Victor Delacruz's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Victor Delacruz's first Contract.

Jacksonville, Florida! Well, I've sorta lived in Florida all my life - born-and-raised here, I got my parents in the same state, so on and so forth. It's pretty okay, and with the trajectory of my life I haven't really felt the need to try and move elsewhere, it's just too much work for me.

I live in a beat-up apartment. It's not really a hazard or anything, it kind-of just sucks, looks dirty too. It's... Relatively cheap...-Er? I'm sorta trying to grow my brand and channel; I'm still a small-fry content creator, so getting anything better's not really a good idea for me, even with a part-time job on-top of that.

Well, at the very least, it's got a bedroom - half of which I use as an office and studio - a bathroom; you know the rest! The air-conditioning kind-of sucks here, though.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Victor Delacruz's first Contract.

I make videos! Hahah, believe it or not it's a tough job. I run a channel off Youtube called 'V: the Vampire Hunter,' I talk a-lot about the history of vampires in pop-culture and drive to places rumored to have been spots of vampiric activity and stuff. I'm pretty sure that stuff's not actually 'real', but god; everybody's making videos on stuff like werewolves. Every-time I branch out into stuff I can actually do a modicum of research or history-talk on - like ghosts and werewolves - I don't get the views. I swear - half the time I think my viewers WANT me to like, actually encounter this stuff! I'm pigeonholed!


At any rate though, yeah; channel(s) on vampires. Patreon's a good supplement, but the best supplements to this are my part-time job on the weekend, and drop-shipping stuff like Ouija-boards and Crucifixes on my website. All of these factors gives me enough time to work on videos and travel a little to record.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Victor Delacruz's first Contract.

I don't think vampires are real; but if they are, oh GOD that would change my job into a career. I don't care about pop-culture history and the 'cultural zeitgeist', if I had an opportunity to like, 'actually' record supernatural crap, I'd take it. Hell, I'd probably kill for it - I already go into abandoned houses in the middle of the woods for my damn videos, shit, I'm already risking getting stabbed for this crap!

If vampires are real, like; man, I'd kill 'em, yeah! Do you know how much fame I'd get? How many views I'd accumulate?! People would actually respect me for once! Maybe I wouldn't have to make five more videos on the history of Vlad Tepes! I want to go out and record ghosts and shit, I'm sick and tired of telling people my favorite movie is Dracula: Dead and Loving It.