Shinji Ko's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Shinji Ko's first Contract.

私は日本の東京、具体的にはここ、〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿7丁目24-6に住んでいます。私がそこに住んでいるのは、私のターゲットの大部分がそこにいて、時には地区外に現れることもあり、多少の交通費をもらっているからです。でもそれ以外は、フリーランスの仕事が大好きです。部屋に入っても、キャンドルに火を灯すまでは何も見えません。しかし、キャンドルに火を灯すと、リビングルームの真ん中にキャンドルとキャンドルの輪以外には家具がなく、そこで瞑想していることがわかります。私のキッチンには通常、この国で買える最高の鶏肉、米、魚が揃っています。でも、食べたいという欲求もあるし、たまには自分にご褒美として美味しいラーメンを食べます。私に言わせれば、日本で一番おいしいラーメン。とにかく、ツアーを続けて寝室に入ると、私のベッドは傑作で、高枕の薄いフリースの毛布がありました。



I live in Tokyo Japan, specifically here, 7-chōme-24-6 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan. I live there because the majority of my targets are there, sometimes they show up outside the district, so I do get a bit of travel fees. But other than that, I love freelance work. When you walk in the room you don't see anything, until you light the candles. But when you light the candles you will see that there is no furniture besides the candles and the circle of candles in the middle of my living room, I meditate there. My kitchen is usually stocked with the best chicken, rice and fish you can buy in the country. But I have cravings too and sometimes, I will treat myself to some good ass ramen. Best ramen in Japan if you were to ask me. Anyway, continuing on with the tour, coming into the bedroom, my bed a masterpiece, it has a takamakura, thin fleece blanket.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

In the depths of a world shrouded in eternal night, there exists a figure whose name is whispered only in fear. This is a hunter, a stalker of the darkness, driven not by the lust for riches or fame, but by a hunger far more sinister.

From the moment of awakening, the hunter embodied pure malevolence. It was not wealth or love that fueled this being, but an insatiable craving for power — power extracted from the very essence of otherworldly creatures. Monsters, demons, and abominations, all were prey to this relentless force.

Each hunt was a meticulous dance of death. The hunter would spend countless hours, days, even weeks, tracking their target. Every step, every breath, was calculated, designed to remain unseen until the moment of inevitable confrontation. The thrill of the chase was a bitter symphony played out in the silent corridors of the night.

When the hunter finally struck, it was with a blend of cold precision and raw brutality. Chains clinking softly in the dark, a muffled cry cut short, the gleam of sharpened steel reflecting the last glimmers of hope in terrified eyes.

The prey, now shackled and broken, could do nothing but plead for mercy. But mercy was a foreign concept to the hunter; it was an emotion that had been extinguished long ago. The predator thrived on these moments — the terror, the anguish, the desperate bargains for life. They were music to the hunter’s ears, a dark lullaby that whispered promises of burgeoning power.

With the prey immobilized, the hunter would begin the gruesome ritual. Each bite, each tear of flesh, was an act of consumption and assimilation. The creature’s life force, its very essence, was absorbed, adding to the hunter’s own dark might. There was a twisted satisfaction in this act, a perverse joy that only grew with each conquest.

When the feast was complete, the hunter would rise, leaving behind nothing but a husk of its former prey. Empowered by the consumption, it would disappear back into the shadows, ever vigilant, ever searching for the next source of power.

The hunter’s journey is one of unrelenting darkness. With no desire for wealth and no need for companionship, the only joy that exists is the hunt and the inevitable feast that follows. To this entity, life is an endless cycle of seeking and devouring, and mercy is a concept lost to the shadows. The world shudders with each step it takes, knowing that somewhere, out in the inky blackness, a new prey is being marked for future consumption.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

Shinji's ambition is a relentless force, a consuming hunger that drives one to the edge of sanity and beyond. It is the fire that burns within, compelling him to pursue  his deepest desires with unwavering determination. For some, it is the pursuit of power; for others, it is the quest for knowledge, wealth, or recognition.

To achieve his ambition, no path is too treacherous, no challenge too great. Every obstacle is but a stepping stone, every setback a lesson. The relentless pursuit transforms into an obsession, a meticulous dance of strategy and resolve. Each move is calculated, each risk measured, with the ultimate goal always in sight.

Would you sacrifice friendships, moral codes, or even parts of yourself? Shinji's ambition often demands a steep price. It is not uncommon for the ambitious to experience isolation, as the path they tread becomes too narrow for companionship.

