Henri Laurent Auclair's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Henri Laurent Auclair's first Contract.

I live in France of course! The most beautiful place on earth! There is no where I'd rather be when it comes to where I lie my head! However, I am not one to be scared of travel! I have the whole world to cure of course! Everywhere else has so much conflict and hate! Sure, France has its own problems but at least we don't look BEASTLY while solving them! I truly have difficulty keeping my breakfast down whenever I look at some people! I know they can't help it and I shouldn't talk about them, but I feel so bad! Oh right! my home! The sweet smell of nature crossed with the bakery. The chatter of our sweet language fills the air, matching if not surpassing the beauty of song from a bird! I mean truly! THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO BE!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Henri Laurent Auclair's first Contract.

MY ART! I was practically born with a brush in my hand! I sell my art pieces! I feel bad for most artists because they die THEN they become popular. They die, THEN their art is appreciated. Not For Henri; for my art captures the heart and soul of others so captivatingly well, they pull out their wallets! However, do NOT take my fingers for small and long! Paint brushes are not my only medium! I can do anything i put my mind to! Sculptures, paintings, modern art, renascence, spoken word, poems, songs, music, abstract, direct, plays, movies, tv, ANYTHING and soon...... everything! ^-^ 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Henri Laurent Auclair's first Contract.

I want to make everything just as pretty and perfect as Henri! If I were to DIE in order for the world to become pretty, then so be it! I will die in order for everyone else to be pretty! You're welcome you may now clap for me i'll wait.

I want to make the world my canvas, that'd way. All the ugly specimen, whether inside or out, may prosper and be apart of something! Something meaningful i mean. Like Me, Henri! Did you know, I once painted an entire town on a canvas so beautifully, that they made it an actual town! They wanted it to be named after me but I did not want that type of publicity! It was only going to make the local news!

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Henri Laurent Auclair's first Contract.

I saved someone's life off of my beauty alone!

The poor man was going to kill himself, but I had Phillipe stop the car and I put my hand on the ghastly man. He looked at me and thought I was an angel! He took it as a sign that something up above had told him to not go through with it. He now owns an animal shelter for stray animals. I'd say I'm flattered that he thought I was an angel, but giving credit to something that wasn't there? It was me, Henri who saved you! I digress, He gave me my BEAUTIFUL poodle, Charlotte, so maybe he was beautiful on the INSIDE! which means that man is halfway there!

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Henri Laurent Auclair's first Contract.

Phillipe is my butler! He is the only person I have left from my inheritance! He follows my every word! He is beautiful on the inside AND out! It took some time to fix him up properly. He was quite an eyesore at first glance. I trust him with almost everything! My life? Sure! MY paint? NO!

My mother was the most BEAUTIFUL woman in the world! She taught me everything I know! My father left us when I was seven years old. You would think that beaks a woman but no! My mother was strong! She made sure I was well taken care of! When my father died, I received EVERY penny from the past 7 generations on my father's side! That made us RICH! He must of felt bad about what he did! Then My mother taught me ALLL about the fine arts! Then, she died. Thats when I got Phillipe! He was to take care of me till I was old enough! 

AND THEN THERE IS MY CHAROLETTE! WHAT A CUTIE! I must confess, I have painted, sculpted, and framed this dog a million times! She is my muse! My inspiration! I make sure Phillipe takes GOOD care of her! I know that her time and My time are of different lengths and there will be a time where we are apart. However, she will be in my heart, no matter where I go!

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

My childhood was good! My dad was not the best but my mother taught me everything to be the man that I am today! Also helped that my father and my mother were rich. Although I didn't see much of the money till after they BOTH died. School was interesting! Lot of Foreign Exchange Students that came to my private school! I don't blame them though. France is the most beautiful place on Earth! I heard that the France air is better for intake when it comes to education. No wonder we are so much smarter than the rest of the world. Wow! Beautiful AND smart! My life is great! Although, I did not have many friends in school. Mainly because i went to private rooms in the school to study. T'was either my mother or my father that paid for my schooling separate from the kids. I guess that's why I've grown so much to only feel comfortable around my butlers and maids.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bobasaurus

I have plenty of times! Im a romantic! Thats just who we are as French people! We love love! I fell in love with a tree once. Oh, Giulia, how I miss sitting under your your leaves, as you gave me shade from the harsh sun! The many drawings I created under you! The many people ive kissed under you! You were my muse! You are part of the reason I am so artistically adept today! I thank you, mon amour. How I miss you so. One day I will visit and we can waste a day or two. Giulia!

