Camilla Wright's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, In The Sky

Los Angeles, California-- the city every up-and-coming, aspiring big-shot goes to when trying to reach the stars. Unfortunately for Camilla, she's yet to actually strike gold, and just a few months after moving into a shitty studio apartment in the downtown area, she's barely making enough on commission work to afford not living in a tent on the streets. Even then, her living space isn't particularly great. Cramped, cluttered, and barely walkable, most of her 'furniture' consists of piles of trash bags heaped together for space. At the very least, it's shelter and got running water (of semi-questionable quality), and she makes enough to not need to deal with a second person as a roommate. While it'd most likely be significantly easier to live somewhere with a lesser cost of life, Camilla is determined to stick it through until she's living it big in the city.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, In The Sky

On account of her refusal to hand over her stories to any publishing group, as well as her insistence on spending months of time perfecting the absolute greatest 'first-novel-wonder,' Camilla hasn't actually made any significant money from authoring anything. Instead, she gets her income from publishing small stories online-- taking commission work on various websites like Archive of Our Own, ad revenue from sites like Royal Road, and even her own mini-blog which has its own small following. Due to the sheer quality of her work, it's enough to survive day-to-day and pay off her living expenses, albeit, with almost no expendable income. Furthermore, anytime she does get extra money, she tends to spend it spoiling herself rather than save it up-- buying food other than hot pockets, purchasing expensive media trinkets and games, etc.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, In The Sky

Since she was a child, Camilla has always dreamt big. Always lost in her imagination, envisioning stories of fantastical, different worlds, Camilla soon decided that this was something she wanted to share with the populace-- and when she received the Dream Journal and learned of its capabilities, she realized she could share something real. In essence, Camilla's ambition is to envelop the world in the reality of dreams that exists in her imagination, and in doing so, relieve everyone of the pressure, pain, and struggles they face in real life. So far, she's been willing to do anything to advance towards this goal-- manipulate, lie, and even cross her very own limits to assure victory. Whether or not she's willing to throw herself in front of death has yet to be seen... but if the reward is high enough, she may very well take that wager.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, In The Sky

Before she passed, Camilla's grandmother was the closest member of her family to her. While her parents pressured her to focus on her success and studies, her grandmother was much nicer. She encouraged Camilla to indulge in her dreams, pursue her passions, and acted as a confidant for her when things got tough. When she passed away, Camilla's grandmother gifted her a special notebook-- one that would allow Camilla to continue freely sharing her thoughts, emotions, and dreams in her grandmother's absence. However, soon after beginning to journal into the book, Camilla discovered that it was no ordinary parting gift-- but in fact, a mysterious, mystical artifact with the ability to manifest her dreams into reality. Since then, Camilla has been determined to use the notebook to realize her dreams and share it with the world.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, In The Sky

Camilla's Family: Camilla is the single child of Rose Wright and Steven Lee, both of whom co-run a small, failing restaurant in Nevada. Both are the strict, hardworking type and hold high expectations for Camilla. When Camilla decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue her passions, they allowed her in belief that she'd end up crawling back to them in a few months. In contrast, her grandmother, Morgana Wright, was much kinder and more understanding in comparison-- and the one responsible for encouraging her to chase her dreams.

Camilla's Landlord: Mildred Smith is the landlord of Camilla's small apartment complex. An older, stern, and somewhat shady figure who cares mostly for maintaining business and making money. Thanks to her charming personality, Camilla has a bit more leniency in regards to rent-- though Camilla knows Mildred probably won't hesitate to kick her out if she neglects to pay outright.

Camilla's Peers: Camilla has a few writer friends she connects to online, as well as some fans and returning customers for her commissions. Her online persona is rather lavish and exaggerated, but despite that, she remains relatively popular and well liked.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, In The Sky

Camilla had a relatively normal upbringing in terms of her circumstances. She was born into a lower-middle class family as a single child, never struggling significantly in regards to finances or shelter but far from achieving wealth or luxury either. Her mother, Rose Wright, is sharp and business minded, in charge of managing the numbers and business side of things for the laundromat she runs with Camilla's father. Her father, Steven Lee, is well spoken, and is more responsible for the customer and interaction side of things. Both placed high expectations for Camilla to succeed early on, hoping that she would do better than the small business that is their laundromat. As such, Camilla studied hard in school-- excelling in literature, history, and even business. Moreover, she was extremely popular with everyone she met thanks to her outgoing and magnetic personality-- always curious about learning more from others as a source of inspiration for her own thoughts and ideas. Even while studying or talking to others, Camilla was especially known for daydreaming and getting lost in her own head among her peers.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, In The Sky

Camilla hasn't ever been in a romantic relationship with someone-- though with her charm and beauty, it's not because of a lack of options or ability to do so. She's always been a socially popular person, knows how to read people like books, and has even learned how to leverage her good looks to win someone over. However, despite all of that, she's avoided committing to a full on relationship with anyone-- only ever engaging in playful teasing or flirting at most. It's not because she finds people boring either. Part of why she's such an effective creative is because she has such a strong fascination with the different nuances and behaviors of different people. The main reason is simply that she doesn't feel any romantic connection to anyone she doesn't have a close relation to already, and she prefers to keep people at arms distance at the closest for professionalism. In other words, she's demiromantic/demisexual in orientation.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Djinn Delivery