When the stakes are high, and the prize is tantalizingly close, desperation might creep in. Would you kill for your ambition? Shinji ko would. The question hangs heavy, its weight felt in the deepest corners of one’s being. For those consumed by their goals, the line between right and wrong blurs, and the once unthinkable becomes a possibility.

The pursuit of ambition can lead one to dance perilously close to the edge of death. Risks are taken without a second thought, danger becomes a constant companion. But for Shinji, in these moments, fear is not an option; only the singular focus on the end goal remains. It is a gamble with the highest stakes, where success and total ruin are but a breath apart.

Reaching the pinnacle of Shinji's ambition offers its own rewards. The sacrifices, the scars, the relentless pursuit—all culminate in a moment of triumph. But even at the top, the hunger never truly ceases. Shinji's ambition is an eternal flame, and he who is driven by it, is forever in its grasp, always looking for the next challenge, the next conquest.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

For Shinji Ko, the path to becoming the most feared and revered monster hunter was paved with blood, sweat, and dark resolve. But the most defining event of his life was the night he faced the terrifying beast known as "Yamato's Wrath." It was a hunt that would forever alter the course of his existence.

It was a cold, moonless night when Shinji first tracked the monster to the ruins of an ancient temple. The air was thick with tension, shadows dancing malevolently as if alive. Each step was calculated, every breath measured, as Shinji prepared for the confrontation that could mean either his ascension or his doom.

As he entered the inner sanctum, the beast emerged from the darkness, a towering figure with eyes that glowed with hellish fury. The fight that ensued was a cataclysmic clash of might and skill. Shinji’s precision and savagery met the creature’s raw power in a battle that raged on for what felt like an eternity. Chains clinking in the dark, the muffled cries, and the gleam of sharpened steel slicing through the night were etched into his memory.

The final blow was struck with cold precision, the beast’s life draining away as its eyes reflected the last glimmers of hope. Yet, in its dying moments, the monster unleashed a curse, one that bound its essence to Shinji. This curse was not just a sentence of doom but a dark gift of power and burden. As the creature's life force was absorbed into him, Shinji felt an intoxicating rush of might and a perverse satisfaction that was both alien and exhilarating.

From that night onward, Shinji was no longer just a hunter; he had become something more, something darker. The curse imbued him with formidable strength and acuity beyond human capability, but it also gnawed at his soul, eroding what little humanity he had left.

In the silent corridors of his mind, the whispers of the monsters he had consumed became a dark lullaby, driving him further into the abyss of his own ambition. He embraced the transformation, became more ruthless, more cunning, and his legend grew with each hunt. Mercy was forsaken, replaced by a relentless drive for power and domination.

The defining event of facing "Yamato's Wrath" changed Shinji Ko irrevocably. It was the night he transcended from a mere hunter to a legendary monster slayer whose name inspired both fear and awe. It shaped his purpose, his methods, and his endless pursuit of dark power.

Yet, this transformation also left him constantly teetering on the edge of the abyss, forever haunted by the monsters whose power he had claimed as his own. Shinji Ko’s legacy became one of unmatched brutality and relentless ambition, driven by the fateful encounter that forever altered his destiny.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

Mathew Mason: The Closest Ally

Mathew Mason, a fellow freelancer, is the person closest to me. Our bond was forged in the battle against the mushroom queen and her brood, and

delivering samples of an alien origin. Mathew is the epitome of courage and loyalty, a steadfast comrade whose unwavering support has been my anchor. His tactical brilliance and unyielding resolve complement my own strengths, making us an unparalleled team on the hunt. Mathew doesn't just stand as my ally; he's my confidant, the one who understands the weight of the curse I bear and the relentless drive that fuels my every action. In the heart of the fiercest battles, it is Mathew’s presence that reminds me that a sliver of humanity still endures within me.

Kaito Yukimura: The Mentor

Kaito Yukimura was the seasoned hunter who first saw potential in me when I was but a novice, ignorant of the true horrors that lay in wait. His mentorship was both rigorous and unforgiving, designed to mold me into the relentless force I am today. Kaito taught me the dance of death that every hunt entails, the importance of patience, precision, and brutal efficiency. Though our paths diverged as my ambition grew darker and more consuming, the lessons imparted by Kaito remain ingrained in my every move. He may not approve of the lengths I now go to, but without his initial guidance, I would not stand as the hunter I am today.

Aiko Hiragi: The Unseen Shadow

Aiko Hiragi is an enigma, a figure who moves in the shadows and whose motives are often inscrutable. She is a skilled information broker and an expert in the arcane arts, providing invaluable insights into the monsters we hunt. Aiko’s knowledge is both a boon and a curse, for it often comes at a price steeped in mystery and hidden agendas. Despite the mistrust that her shrouded past incites, her contributions to our hunts are undeniable. Aiko's presence is a constant reminder of the fine line we walk between ally and adversary, but her expertise has saved us from countless ambushes and traps. She embodies the darkness we fight against, yet she is an indispensable part of our efforts.

