Jasper Caine's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jasper Caine's first Contract.

Jasper Caine lives in Newton, Massachusetts for no other reason than he enjoys the area and finds it to be quite a nice and safe place to live. Also, a tiny teensy eensy little factor might be that its homeless population is quite large for a place with such a low crime rate and affordable housing prices. It's the best of both worlds, what with the opportunity for investment and deals being made in the online market and with the desperate individuals on the street that owe Jasper innumerous favors. Some have even used the opportunity Jasper has given them to actually make a life for themself! How wonderful! They'll have even more to give when the time for collecting payment arrives.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jasper Caine's first Contract.

Jasper gets a not-insignificant amount of his money from trading stocks online, as well as cashing in favors from those he has assisted in the past to use their skills to help him complete the favors asked of him from those he has given his contacts to before.

The process is this:

Jasper finds a down-on-their-luck person to offer a favor towards, out of the goodness of his heart. 

Said person borrows money or asks for a certain (usually materialistic) thing, and Jasper delivers.

That person has a chance to become more financially successful thanks to said favor, and might just get a taste for more, or maybe they settle with what they have and pay back Jasper.

Or maybe, like I said, they get a taste and ask another favor. (Help me get my business's website up and popular! Help me pay for my house! etc.) This is when Jasper calls upon the favor he is owed by someone with that skillset. (He has a lot of people who owe him favors, see?)

He get's the job done with the assistance of someone who owes him far too many favors to ever be let go (bound to essentially a slave oath).

Jasper has a happy customer and a person who now owes him yet another favor. He can either settle and collect a large sum of money that he deems sufficient for his services (usually not TOO exorbitant) and goes on his merry way, a couple thousand dollars heavier, OR...he can allow them to keep calling upon favors, and eventually, after so many favors, he simply...collects. But not in the form of money, no. He asks them to work for him. Permanently. Surely, a dozen favors that cost him upwards of tens of thousands of dollars is worth working for the man that brought you from such humble beginnings. Of course, nobody wants to work for Jasper. It's already bad enough working WITH him. 

He usually saves up a lot of money for future money-making opportunities after spending what he must for his surprisingly minimalistic life-style. He likes to use money to make money, you see?

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jasper Caine's first Contract.

Jasper's Ambition is to have the world owe him a favor. When all the powerful people with strong Ambitions finally make their way to the top, he wants to finally cash in those favors owed by them to effectively rule the world through them. A form of power that doesn't come with the downsides of painting such a large target on your back is truly one that Jasper desires most dearly.

Striving for complete and utter control, Jasper would commit foul atrocities to come just a single step closer to his goal if it was able to be acquired without putting himself too much at risk. 

He would come as close to death as he needs to, but he is the type to flee and come back after putting together a plan of action or utilizing the information he learned the first try. Or maybe...cashing in on a favor.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Jasper Caine's first Contract.

The most defining event of Jasper's life was when he made his first deal. Well, his first REAL deal. It wasn't with a person, but with an eldritch entity summoned in his basement that one fateful mid-afternoon.

It went quite well, all things considered. Jasper received the power to enforce his words with real power, among other things, and the entity received the ability to see through Jasper's eyes as he roamed the mortal realm. 

Jasper's mind, as he quite well knows, was changed after that deal. He no longer felt many emotions quite as fiercely as he once did, and he felt something die inside him at the same time. He's not quite sure what it was, but since he can't tell, he knows it probably wasn't worth having to begin with.

All in all, a wonderful deal. He really wished he could stop smiling sometimes, though.


5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Jasper Caine's first Contract.

Jasper knows many people, most of which owe favors to the man. These are some of those people.


Tristan Saxby - A depressed artist who owes Jasper multiple favors in exchange for funding and kickstarting his career and hobby as an artist. He occasionally draws art online or assists Jasper with tech-related pursuits, thanks to his young age and talent that Jasper managed to tap into to get the young man started on his path. Jasper quite enjoys being right about hidden gems.

Christopher Markova - An ex-convict turned reliable business owner thanks to Jasper bailing him out and minorly assisting him in his endeavors to start an auto-repair shop. The man is in the clean now, but with a few favors still owed to Jasper, that could all change in a moment's notice. The desperate are always qualifiable targets for the businessman.

Giovanni Barbieri - An Italian chef whose restaurant would have been closed down had it not been for Jasper's intervention. Financial assistance, alongside genuine criticism helped the man become a much more successful business owner, and the man seems to find Jasper quite a nice guy, despite the obvious anxiousness he displays around Jasper for the unsettling feeling of owing him a favor. Jasper notices this and genuinely enjoys the man's company and doesn't plan on cashing in his favor until far, far in the future. This is Jasper's current favorite person due to his genuine personality and intelligent decision-making. He has made a point of not asking of Jasper anything he could do himself, even if it brings significant troubles with it. Jasper respects this immensely, even if it technically puts him in a worse position.