Ugg's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ugg's first Contract.

Ugg live around Flint, Michigan. Ugg live there because the cost of living there lower than other place nearby, especially for mobile home like Ugg's. 

Ugg's home is technically also Ugg's mode of transport. Ugg decorate the inside a little to make feel more homey. He decorate it with big animal skull from his hunts in the past. Ugg also collect good sticks Ugg find outside that shaped like weapons and stuff. Ugg not a hoarder, though, so Ugg keep the rest of home simple so Ugg doesn't trip over stuff. Ugg hate when that happens.

Ugg also keeps the essentials for emergencies on a road trip, meaning advanced medical supplies, flares, rope, etc. in case of emergency. Ugg admit he is very out of his element when it comes to using some of the stuff he has, but having it and using it wrong better than not having it at all, Ugg thing. 

Ugg feel that Ugg is wise for that. Ugg understand the value in preparation and learn to appreciate that "wise" side of himself. Ugg proud.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Ugg's first Contract.

Ugg get his money right now primarily by driving across America, delivering or moving things for other people Ugg get paid by. Ugg is technically a "moving person", which seem right to Ugg. Ugg moves a lot, afterall. 

Ugg is employed by Doug's Moving Company, who specialize in helping people move out of their old home and go into new home. It would be annoying to do by self, so they give money to Doug and Doug give money to Ugg. Ugg see Ugg's work friends working together to carry things outside of house. Ugg understand that not everyone as strong as Ugg, but Ugg wish someone help Ugg too. Ugg keep having Ugg's fingers dig into object Ugg carry because Ugg forced to carry by himself. 

At least Ugg pay not being docked.

Ugg spend Ugg's money on fuel for mobile home, as well as nice clothes to look good for public eye. Ugg told Ugg no need to dress nice to be mover by Doug, but Ugg know people only say that to increase people's invisible niceness score or something. Ugg know how society work. Society lie. Society hide things and work backwards.

Society built against Ugg, and Ugg know it.

Ugg want society to rethink society's decisions.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Ugg's first Contract.

Ugg really want to make society rethink itself. Ugg know that society is built and relies on corruption and people holding more power than other people who are the same.

Ugg hate that. Ugg treated well enough, but Ugg know that only because Ugg strong and wise. If Ugg not have both those traits, Ugg become laughed at and mistreated. If not strong, wisdom mean nothing. If not wise, you break everything and die if not strong enough. Ugg blessed by "RNGesus" to have both.

Ugg live for ten years in new world and Ugg already feel old. Ugg told that Ugg was twenty-nine before frozen, which mean Ugg at least thirty years old now, Ugg pretty sure.

See? Ugg wise. Ugg know Ugg not smart, but Ugg wise enough to not give 100% answer when not 100% certain. Ugg know Ugg's stuff.

In truth, Ugg is very bored. Ugg doesn't get to do what Ugg wants in current society. Ugg restricted by law and "political climate". It stop Ugg from being true to Ugg's self. 

If there one thing Ugg learn after living so long in modern day, it that there no point in life if life not allowed to be true to life's self. 

Ugg willing to die for that and all the life that want to be more life than it is. Ugg just that kinda guy.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Ugg's first Contract.

The most defining event of Ugg's life would have to be when Ugg save Ugg's mom from sabre-tooth tiger.

Ugg know people think Ugg greatest event would be waking up thousands of years later than Ugg fall asleep, but Ugg no care about that (all that much). Ugg care about Ugg's mom story and how Ugg came to grow into Ugg's self as a hero.

Ugg saw tiger same time as tiger saw Ugg. Ugg back off for moment before tiger run away. Ugg instincts tell Ugg to chase, so Ugg did. Good thing Ugg chase, because Ugg's mom there in clearing where tiger pounce!

Ugg run faster than Ugg ever run before and catch tiger in air, getting into fight now.

Ugg manage to contest tiger's teeth with club while tearing at tiger throat with Ugg's teeth. Ugg pelt help defend against tiger's claws, and Ugg manage to lethally wound tiger before disengaging. Tiger limp away before fall over.

That how Ugg learn that food taste better if you save mom before eating. Maybe blood loss help.

Ugg want find out if less blood equals better taste now. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Ugg's first Contract.

Ugg know lots of people. Ugg very good at being social.


Dr. Lila Hawthorne - Ugg's very kindly therapist:

Dr. Lila Hawthorne very kind woman who help Ugg with Ugg's feelings. She very smart and patient, work with people who have big troubles like Ugg. She help Ugg understand modern world and make Ugg feel better when Ugg feel lost. Ugg grateful for Dr. Lila. She always listen and help Ugg find way.


Dr. Theo Kessler - The scientist who helped Ugg get accustomed to the modern day:

Dr. Theo Kessler is smart scientist who found Ugg. He very excited about Ugg's old life and help Ugg learn new things. He bit crazy but in good way. Ugg find that Dr. Theo maybe confused like Ugg, what with how Theo act around woman scientists. Dr. Theo teach Ugg many things about modern world and always talk to Ugg about ancient times. Theo like mentor and friend to Ugg. Without Theo, Ugg be very confused. Ugg also feel Ugg's self-esteem grow when around Theo, because Ugg better than Theo at talking to women. Maybe just because Ugg strong. 


Tony "Big T" Martinez - A friendly mechanic Ugg met by chance in Michigan:

Tony 'Big T' Martinez is good friend Ugg make in Michigan. He mechanic, fix cars and machines. Tony have big heart and big personality. Ugg and Tony become friends because Ugg and Tony both like working with hands. Tony teach Ugg about modern machines and life in city. Tony show Ugg around and introduce Ugg to many people. Tony make Ugg feel welcome in Tony's neighborhood. Ugg love it when Tony calls Ugg "Big Guy".

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, (0-3) "Fun Guys"

Ugg's childhood was full of running and fighting. But Ugg no pay attention to that part. Ugg pay attention to the good times. Back when Ugg was young and kill his first mammoth with Ugg friends.

Good times.

Ugg's parents were very good. Ugg mom was pretty woman who make very good cloth for Ugg and Ugg's sister. Ugg dad very good at hunting. Until one day he not as good. Ugg sad when think about Ugg dad.

Ugg no go to school, but Ugg did learn lots from Ugg's family. When Ugg get older, Ugg start teach them things as well, since Ugg so good at hunting.

Ugg say they need to hit mammoth harder or throw bigger spear, but they no listen. Say Ugg's way no work for them. Ugg confused.

Ugg get along good enough with other kids, but it get difficult to stay in touch when Ugg grow older. 

Good times...

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, (0-3) "Fun Guys"

Ugg be in love lots of time. Ugg love Ugg's mom, dad, sister, and even Ugg brother even though Ugg no know him very long.

But Ugg no think that what you mean.

Ugg like other woman one time, but woman from different tribe, and Ugg told no get involved. Ugg no want to, but Ugg no know what do.

So Ugg no listen and talk her anyway, because Ugg no know better. 

Ugg cause a scandal. Tribe leader no like Ugg. Say Ugg too hairy and no strong enough. So Ugg show him. Ugg show how strong Ugg is. 


Ugg go too far.