Fletcher Graves's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Fletcher Graves's first Contract.

Fletcher Graves lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. He lives in a simple studio apartment that's close enough to the center of town to be aware of it's going ons, but outside of direct attention. He likes being in the thick of it, with his fingers in as many pies as he can reach, but doesn't want to draw the wrong kind of attention to himself. Many people come to Las Vegas with problems they are searching for answers to, and Fletcher does his best to be the man they come to. He can connect customers with many kinds of services, and his prices are reasonable. Sometimes he doesn't even demand money for his services, but exchanges of information. Vegas is the kind of hub that can allow a man like Fletcher to spread his influence, and that's why he is there. His apartment is exceedingly neat and clean, with very little in the way of decoration or flair. Everything is tidy and in its place.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Fletcher Graves's first Contract.

Fletcher gets his money from his work as a private investigator. He will take any sort of job, as long as it interests him. He makes enough to get by comfortably, though he doesn't always demand money for his services. Sometimes it will be something like a trade of knowledge, or an owed favor. Past meeting his basic needs, the money isn't really his main concern. His expenditures are small, with the only significant thing outside of living expenses being any costs associated with running his cases. He does have a personal forensics kit that can rack up costs occasionally, though it's justified when it's for work. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Thomas Clown Affair

Fletcher's ambition is to acquire as much knowledge as possible. The pursuit of knowledge drives him, and he believes that knowledge is power. He doesn't want anyone else having control over him, and power allows that. He is not morally bankrupt by any means, though there aren't many extents he wouldn't go to if pushed. Killing is on the table, though only if absolutely necessary. Harm to his body is simply a hazard of the job. As long as he can keep working and learning, no bodily sacrifice is too much for knowledge. His mind is his best weapon though, so he likely wouldn't risk and damage there. Now that the world of the contractors has opened up to him, Fletcher is going to dive into it with zeal. This is by far the most interesting thing to ever happen in his life, and he is going figure out all the dirty details or die trying. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Thomas Clown Affair

The most defining event of Fletcher's life was definitely the decision to become a private investigator. Any other potential career paths that were presented to him held no interest, no luster. Even as he went through the police academy, he knew he wouldn't stick with actually becoming a cop. He was just there to learn. Private investigator work not only allowed him to pursue his knowledge, his only real passion, but it also allowed him to be his own boss, not have to answer to anyone else. Everyone wants to impose their own structure on others, and Fletcher is not interested in having his life controlled.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Hand That Leads You

Miriam Graves is Fletcher's mother. She was always supportive of Fletcher and his oddities, in spite of his father's blatant contempt. After his father left them, Miriam raised Fletcher by herself. She refused to bow to pressures of conformity from Fletcher's teachers and continued to encourage his uniqueness. Since Fletcher was never big on making close friends, his mother is probably the single person he is closest to. He has made some friends however, and one of them is Miles Burke. He met Miles in the police academy, and though they went different paths they stayed close. Their relationship is also mutually beneficial, as having a connection to the police force sometimes helps Fletcher in his cases, and having a friend that doesn't have to go through all of the official channels to get things done sometimes helps Miles in his. Another important friend is Jo Hamilton, whom Fletcher has known since childhood. She was one of the few kids in school that didn't treat Fletcher like a outsider. They've stayed close through the years, and Fletcher tells her about all of his cases.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Sanctuary

Fletcher was always a little different than the other kids. Not particularly social and more intellectual than his peers, he didn't make friends easy and didn't fit it. His mother was always supportive of him, but his father was not. While never downright abusive, his father was far from supportive. He largely dismissed his son, at least when he wasn't complaining about him being, "A weirdo and a failure," and he ended up leaving when Fletcher was still young. His mom stayed strong and raised him herself, and never stopped encouraging him. He excelled in some areas of school, and fell far behind in others. Fletcher loved learning and was excellent in his classes, but he wasn't motivated to do things he considered arbitrary, which often included tests and other such academic endeavors. Some teachers recognized his intellect, others saw him as a slacker. None of them truly understood him though. To Fletcher, it was real simple: If something didn't interest him, it wasn't worth his time. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Sanctuary

Romance has never been Fletcher's priority. He has tried a few relationships through the years, though none of them really went anywhere. He certainly has never been in love. The closest he's been to anything like love would probably be his relationship with his best friend Jo Hamilton. The two grew close as kids and have been fast friends ever since, and people have certainly and assumed and/or wondered if there was anything going on there. Fletcher himself doesn't think their relationship is anything more than platonic, though if he ever really explored those feelings in depth he might find they're a little more complicated than he'd like to believe. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Mushroom Hunt

Fletcher fears stagnation. His whole life he has been pursuing knowledge, learning, and application of said knowledge. With an almost child-like need to be entertained, the day when he can no longer be solving puzzles and acquiring knowledge would be a sad day indeed. He must have something interesting to unravel. Long periods without this are his biggest lows. He also cannot stand failure. His mind has always been able to get him through what life throws at him. When it can't, it feels like the world is ending. Fletcher is convinced that there isn't a puzzle he can't solve, and will refuse to accept defeat if it is within his power to do so. His Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is often a point of contention within himself. He bears the unhealthy mindset that letting it "win" means that he has failed to control it. In his mind, all of the precautions he takes because of it are simply his way of beating it. In his mind, he keeps everything neat and tidy because he is preventing it from being an issue, not because it already is one. There isn't always consistency, though he refuses to acknowledge that. Sometimes his compulsions are an outside force that he has to control, sometimes they are the precautions he's taking of his own free will. Deep in his consciousness, he fears his disorder taking absolute control of him. Nothing controls Fletcher Graves. 

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Mushroom Hunt

There aren't many material possessions Fletcher holds dear. What holds the most value to him are things that are useful, especially to his cases. Thus, one of the things that is consistently useful and thus consistently valuable is his forensics kit. All the equipment he uses to analyze clues and piece together mysteries are of utmost important to his work. He also has his specially tailored vest. Almost all of his clothes are drab don't stand out, apart from being of high quality and well maintained. His vest however is special, and unique to him. It is his personal touch to his otherwise uniform suits, and it is a thing of comfort and familiarity in unfamiliar situations and places. It perfectly conforms to his body in a way that makes him feel snug and secure. Not to mention stylish. Its unique design is a reflection of himself: a unique mind. The patterns invoke the concept of eyes, observing all around.