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 2, Beware the Assassin!
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9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Beware the Assassin!

While I think this question refers to materialistic Items and not living things, Charlotte would be my answer. However, I feel as if that is not what you are looking for so I will say my art. I feel as if the canvases or the materials to make my pieces are nothing until they are 100% finished! Once completed, they become the most interesting and most unique pieces of art in the world because they are made by, and not by anyone else, MOI; and THAT makes them special! I've seen art from all across the world, in many different mediums, in many different styles, during MULTIPLE different time periods. While they are fantastic and I can give credit where credit is due, there is no way they can compare to My artwork! I resonate with my artwork because I don't make them for the public, I make art for me. So only I would understand the TRUE nature and meaning of the art.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Monster Hunter: Island

The Biggest problem in my life right now is that I cannot seem choose which passion I want to explore more. Racing and Driving was a passion that I hid from my mother and all of our servants because it was dangerous. Now that none of them are present in my life anymore, I can fully explore this once masked intrigue of mine. However, I will not be driving the way that i have been for the past couple months with anyone that I know wouldnt be able to handle it, like Charlotte and Phillipe! Their  minds couldnt comprehend my rugged and manly desire to break the speed limit. Just talking about it is making me itch for the wheel. I think I am going to do some walking! That will take my mind off of it! I can fight it! I don't want it to spill into my calm life! 

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Monster Hunter: Island

I wake up from my silk bedsheets and I start on my morning art piece that I've started since I was a baby! One stroke a day! It is still a work in progress seeing as I am young and my infant years did not making this piece easy, as I would just stroke a red line down the middle or slash a pink parallel across the canvas. As of right now the piece is abstract, BUT I think I can turn it into something magnificent! After that, I clean myself, both inside and out, then get ready for the hardest and CRUCIAL part of my day; "WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR!?" I spend at least 2 hours going through each and every one of my outfits until I find the right one. It is a process, but I have so many outfits and clothes in general, that it is a new experience every time! 

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, It's Cleanup Day!

NOW THIS! THIS IS A QUESTION FOR MOI! However, I would probably wear whatever I want because I look my best in anything! My looks alone heighten any fashion standards. From multiple layers to almost nothing, I can make anything look good; But for the sake of this question: I would wear a Somerset Mini dress: Puff-Sleeve edition by Anthropologie. It classy, yet modern. The simplicity of the mini dress PLUS my complex yet DASHING good looks, people would not know what to look at more! In addition, the mini dress is very light! So if I have to cut any heads off I can do so without tearing or stretching my clothes! Impressive, no? As for how long it would take? its not me that takes long to get ready, because Im flawless the moment I wake up; Its my decision making! I dress to impress me no one else! I already know people will be impressed by me. It cant be helped. However, I am my biggest critic. Je définis à ma manière ce que je veux porter. Je pense que j'ai une idée alors "oooo j'ai une meilleure tenue !".

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, It's Cleanup Day!

Je veux fêter mon anniversaire au Met Gala. N'importe qui qui est n'importe qui à mon anniversaire. Célébrités, icônes de la mode, paparazzi et tous ceux qui sont prêts à me regarder. Cela me semble plutôt bien, non ?

There is a reason why I am so High Profile! I know I may have been born with it and have since inherited bad habits! However, I feel as If I would have picked up these traits of mine, regardless of status because I truly deserve the best! I am too good at what I do. I do not care If I am not good at something I dont care about. However, my expertise should be where I thrive. If I surround myself with my own studies, how can I fail my own quiz? What I do is not a hobby or interest. Its my life! If I fail at life, that means Im dead. That is why I am Alive! It is because I dont fail.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Sanctuary

My greatest regret is not being able to live long enough to see people appreciate my art! NO artist goes truly appreciated until they kick the bucket. I know that. Any TRUE artist knows that. So if these powers that are given after each contract are true...maybe I can become immortal. 


