Walnut's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

I live in the woods. I pack light must be able to move quickly if humans become to aware. Northern Quebec is nice remote Humans are armed but there is not many of them. They go missing all the time or don't have contact with others. I will have to move south at some point hard to make a difference here to few humans to stop the hurt of earth. I must eat more and more. I will try and stop the loggers to the south soon, but I must isolate them first. I must kill the so called cell tower I think if I can cut the metal cables it will fall. Then I must hunt until the new humans come leave none there alive.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

Food has Money on it, I have no use for money. I have done some online shopping, but why spend dead trees to get what I can take. Food from people and shelter from people why hurt this world with endless spending. over eating will destroy any habitat so why must humans do it to all they touch. I must show them there own ways I will eat and eat until there is no left and I like the humans will be no more. Only then will this Hunger be gone. I must be careful though I am weak and the humans are many.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

My ambition is to kill. I must kill enough humans to heal this world that they destroy with their existence. Like the great Genghis Khan I will kill so many that it will heal the earth. I will water the plants with there blood and fill my body with there flesh. I will feed myself until I became that of a god, A true natural disaster unstoppable in its rage. The humans will pay, the Humans will fuel my growth and power with the sweet taste of their fear and blood. I must survive though If I am killed before it is done all will be pointless and the earth must make another avatar of its pain. So I must live and Hunt.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

I was born of the earth and trees. My first hunt went badly it was before I understood of humans guns. The pain of iron in the flesh breaking my bones. I did eat the human, but did also feel so much pain from there I started to hunt. keeping out of sight until the humans were close enough that the guns where no help to them. I then used the voices of their young to draw the weak away one by one until none were left. Each hunt I get better know the humans better. Fear and shadows where far better at killing then my claws or teeth.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

I do not have people in my life. I only eat people. The animals mostly avoid me. I am alone. I am alone. I am alone. I am alone. I am alone. I am alone. I like alone unlike humans I do not need others, but they could help I could try and turn some humans a pack hunts far more then a lone wolf. I will try and turn some but for that I must take them alive. Bite them but not kill and feed them their own. I can target a family that will be fun have them eat their own. The pack must grow. I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger. but to do this I must not eat them myself why must it be so hard. I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger I Hunger.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

I was not born from parents. I hunger I hunger I hunger. I am made of the fear and greed of humans. I am famine I am a curse, I will eat. I hunger I hunger I hunger. I am as I always was, I grow with each hunt little by little. I grow smarter and faster. I hunger I hunger I hunger. I have lived by myself all my life. I am smart I have not been seen by a human that is still alive or will be trusted by their pack. I am still a hunter. I must keep it that way. I hunger I hunger I hunger. I am a child of this earth. made of its suffering and pain. I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger I hunger 


Walnut is a monster and has no comment on this.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

I fear death. As all things should. It overtakes all. The trees the human, the animals, the mountains, the sky. All will someday die. I wish to exist as long as I can so I can go on eating. My life was a gift from the earth. I do not wish to waste it. I also fear being restrained, I am a wild beast. I exist to run and roam the forest and mountains. Feel the earth beneath my hoves. The sun and moon light covering my skin. Drink from rivers fresh and fast flowing. If I stop I will starve, not just of food, but life itself. That is true death. Humans give themselves this death. They greed for things of metal and foolish value. They have abandoned the old way of life. Abandoned living as a part of nature. I will restore this not all must die, not if they can see the Truth again. But few will do this so for now I eat and eat and eat and eat. I must grow my power. Once I find humans worthy I will allow them to live as they should one with the earth and together they will rebuild what is broken.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, For the Dogs

I have no value for possession like a human does. Tools are used till they are no more. Things of leather and wood. I do like my cloak as it makes me look larger, but this is not anything special. It will someday return to the earth when it is worn too long. I have also gained a thing called a smoker it makes the meat taste better and last longer. I hear the humans call this cooking. I woman I kept around a while when she was too small to be a good meal told me so. Still it's metal construction enrages me why must it be made of the Earth's flesh torn away and melted to surve the humans. If it was limited the earth would be fine but I have traveled to what the human call mines. I can hear the pain of the earth see the gapping wound the humans have made. Feasting on her flesh like mggets.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Humans are so well connected even if I pull off a flawless hunt others will soon look for the missing ones. This is annoying, If I do too many hunts in the same area the humans go on guard and bring in more humans that can fight back. This makes doing more hunts harder if not impossible. so I must move to a new location. I Think if I take out the metal wire touching the sky I can stop this for a short time but then they will come fix it and see the hunting ground. So I must hunt all the humans in the area before more come. it will be a fest. I long to to this more and more each day. I must get ready I do not think my claws can cut the wire, but with human tools I can do it. I hunger for this day

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

First I eat some of the meat I have in stock. One must start the day with a balanced breakfast after all. This is funny joke. After that I tear down my camp set up. Then I do scout out the area to make sure there isn't any increased human influence in the area. I cover about 47km doing this. So it takes a decent amount of time. After that I return to my camp and maintain my crafts leather making and food preservation are the main two parts of that. I also sometimes make rope. Anyway I do this to make sure I use every part of my kills. Though recently I have been just eating my kills whole. I just can't control myself for some reason. This is manageable, but I really should be making more jerky so I can go longer between hunts. That is my morning.