Jack Thirston's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jack Thirston's first Contract.

"Well I uhh, live in Miami as of currently. I guess it's just were the big guy's up at RnD decided to do testing. Can't exactly say why though. I tell you what though, does remind me of home...


Home, home, by the way. Australia. Beaches are stunning, little on the crowded side though haha. Certainly ain't seeing it as a downside, hell, it's probably what I like most about it. Real lively, bustling. Sure at times... it gets... well, a bit hectic. But I thinks that's just a part of the Job no? Shit get's messy, I'm one of the first people to start cleaning up, so guess there is a bit of bias there huh?"

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jack Thirston's first Contract.

"Well that's a tough question ain't it... gonna have to think on that... pretty sure I get most of my money from my job? Don't know though, might have to check...

Nah but seriously though. Earn an alright amount I suppose, certainly not enough for what I do but hey I still wouldn't trade it for the world. As to what I spend it on? Well, lot of the time I do get a free feed down at the mess halls so I can spend on whatever I fancy really. 

Grog's certainly a contender if I do say so... though... do sometimes have a flight of fancy on the fine dinning."

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jack Thirston's first Contract.

"My ambitious huh? Promise you ain't tell my boss now will ya? Haha, of course ya' won't. Ah well it's simple. Magic. Hate the shit.

If I had my way all those wizard fucks would be dead and forgotten about. Higher ups want them behind bars when they can, guess it's alright for the time being I suppose. But yeah, fuck em for all I care.

Would I kill? Would I fuck around death to make sure those mages get fucked in return? Fuck yeah, already have. And would do so a dozen fucking times more. 

'specially that wizard fuck back home. Mordrid. That fucker can get it hard. And I'll make sure of that myself. I swear by it."

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Jack Thirston's first Contract.

"Nosy bastard ain't ya? An easy enough question but personal. Don't mind though, I'll tell.

It was when that Mordrid prick decided to came 'bampfing' on his magical teleportation bullshit. I was so excited and giddy. 'A real wizard! So cool!' A real shit is what it was. Didn't realize until the bastard actually agreed to "teach" me. Teach my ass. Fucker sent to a magical land full of wonder, magic, and a pitch black fucking maze full of whatever the fuck they were.

Magical gobbly-de-goop fucking shadow monster fucking fucks or something.

But I got out. In America. Luckily things I found in that place were interesting enough the boys at Intelligence were willing to give me hand. And here I am."

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Jack Thirston's first Contract.

"Well I gotta start with Mordrid. Think of the most stereotypical evil wizard. Tall, robes, pointy hat, bushy beard, even got the big fucking stick. Melodramatics as well to boot. I don't know if he does it on purpose or what. He has to right? Anyways, from we know he's a some kind of spatial mage. Likes portals and pocket dimensions and shit like that. He's got this tower at the start of a massive maze. Ain't on Earth though that's for sure though.

Next is good ole' Doc. Dr Steward Heart. Lead engineer behind the Eclipse project, and current head in the DSP's research on magic and it's interaction with technology. Think turning flamethrowers into dragons breath. Or Planes with no engines. Blokes nice enough, stickler for the rules though. Everything has to be squeaky clean and by the book with him. I can get to relax though eventually. Just gonna take time.

Lastly is James. James Wu. Nothing special about him. He's a janitor at the research centre where we first began testing Eclipse. Guy likes to party, and I like to join him. Wu is my main mate. In fact... speak of the devil, he's calling me now. Gimme a sec he's probably just getting off shift now.

Yeah Wu? Tonight? Ah fuck it, gimme like an hour and half m-kay?"