Justin Chien's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Justin Chien's first Contract.

Justin lives in a Chinatown in lower manhattan, New York, with his grandmother Lin who runs a chinese gourmet restaurant and an eastern medicine & acupunture clinic.


He lives there as he doesn't have anywhere else to go and cannot bear the thought of being away from his only family left. 

He resides in the second floor of their restaurant, along with a two other tenants of his grandma. He pays his own rent as well as electricity and water.

He has his own room with a single bed, a table, a closet, and a computer set up where he plays video games although he has no friends to play with.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Justin Chien's first Contract.

Justin works as a cook in his grandma Lin's restaurant. Although he is the grandson of the owner, he is only a line cook as he doesn't have the capacity and personality to be a leader and lead the kitchen team. However he has the skills to prove he is great at his craft.

Sometimes his grandma gives him a little bit of money when she sees him struggling.

He mostly spend most of his money on alcohol, cigarettes, and in-game currencies. He doesn't go out much, preferring to stay in his room, although he has his own car which he hasn't used in a while.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Justin Chien's first Contract.

He didn't have an ambition before as he was too depressed to think about anything else aside from trying to get by. But now he realised he has the opportunity to get back to the evil that destroyed his life.

He wants to kill demon. Specifically the mirror demon that...made him kill his loved ones. Although he was a shut-in, he still read all about demonology and tried to find similar instances of demons in mirrors.

He would kill for it as it is his number one goal, his only purpose now. Although he is deeply scared of death, he will try his best and do it, after all his mother's last words is for him to be brave.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Justin Chien's first Contract.

A few years back, he had found an old scripture when a nearby antique shop is closing because they are moving away. They were selling their stuff at a discounted price and justin decided to look through them.

An ancient looking scripture of with evidentl chinese history got his attention and bought. And after a while of decoding and research, he learned it was a chant for an ancient deity in some village in the mountains.

Finding it funny, he called his friends over and together they chanted the words...summoning a great evil that haunted everyone in his home, with only 1 person being allowed to leave. And so on that day, he killed everyone in that house.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Justin Chien's first Contract.

Lin Siniang. His grandmother on his father's side. He took care of him when the authorities reported a mysterious murder that occured in her son's house, with his 12 year old grandchild being the only survivor. She then supported him throughout the years with his health, education, and career. 


Sam Li. His only friend. They met while playing League of Legends, recognising each other's skills they became a duo for years to come. Sam is the only person Justin looks forward to hanging out with, since they are miles apart, perhaps Justin's misfortune won't rub onto Sam. Right?


Ron Yuan. His boss and head chef of his grandmother's restaurant. Ron Yuan is very supportive and takes care of Justin like his own son, though Justin doesn't seem to appreciate it. Ron actively encourage Justin to get out of his comfort zone and is always there to support him. He also taught Justin most of his cooking techniques.