These three individuals have shaped my journey in profound ways, their influence and support forming the foundation upon which I build my legacy.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

I often hesitate to reflect upon my childhood, a harrowing chapter etched with sorrow and brutality. The shadows of my early life formed the cornerstone of my evolution into Shinji Ko, the ambitious monster hunter. My parents were the embodiment of despair, two tormented souls who knew only anger and recrimination. My father, a man shattered by the constant sting of failure and poverty, took solace in violence. His rage was an unpredictable tempest, each day bringing a new storm of wrath upon us. My mother, though she tried to shield me, was herself a husk of a woman, frail and resigned to the daily tirade of abuse. Their existence was a cyclical torment, a stark reminder of the life I was determined to escape.

School was neither a refuge nor a beacon of hope for me; it was merely an extension of my grim reality. I attended school but never truly belonged. The jagged wounds of my home life set me apart from my peers. I was the outcast, the boy whose silence and bruises spoke louder than words. Fitting in was an alien concept. The other children shunned me, their whispers and sneers a constant reminder of my outsider status. Trust was a luxury I couldn’t afford; isolation became my shield. In the back of the classroom, I found solace in my thoughts, honing my resolve to one day become more than just another broken spirit.

The world of monster hunting was a ruthless and unforgiving place, yet it called to me with the promise of purposeful vengeance. Every hunt became a meticulous dance of death, a calculated performance where my every step was measured, every breath disciplined. The thrill of the chase, the bitter symphony played out in the night, was where I found my true calling. Through the quiet corridors and dense wilderness, I pursued my prey with an unyielding determination. When I finally struck, it was with the cold precision and raw brutality shaped by years of suffering.

The capture was my dark ritual – a blend of silenced cries and gleaming steel. Mercy was a concept foreign to me, extinguished long ago alongside my childhood innocence. Each conquest, each desperate plea for life, was a macabre melody to my ears, a dark lullaby whispering promises of burgeoning power. As I consumed the prey’s essence, I was not just ending a life, but assimilating strength, inching closer to the freedom and strength I sought all my life.

Through the gruesome ritual of monster hunting, I found twisted satisfaction. Each bite and tear of flesh carried me further away from the helpless child I once was. Each conquest added to the dark might that fueled my ambition, forging Shinji Ko, the relentless hunter who thrived not just on survival but on the power drawn from life’s darkest corners.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

Love has always been an elusive concept for me, a fleeting wisp that never quite settled in my heart. It's difficult to speak of love when your life has been a relentless pursuit of survival and power. I've encountered many souls throughout my hunts, some who looked at me with a glimmer of affection, perhaps even hope. But in my world, hope is as dangerous as the monsters I hunt. It clouds judgment and weakens resolve. The pursuit of love was never an option for me; it was an unnecessary distraction from my singular goal.

There was one, though, who tried to pierce through the fortress I've built around myself. Her name was Hana, a healer from a small village plagued by a relentless beast. Our paths crossed when I was hired to hunt the creature terrorizing her home. Hana's kindness was an unfamiliar warmth, a stark contrast to the cold, calculating world I inhabited. She saw beyond the monster hunter, glimpsing a man buried under layers of darkness and pain.

But her gentle words and caring eyes were not enough to thaw my frozen heart. I was always on the move, driven by an insatiable hunger for power and the next conquest. To her, I must have seemed a tragic hero, but to me, she was a dangerous siren leading me away from my path. I turned my back on her tender feelings, choosing the certainty of the hunt over the vulnerability of love.

Love, in its purest form, requires a vulnerability I cannot afford. It demands trust and the relinquishing of control—two things I buried deep within me long ago, alongside my fleeting dreams of a normal life. My heart no longer knows how to beat for another; it only knows the rhythm of the hunt. The muffled cries, and the gleam of sharpened steel are my true companions.

Each hunt is a reminder of my purpose and my power. The terror and anguish of my prey fuel my relentless ambition, fortifying my resolve. Love would only weaken me, divert my focus, and perhaps even bring about my downfall. I have traded the ephemeral warmth of affection for the constant, cold embrace of power. The predator cannot afford the luxury of love when survival itself is the greatest prize.

In the end, the path I've chosen is a lonely one, but it is the only path I know. Love is for those who can afford to dream. For me, Shinji Ko, the monster hunter, there is only the hunt and the power it brings.