I would NEVER become immortal! Then I would never be noticed or appreciated because I wont ever die! No no no im not doing that. Maybe triple my lifespan. Or, I could Become immortal but I am allowed to choose when I can die.


That's technically true now. I hold my own fate in my own hands right now! I could do it. Right now.




(It would be Charlotte, of course. Then Phillipe.)

I love Charlotte, I love Phillipe, and I love art! Mon Dieu! I really love art!

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Sanctuary

I don't really understand what you are asking. HOWEVER, the nature of my gifts I can answer. I want to be inspired. Inspiration DRIVES my art. So when im inspired, I may continue my purpose in life by creating art. I love it! So I gather gifts that will provide me with more inspiration! Cars, Talking swords, BEING POWERFUL? These that were once unfathomable to me, are now a part of my everyday life! As long as I see something or someone or experience something or someone now, my art shall know no end and no repeats! (except Charlotte. I could paint her 100,000 times over and have every hair in place as if I used a copier!)

Plus, who doesn't want to drive fast and NOT use the brake button? The adrenaline rush is INSANE! Je m'amuse plus que quiconque ! Ma vie est fantastique ! J'aime l'art, l'argent, l'art et Charlotte!

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Gunshow

I am not religious. I feel as if there IS someone or something beyond, it would show me the way AFTER I pass. I think we live here, then we live there, wherever THERE is. I don't mock, nor shame any religion; unless that religion is spouting hate and malice. Teach the young and impressionable to hate is what keeps the world evil. It is what keeps the world.....ugly. Quand je serai assez fort, je peindrai ces imperfections. The world that I paint will be one where everyone can be who they want, where they want, why they want it, and for how long. My paintbrush and I will serve its purpose. I will fulfill the destiny I created for MYSELF, and when my time comes to cross over to the next existence, this higher entity will see what good I've done for their creation, with my OWN creations. What a collaboration, no?

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Gunshow

To be honest with a questionnaire, I've known what this world is. After my first contract...no, even before I knew that anything was possible. Even the supernatural. Even mystical and seemingly magical powers. I had a hunch my whole life. "Science" was more than just math and chemicals. The feeling things give you when you like or even love them was always more than a chemical reaction within our biomechanical makeup. I've always viewed things different than others. That is what sets me apart from everyone else. Yes, some things happen that are unexpected, but I've always learned, since I was a little baby Auclair, is to ALWAYS expect the unexpected. The way I feel, it's as if I'm looking from the outside of the outside looking in. I feel as if that, I , am thinking on the outside of the truck that is HOLDING the box. When I try to explain this feeling to other people face -to- face, I get looks as if I belong in a padded room with a rubber ducky in my mouth. However, you, my questionnaire, are non-judgmental. Merci.

18. Give a brief description of the other Contractors you see often. What do you like or dislike about them?

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Gunshow

I often work with a lot of rugged individuals. Dirty, ragged, odorous, sometimes not even human individuals. HOWEVER, from working with them, I can tell that they are beautiful on the inside. Although looks and fashion are very important, there is nothing more important than someone's character. I haven't really been injured or in grave danger as the rest of them have, aside from losing my eye; but they keep fighting! They keep pushing. They make bad decisions in the process, some getting themselves killed because of said decisions, but they steel their nerve and harden their resolve, and die by their actions. The ones effecting by our friends passing, carry that weight with them, as WELL as the stress of the mission and THIER own life being in danger as well. And for that, well, that is nothing short of commendable. I can only wish they fight for me the same as others. This has given me inspiration for my afternoon piece! 

19. Describe the perfect room.

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Gunshow

A room riddled with pictures and paintings of my muse, Charlotte of course. How could I not dream of such a divine experience! Now if I were to die, THAT'D be the room I cross in. Not some hospital! There comes a time where I feel as If I want to BRING Charlotte with me on these missions. To give me the strength I need to take down my foes with one swing of Raphael! However, I would not EVER put my everything in that type of danger. Besides, I can already do that anyway ^-^. I wonder If I can get a room like that at the house. I need to step away from this paper for a moment I need to make a phone call!