Caitlin Hall's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Caitlin Hall's first Contract.

Miami, Florida is where I'm currently situated.

I used to live further out in The Everglades with my family, and this seemed like the closest city to make some sort of a start for myself in. There wasn't exactly as much of a fortune to have been made in it as I would have expected from all of the things that I heard, but there's enough money in the little startup I've made to afford a roof over my head - and enough left over from the rent to afford to eat, so I suppose I can't complain too much.

That's a lot better off than a lot of people here can say.


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Caitlin Hall's first Contract.

I get my money through the little lot I own down by the harbour, I run a teeny detective agency out of it. It's just myself down there, and it doesn't make a huge amount of money (since up until now it's mostly been little deeds like getting cats out of trees or finding out whether or not someone's partner is cheating on them) but its enough to keep the lights on and pay for my food.

I don't particularly want for any expensive luxuries outside of my means, since within my current position they appear so unattainable that there is no reason to dream about possessing them. It's better to focus on surviving day by day, and maybe creating a little nest egg for my family if there's ever enough left over.


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Caitlin Hall's first Contract.

Their goals are to improve the station of themselves, their family, and the average person as a whole. Their methods for doing this on a smaller-scale are simple, make money through the constant grindstone of the dirty work they perform, and on a larger-scale through the corruption (and occasional supernatural horror) that they hope to weed out with their detective business. Even if they currently have never found themselves operating at that sort of scale.


Caitlin isn't particularly sure if she would be willing to kill someone for purely her own gain, she wouldn't like to think that she would, but if things were truly desperate enough she could imagine that she would. For the benefit of the common person, definitely, but there're very few people out there who can be accurately described as 'pure evil'.


Maybe guys who go around eating innocent people or something.


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Caitlin Hall's first Contract.

The event that their mind would probably flash to (as it still often does even in the comfort of her once empty and peaceful sleep, damn her blasted brain) would be one of the few times in the history of her little detective career that she did find out that someone's boyfriend was cheating on them. She'd been tracing the guy for a while covertly, looking to see where the route he was taking (which was clearly not the pub that he had told his partner he would be going to that night) would eventually take him.

When his car pulled up at a block of apartments and a lady opened the door for him, the perfect opportunity for some quick and easy proof to get out of there with arrived when he snuck a kiss from her. She already had her phone out to take a picture, but-

Her stupid fucking butterfingers had left the flash on, a shining beacon of her location in the dark night air.

She hadn't learnt to have Evangeline hidden in her coat yet, and so he caught her flat-footed while she was frantically trying to put her phone away.

Although she was semi-conscious at the time and eventually had her hands bound with whatever tape he must've found in the kitchen cabinet, Caitlin can still remember him yammering to his broad about how he couldn't let this info get out and "Let this bitch stop him from living the sweet life" (which checked out, Caitlin's client had offered to pay much more than her usual fee for this job). He said that no-one would stop to look at a mundane murder even if they found her body "with all the weird shit going on" (in hindsight he probably had more than just homicidal tendencies and wandering eyes wrong with him) and so set to work trying to bundle her into his car before any passersby could see.

If she hadn't had that knife in her boot, or fought back as hard as she did, or people in the street hadn't noticed what was going on, she shudders to think what would've happened to her. Still thinks back to it regularly, in fact, much to her dismay


She never wants to feel like that again.


5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Caitlin Hall's first Contract.

Not many people exist as regular fixtures of Caitlin's life at the moment, on account of her moving into the city and most of the people that she previously knew. She supposes that the people closest to her would be her parents and the rest of her family, but admittedly she has had little time or chance to see or contact them these days, even in spite of the long present online age.

Besides family, most people she interacts with besides complete strangers are clients that seem to disappear as soon as money changes hands (regardless of whatever lengths that she feels that she went to in an attempt to do right by them and bring justice to them.), or people who naturally hate her guts on account of Caitlin being hired to investigate them.


There's been a few newer additions to her life who she has slowly become acquainted with, like that priest Solomon (who seems nice enough, he doesn't expect anything back from the good deeds he does, even if he is more than a little zealous to his faith; which leads to some questionable activity too close to vigilantism for her liking) and some admittedly more unsavoury parties such as Amyl (pretty as a picture, but Caitlyn's damn-sure that all that fertiliser they're buying a couple blocks down isn't for some secret garden plot) and Oates (there was rumours of some cryptid being discovered in The Everglades near where her parents live, until they realised it was just some creepy mountain man dwelling in some stinking swamp on his own.)