Sophie Colman's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sophie Colman's first Contract.

I live... in a space between worlds, I do not speak the name of this place for it is not a place one should speak of... I was brought here for one purpose, I was trained to continue the cycle and train a new witch as my protege. I live in this space to try and find it but when I need resources I exit into the many different ball pits of  the world and I hunt for scraps... I steal toys, food, and clothes only. If I'm lucky there may be somewhere I can clean myself, it has been a day too many I have been unclean. I do not like feeling dirty, but I am unfortunately used to it.. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Sophie Colman's first Contract.

When the people in the many places I go to are busy playing their games or looking after the children, I swim on the edge of the nothing and I bring their money with me and then I go back to the pit and store it. Occasionally when there is no food to steal, I will use it to buy myself food or water... Enyaba taught me that the thicker the pouch the better the loot, if I get enough oldies I like to buy myself Ice Cream or something really sweet and delicious, Enyaba never let me have sweet treats.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Sophie Colman's first Contract.

I live only to continue the cycle of the witch, train, train, train, kidnap, teach, teach, teach, let free like bird... These stupid little munchkins don't appreciate it when I take them into the nothing at all! I try to teach them how to be magic and they don't bother, they always leave on the first hunting after the second or third beatings and I try to get them, but I shan't risk letting myself be taken by those who will take me away and stop me from continuing the cycle, if I don't continue how will the witches repopulate and return to take over the world, we are a dying breed. I will kill to continue the cycle, I will go as far as I possibly can to find a suitable successor to learn the magic that Enyaba taught me so long ago, I know I am not a full witch by any means but I will not let my people die, as long as I know the torch of the witch that I mistakenly threw into the pit has passed on, I will be ready to die for my people.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Sophie Colman's first Contract.

When I was a young little munchkin, I was taken by Enyaba... At first, I was afraid, I was petrified, kept thinking I could never live without my family by my side, but then I realized that this was the true path Fate itself had set me on.  I was chosen for a reason and I know my sole purpose is beyond my previous family, my memories of them may be short and sweet, but I know that I will make them proud and I will make Enyaba proud and I will make those who came before me proud. On that day I was given purpose beyond my life, I was given a path that I must continue by any means.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Sophie Colman's first Contract.

Enyaba may not be with me anymore, but I can still hear her voice in my head guiding me like a compass. She was my master, she taught me everything I know, she taught me everything I know, and she was going to teach me more, but something came over me and like a brat, I had chosen to run, I was a fool who took her for granted and I have no clue where she is, every day I can still feel her presence. One man I really like and that's saying something because I don't like men is Charles Entertainment Cheese, I do not know where this huge Ratman resides, but his food has kept me fed for years, as much as I have grown to despise pizza I will never forget the many days I spent pocketing croutons and handfuls of lettuce and an occasional sip of dressing that were such a delicious treat after nights of training. My third person has to be Ronald Mcdonald, I also am not aware of where this beautiful clown is, but the scraps from his restaurant were the most delightful of them all, Charles Entertainment Cheese must be jealous of this Clown, maybe they should fight... but that is besides the point, the point being that Ronald Mcdonald really knows how to make a beef and cheese sandwich, I must've had over 2 bajillion quarter pounders by now, that's a lot of quarter pounds.