Keys's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Keys's first Contract.

I mean...I moved here for collage and just kinda never went home. I don't mind the cold. Sure, it's a big shift from that damn reality show island but it's not like we ever had a proper beach episode there. Would've to catch a tan. Heh. 

People tell me my condo's full of wierd shit they haven't seen since the 90's. See-through phone with cord on it, a clock-cat that looks either way. Hell I still keep flour and rice an shit in those matching box sets. Don't know those? German thing then. I mean who doesn't love a 10 kilo box to keep coffee in? Just me?

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Nanny's Crew

So yknow how catering to a wedding for a weekend gets you fat cash? An elecrical engineering degree + working as a stage tech can get you similair money. Plus I still have some cash saved from that reality show.

Most of the money pays the rent n bills then new guitar strings n electronic components. Figured out how to extend my student ID so still got access to the library. Not useful for much but who knows, havent been cought yet. 
Gigs are also a neat thing, currently just focused on gettin exposure which doesnt pay bills but i've satrted recognisin some faces. a drink you didnt pay for still counts as money saved. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Nanny's Crew

Jesus fuck. Well the whole beeing a hafrbinger thing is jsut really cool. i wanna be able to reshape reality with the snap of my fingers. N given recent events... takes a god to kill a god. Thia's a good person. Good enough that if i can do somethin to help, i will. 

So far I've seen some nasty things. im bettin on it getting worse. 

Havent had to kill anyone, came close last time but Thia talked em down. Also i think its reasonable to assume that most people dont wanna die. Of course, circumstances change n if it's me or him im choosin me. Other people dont seem to have problems with such things, morals n shit went out of fashion long ago, if they ever were fashionable to begin with. Other people also either don't see a problem with... things we've seen or they just havent seen em at all. or they've seen em too much and gone numb.  

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Nanny's Crew

In collage i made friends with some band people. Went on a couple gigs with em n met some other people. told em i was lookin for work n they reccomended a gig on an upcomin festival. i stuck around the band preformin there way too much but ey! They liked me well enough. One guy handed me his guitar n i started playin. Sounded godawful but it wasnt that hard. he showed me the rest of the ropes.

By tommorow i could play one of their songs. they said im a natural, i said it's easy. gimme a challenge. 20 minutes of gathering instruments later i was handed bass, then a banjo, then a violin. Bass n banjo all have good ol lines to know where what tune is. Violin was tricky, move your finger the slightest bit now you're playin from c major to a minor. Figured it out eventually.

Only focused on the guitar for that gig n by the end i could play pretty much anything. By ear at least. The proper notes n all that jazz came way later. Still rather play without em.