Ragamuffin "Rags" Dogglefox's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ragamuffin "Rags" Dogglefox's first Contract.

Rags lives in Johnson City Tennessee with three Burdens. His primary Burden goes by Kim, her husband is known as Leo, and her son, sometimes referred to as his human brother, is Patrick or Fergus, he never seems to be able to decide which even though Kim named him Patrick and insists on it. Rags lives with a few other dogs who are not as smart but are very nice and are wonderful friends. There are also many birds there, they are loud but otherwise fine, funny too. They have a fenced-in yard that he loves to escape from, the Burdens always cover and prevent ways he's escaped in the past, but he is a Houdini dog, he can always escape. This is perfect for Rags.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Ragamuffin "Rags" Dogglefox's first Contract.

Kim and Leo breed and raise birds for sale, but they also have day jobs. Rags doesn't know what they are, only that there is almost always someone home, and that is what is important. Patrick/Fergus is often away, but he is always especially nice when he is there. Kim is the very best Burden at taking care of animals. She may actually be an animal doctor as part of her work, she talks about animals being taken care of at her work. Leo might fix things, or he might cook, he is always the one who cooks the Burdens' food.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Ragamuffin "Rags" Dogglefox's first Contract.

Rags wants to be free and good, good and free. Both are equally important. Raggamuffin must always be able to go where a Dogglefox wants to go, but Raggamuffin is also very good and comes back to those he loves and shows them how much he loves them. They show him how much they love him by feeding him, playing with him, and occasionally "letting" him have chocolate. Rags loves chocolate. Also, being free allows him to do what he needs to save his Burdens from the supernatural forces of the darkness without them becoming aware and becoming corrupted by its influences. This is very important because if he let them become corrupted he wouldn't be the goodest boy would he?

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Ragamuffin "Rags" Dogglefox's first Contract.

Sign? Rags has paws! Animals do not sign "The Contract", they simply agree to it. That being said, Rags most important moment in his life was coming to his first home after leaving his Dogglefox mom and siblings. He was called "Boss Hog" where he was born because he was the largest in his family, it wasn't until he came to his new home with his Burdens that he found out that he was not a big dog. This did not bother him for he was the smartest and freest in his new doggle family. His main Burden, Kim was the one who brought him home and became his human mommy, and made his life even happier.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Ragamuffin "Rags" Dogglefox's first Contract.

Well, his Burdens of course!

Kim is his human mom, she raised him and loved him from the moment she found him and he loves her too. She loves her birds and other dogs but Rags knows he is her favorite. Kim is the bestest and makes Rags the happiest Dogglefox in the whole wide world. She can be grumpy with the other Burdens, but this never lasts when she talks to her Dogglefox/son.

Leo is her husband, so that makes him human dad. He is the funny one, although Mom sometimes says he's not, but she still laughs sometimes. He is also the one who feeds everyone, sometimes after Mom yells at him but he still does it.

Patrick is his human brother, Patrick and Kim both insist on this. Many times Patrick refers to him as "brother" instead of using Rags name, but that is ok. Patrick is rarely home, but when he is he is quick to pet Rags and lets him know Rags is goodest.