Matthew Mason's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Matthew Mason's first Contract.

Matthew chose a secluded but defendable position in the city of Bend, Oregon. He decided to live here because he enjoyed the tranquil atmosphere it typically provided him, and he is usually left alone by most people as they just assume he’s a tired veteran who was screwed over by his government, a tale as old as war itself. The home itself is quite beautiful, with a stone brick laid exterior that evokes the thought of castle walls and brings to mind the impenetrable fortresses of old. The inside however could not be more different, an interior you would expect to see in a scenic lakeside cabin with mahogany paneling for the walls and ceiling, fully carpeted flooring, and the home has a basement which has a lock on it. Inside this basement is where Matthew keeps his guns, tools, ammo, and even a small range to keep his aim from deteriorating.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Matthew Mason's first Contract.

Matthew gets his money from doing jobs for usually less than favorable individuals, cartels, drug dealers, arms dealers, up and coming criminal organizations that don’t want to play their hand too early, if they have money and a less than legal job they want done, they call Matthew. He spends his money on the basics amenities and what he has left over he spends on maintaining his weapons and equipment. He keeps whatever is leftover as spending money for when he’s on the job, bribing someone, a new gun, a nights stay at a local hotel, all business expenses as he calls them.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

My ambition is a simple yet seemingly unachievable goal, I wish to wipe the economic and societal slate clean ridding this beautiful world of the filth and bureaucracy of corporate capitalism. For too long have we just bowed our heads and allowed these corrupt, money hungry subhuman leeches to suck up and spit out everything and everyone with reckless greed. If I have to burn an orphanage to get a chance to crush the windpipe of Jeff Bezos and his fellow corporate maggots, I will do exactly that without a moment of hesitation. If I have to pull myself out of a grave 100 years from now driven solely by rage and whatever dark magic that might manifest from it to see every corporation burnt to the ground. I will do exactly that without an inkling of doubt.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

I had just fired from my dead end office job after retiring from the military. At face value it was a blessing, I hated that job and the people in it. But they fired me to cover up some inane mistake that meant nothing. I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth but I won’t stand for unfairness and a lack of accountability, so I took it to court. They didn’t like that. The accident is officially just that, an accident. But I know what brake fluid smells like, and that is all I smelt at crash site. Those lowlifes took the only things I had to lose, my loving wife and my beautiful child that she carried. She wouldn’t want me to mourn quietly. So I won’t, I will do anything and everything I have to, to make sure that no one has to lose their loved ones to a greedy soulless monolith of a corporation ever again.