Having thrown away everything in the name of pursuing her ambitions, the number one anxiety that fills Camilla's mind is the possibility of failing to make an impact on the world. Though she maintains a hedonistic, lackadaisical attitude towards most things, Camilla is ultimately an extreme perfectionist who harbors a high image of herself and even loftier expectations for what she can achieve. The idea of falling short, and proving that her parents were originally right when telling her to take a safer path with her life, is something she consequently cannot stand to pass. Of course, by extension, that makes the idea of dying before establishing her legacy another major fear of hers. Though most people don't want to die in the first place, Camilla takes extra precautions in making sure she's never the one to be in the line of fire for danger, or at risk of meeting a fate unbefitting of her status-- even to the point of risking and allowing atrocities to pass to ensure her security. With her ultimate goal being to create a dreamscape where humanity can forever indulge in their own, never-ending fantasies, the finality of death being something that can cut these dreams short is something that fills her mind with dread.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Djinn Delivery

The Dream Journal is Camilla's personal artifact, gifted to her by her grandmother before her passing. Originally a mystical grimoire passed through the hands of countless mages throughout history, the book had lost its magic until it found its way to Camilla-- whose imagination and dreams sparked a new connection with the journal. The journal also possesses a great amount of sentimental value to Camilla, due to it representing the encouragement of her grandmother to pursue her ambitions and share her dreams with the rest of the world. Over time, as Camilla has grown alongside the journal, so too has the bond she has formed with it-- as its properties intensify the vividity, influence, and strength of the dreams which fill her mind. Outside of her artifact, Camilla also possesses a few other prized possessions-- namely sentimental in value due to her current finances. One is a fountain pen that she's used since even before obtaining the journal, and the other is a business suit that she first started wearing when she moved out.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Djinn Delivery

Simply put, Camilla's biggest problem at the moment is that she is flat broke. With her only source of income being the occasional commission she writes online, Camilla is barely making enough to sustain herself and live alone, and with the cost of living rising even higher in Los Angeles, it's only inevitable that she joins its similarly rising homeless populace if she doesn't start making more money. However, being an author isn't the most lucrative occupation, and due to her extremely high standards, Camilla isn't even employed at the moment. Instead, she's spent the past few months simply dreaming up ideas for her stories, turning them into drafts, and perfecting them until they can be turned into a publishing company untouched. While she has made connections with some extremely wealthy peers through her contract career, it's not a long-term, reliable solution for her money problems. Instead, she'll just have to bank on hitting it big, the reason she's moved to LA in the first place.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Djinn Delivery

Camilla usually retires around 11 PM, where she allows herself to slip into her dreams until she eventually rises at 9 AM in the morning through a multitude of alarms. If she doesn't decide to go to sleep for even longer, the first thing Camilla does upon waking up is fill in her Dream Journal with whatever her mind conjured that night before getting up to prepare for the rest of the day. Although she lives rather slovenly, and prefers to just let her beauty sleep take the place of applying any make-up or cosmetics, Camilla does put a good amount of care into her presentation-- taking care of her hygiene through long, warm showers, brushing her teeth, and occasionally taking care of her hair if it's too messy to deal with. While she doesn't have a particularly impressive closet either, she also spends some time picking out a pleasant outfit with what she's got to work with (otherwise staying in her pajamas). After everything's done, she usually makes breakfast by either microwaving some leftovers, ordering delivery, or dropping by a local food place if she's feeling particularly indulgent that day.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Djinn Delivery

Although she hasn't been to any major social events for a while, Camilla always makes sure that she's ready to impress people to at least some degree. Though she doesn't prefer to wear any make up, with the extent of her cosmetics extending to applying a bit of perfume, she'd at least take the time to brush her messy, eternally bed-head hair before arriving. As for her outfit, Camilla would wear the same suit she wears on Contracts and any other formal occasion-- she prefers them over dresses due to their sharp, professional look and relative versatility in comparison. As she doesn't need to spend much more time working on her appearance, outside of sneaking in some naps for her beauty sleep, the majority of her time preparing would be spent towards researching the event-- checking out its location, guest list, and purpose to figure out how best to act and present her self.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Djinn Delivery

Camilla's next birthday will be her 23rd-- not a major benchmark, but still something she'd celebrate. Her plans for exactly how she'll celebrate depends on what her circumstances would be at that point. With her current situation and finances, she wouldn't be able to afford anything particularly lavish. Instead, she'd most likely have to settle on splurging on a simple outing at some dessert parlor in Los Angeles. However, Camilla doesn't plan on being broke a year from now-- far from it, in fact. With the wealth, influence, and power she plans on having accumulated at that point, her birthday would be a full 24 hours of indulgence, extravagance, and hedonism-- hosting a large party, renting out expensive locales, and spending her money on whatever luxuries she'd want.