Robert Frintz's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Robert Frintz's first Contract.

my nayme is Robert Frintz and i am 9 years old. i live in frenso, California. i life in a house with my beautiful mommy, Carla Mae. She is my hole favorite peron in the hole world! She makes me fruit that makes me big and strong and smart as a jeenyus. our house is 37 years old and smells like freshly steemed korn. Mainly beecause that is my favorite dish. mmm mmm mm i like korn. do you like korn? We live next to a puppy park where all the dogs bark bark bark until 9:30 then they awl go home. its nihgt time now so they are probabbily gon bye now.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Idont get any muny but my mommy gets lots of money from streeming. she streems in twich and Youtube. Im not alowwed to wach because she says cuss worlds alot. some times i go into my bed and says the worlds in my pillowe because they are funny. can i say one here? yes? bitch hehehe. she says that when she loses i think. my mommy is very popular in the inthernette because she usus wats called a "V tuber". my mommy in real life is mommy butt on twich she is namd "QueenBee". she is very pretyy. i like it.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

I want to be big and strong for mommy that way she has some 1 to pro tekt her she did not have that wen daddy was a round because he was the 1 who hurt her. I stopped that because my mommy was crying and i dont like it when my mommy crys. so yes i would kill for it because...

i have

i needed to be strong for mommy and if that ment kiling daddy then i do it. she thankd me and took me fore ise creem while the polices stayed at our old house
i know that mommy was sad but was also happy that she gets no more beetings i got no more beetings they hurt but at least he did not hurt mommy.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

my daddy hurt me and my mommy. everyday weather it was our bodys or ower feelings I really didint have a prolem with me gedding hit but my mommy was not okya. so i took a sharp nife from the kichn and put it in his hart. i made sure he was ded by pudding it in his hart excatly 172 times. i remember each and every beeting my mommy took from him. thats what all the lines r for in my coloring book. I maed soor to remember. and now daddy remembers. im sure mommy remembers. now you will remember. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Carla Mae is my mommy and she is great. she takes me to my favrotie plases. I like the arcade to play DDR . my favorite song is let it go and party over here. I also like I also like walmart because Sherry gives me stickers. Sherry has black skin but my mommy says she is my ant. But i thought ants were small. I LOVE MY grandamaw be cause she would make me cookies evein though my mommy says no to me sometimes and sometimes i drink soda. there is also Gordon Hagerty who is the puppy park gate operator. He lets me in the park and sometimes lets me out. one time he and my mommy kised but she says it was by accident but i believe my mommy because she is the best. my therapissed is Doctor Bajwa and he is very nice and wears a turban because he is sikh.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

I am a children so i can tellyou currencly whats happening. I killed my daddy to save my mommy My mommy is a good girl with long black hair and a big nose. My daddy has orange hair like me and is sleeping for a long time i was told. I dontt go to school becasue i might be trobled but that is okay cuz i maek freinds at the puppy park and meet pepples kids inline. My mommy works on streems on twich and some times a get on a zoom and show my mommies cow workers kids my toys. I have a friends name Walker who has a xbox and plays mind craft. mommy says i can play with him on mindcraft xbox but i cant talk about my other hobies like kife care and parkoor. I like knifes and scissors. I know they are not play toys and I need to bee kareful but i really am

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

love? i love my mommy! and I love my grandma! and i love Sherry and i love gordon and i love Walker and I love my mommys chat! I also love pizza and doggies and sometimes veggee tables and ise creem ans water

I wanna love mind craft and roblox and powwer rangerz and wrestling and anyme

sometimes i love stickers and lovew cars and ninjas and rain and kifes and steel and serrated blades and moving fast
jumping is fun especially when you are running from mommy trying to give you medasin
i also love storage wars. good show