own "business".

I'll never forget the pain. And I'll never forgive those who play the same game they did and take advantage of their privilege and shit on the neighbor's plate. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crois deora

Lets introduce my mates

John "Tricky" Smith (or so he calls himself) a short  old man that likes to scam tourists and people dumb enough to bet in his games. Dont let him fool you, he's not that old and he is fast in the legs and quick in the fingers. Quicker than me, actually. That man deserves a price for his kindness towards me and the other kids in the streets. Also, you know that rule that you can contact anyone on earth via 7 people? Well take that number down to one if you know Tricky he knows everyone, literally everyone. Oh and he does some good magic tricks too hahahaha


Clara, Claire, Clarissa, Clay. She had all those names, they call her one or another depending on the time I've encountered her. She drives me mad, with her beauty, her prowess for enchanting suggar daddies everywhere she goes, and her mixed signals i get from her every time we meet. Fuck i hate this woman but I want to see her again, at least once


Axel, my mate, my man, I love him with my core. This scum of a person has saved my ass a thousend times. You wouldn't say he's a criminal mastermind but daang he's good. He is just a man tall and thin working as a stupid train driver. But he is a genious. He can enter in any computer in a blink of an eye and has helped me prepare some jobs that required specific knowledge. Oh and he is a curious fact spitting machine he would know a couple of things about almost any subject. Amazing.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crois deora

Bad, it was bad. I think i told you thi before but here we go.


My father was a chaufeur or however its written. serving a rich family. Petrol owners I think. I don't reckon having seen my father happy more than once a year at best. At his birthday when he was sure no member of the family was going to call him for nothing. and he spent the whole day resting. what a sad man he was. But smart. thats what makes me angry, he was clever, bright even. He could solve crosswords like he could see the answers written in the paper. But he was stuck serving this bastards that didnt let him rest a single night or weekend. 


My mother was the cook in that mansion. She tried her best not to show, but we all knew she had a drinking problem, pot too, and diazepam was her favorite seasoning. She loved me, and my father or so she said. But she never raised a finger to help home. my father and later me, did all the chores. He loved her above health. blind and stupid love.


I had to play with the señorito often, and always tiddy up everything later, I also had to help cleaning the house and I was small enough to fit in the fireplace exhaustion tube so... there i went. I managed to listen to some of the classes they've paid for the señorito but im not going to waste my time learning stupid shit. but some things were interesting and One of the teachers was actually amazing he knew everything. If you saw that man you would understand, he seemed ¡... like capable of literally everything. I admired him, I got this trench coat from him. But thats another story

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crois deora

I hate the concept of love. But mostly because i fell uncontrolably drawn to it. Love for life, for women, for beauty and coffe. But being in love is being slaved. Trapped in a cage without walls, and having a crush is like an ethernal parole you would never escape.

I am in love unfortunately, but i do my best not to be dragged like a corpse by the river. I... love like Clara, or however she makes people call her now, she amazes me but that isn't bad. We had... somethin but i barelly remember it by now...

don't ask further please.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 2, A Date to Remember
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9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Date to Remember

Ha! That's a tricky one. I can't even choose. Not because I have lots of them it's because I only have one. And funny enough, it actually was a second hand gift. Although gift has a different meaning for the people in here, this was just a plain gift with no magical things. My trench coat, the trench coat that professor wore every day the only man I have ever admired and the first thing I ever stole.

He caught me, and we had an excessively long chat about ethics and all that. Then he forced me to meet him every Saturday. He taught me. He convinced me to study something and I actually liked doing it, but I won't lie, I just wanted to know more about this man. He was such a mistery and often when we met he was carrying a new scar or limped a bit. Now I realize he probably was a contractor. And that explains a lot of things...

He gave me the trench coat one day. No class, no learning, he just wanted to sit and chat... And then he gave me the dammed thing and went home. Never seen him again... Sorry... Didn't want to cry here... 

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

I'm losing my house, and don't have time to find a new one, Jeff is coming home in a month or so and I'll be on the street again. This contract things awakened an adventurer in me hahahahaha, so I feel like changing country. 

Spanish is my first language so any country that speaks Español should work. Spain is busy in summer but I'd love to live there. and here in America... Any country will do, but I don't want to rob and steal from people in need so I'll need to find rich neighborhoods to clean.

I also need to polish my skills. It's not acceptable for this jobs to fail that much on such easy tasks. Hitting a still object, pass thru a vent. Bffff duck I'm mad about that. So I'll train alone until I reach my limit and then I will try to find someone who knows better. 

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

My daily routine vary very much depending on my funds, I don't work more than necessary, if you can call it working... I could actually find a job as a teacher. I studied philosophy and a mastery in ethics both funded by robbery and burglary hahahahaha. But that's okay I follow my own code, and I'm to Arrogant to accept any other.

But we'll. I get up if it's necessary or if someone has invited me to something. A party, a game night or something. I like people to contact me but I rarely do it. Breakfast is always optional, and shower too. And my new day doesn't necessarily means morning. 

Usually my affairs take place at night were the world is dark and the magic can be done without anyone messing around. 

After I set my tools, clean my coat and grab a hand full of peanuts and shove it into my mouth, I'm ready to face the world and it's devils

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

You mean like a wedding or something like that? Jajajaja I'm not used to getting invited to that kind of things but I attended two or three. 

I like to play dress-up a bit, but with twists. First the man then the clothes. I'd dye my hair and shave my sides, I'd shave my beard and then I'd make my makeup. I don't wear any fancy charged makeup but I am stunningly hot with some eyeliner and a good eye shadow. Base to even my skin tone and nails to stand out just a bit. That won't take more than an hour. Then the suit. I love a good suit but I can also enjoy a beautiful dress. But mostly I don't wear them because I fear prejudice and comments from bigoted assholes. Green, Grey, and red are my colours although my favorite is yellow. Some day I'll have enough tan to wear yellow comfortably

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

Nothing. I don't know when it is and if there is any record of my birth date I've never seen it. My family was very busy and detached from the world to do something like a celebration. Every day was the same. I ate a lil bit more when it was the birthday of anyone in the señores houss but if have to count that as a celebration I'd have 6 birthdays a year... That would be nice, I don't remember the exact dates but some were around summer and 2 of them very near to Christmas, maybe a week before the family planned the trees.

I celebrate or do not celebrate my birthday every day. Happy not-birthday.